bugsnag-browser-lite is a light weight replacement for @bugsnag/js.
does a lot of stuff and works in both browser and nodejs. This
makes the library very large. I made bugsnag-browser-lite
which can be used
only in the browser and is significantly smaller than @bugsnag/js
This library does not yet have auto notification on unhandled errors and exceptions.
npm install bugsnag-browser-lite -save-dev
import bugsnag from 'bugsnag-browser-lite';
const bugsnagClient = bugsnag('your-bugsnag-api-key')
// on error, call notify
bugsnagClient.notify(error, { metaData: additionalInformation });
Catching and logging all unhandled exceptions in react.
import bugsnag, { ErrorBoundary } from 'bugsnag-browser-lite';
const bugsnagClient = bugsnag('your-bugsnag-api-key')
<ErrorBoundary bugsnagClient={bugsnagClient}> >
<YourApp />
It's written in typescript and the types are published with the package.