Bun SQLite Key Value
A super fast key-value store with SQLite that uses bun:sqlite
and v8 as a fast JSON replacement.
Bun's lightning-fast
SQLite implementation makes Bun-SQLite-Key-Value
perfect for a fast storage and cache solution with TTL support.
You need Bun to be able to use this package.
The ideas for the implementation come from
bun-sqlite-cache and
bun-kv. Thank you very much!
bun add bun-sqlite-key-value
Using this key value store is dead simple:
simply create a new BunSqliteKeyValue instance and you're set
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
store.set("my-key", [1, 2, 3, 4])
const value = store.get("my-key")
Open Database
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue(filename?, options?)
Opens and creates the SQLite database either in memory or on the file system.
filename (optional)
The full path of the SQLite database to open.
Pass an empty string (""
) or ":memory:"
or undefined
for an in-memory database.
options (optional)
readonly?: boolean
Open the database as read-only (default: false).
create?: boolean
Allow creating a new database (default: true).
If the database folder does not exist, it will be created.
readwrite?: boolean
Open the database as read-write (default: true).
ttlMs?: boolean
Standard time period in milliseconds before
an entry written to the DB becomes invalid.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store1 = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
const store2 = new BunSqliteKeyValue(undefined, {ttlMs: 30000})
const store3 = new BunSqliteKeyValue("./store3.sqlite")
Write Value
set(key: string, value: any, ttlMs?: number)
Writes a value into the database.
The key must be a string.
The value can be any object that can be serialized with
This means that not only simple data types (string, number) are possible,
but also more complex types such as sets or maps.
You can find a list of the
supported data types here.
ttlMs (optional)
"Time to live" in milliseconds. After this time,
the item becomes invalid and is deleted from the database
the next time it is accessed or when the application is started.
Set the value to 0 if you want to explicitly deactivate the process.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
store.set("my-key", "my-value")
store.set("my-key-2", "item-with-ttl", 30000)
Write Multiple Items
setItems(items: {key: string, value: T, ttlMs?: number}[]) {
Adds a large number of items to the database and takes only
a small fraction of the time that set()
would take individually.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
{key: "a:1", value: "test-value-1"},
{key: "a:2", value: "test-value-2"},
Read Value
get(key: string): any
Reads a value from the database.
The key must be a string.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
store.set("my-key", "my-value")
const value = store.get("my-key")
Read Item
Reads the key and the value from the database.
getItem(key: string): {key: string, value: any}
The key must be a string.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
store.set("my-key", "my-value")
const item = store.getItem("my-key")
Read Values
getValues(startsWithOrKeys: string | string[]): any[]
Reads the data from the database and returns an array with the values.
: Returns all values in an array whose keys begin with the passed string.
If you plan the names of the keys well, more complex data can be stored.
It is advisable to divide keys into ranges using separators.
For example "language:de"
, "language:en"
, "language:it"
A search for "language:"
would return all languages.
: Array with keys. The returned array is exactly
the same size as the passed array.
Entries that are not found are returned as undefined
Only exact matches with the keys are returned.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
store.set("language:de", "German")
store.set("language:en", "English")
store.set("language:it", "Italian")
const values = store.getValues("language:")
Read Items
getItems(startsWithOrKeys: string | string[]): {key: string, value: any}[]
Reads the data from the database and returns entries in an array as key-value pairs.
: Returns all items (key, value) in an array whose keys begin with
the passed string.
If you plan the names of the keys well, more complex data can be stored.
It is advisable to divide keys into ranges using separators.
For example "language:de"
, "language:en"
, "language:it"
A search for "language:"
would return all languages.
: Array with keys. The returned array is exactly
the same size as the passed array.
Entries that are not found are returned as undefined
Only exact matches with the keys are returned.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
store.set("language:de", "German")
store.set("language:en", "English")
store.set("language:it", "Italian")
const items = store.getItems("language:")
Multiple Databases
It is no problem at all to use several databases and access them at the same time.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
import { join } from "node:path"
import { exists, mkdir } from "node:fs/promises"
const dbDir = join(__dirname, "databases")
if (!(await exists(dbDir))) {
await mkdir(dbDir)
const settingsPath = join(dbDir, "settings.sqlite")
const languagesPath = join(dbDir, "languages.sqlite")
const settingsStore = new BunSqliteKeyValue(settingsPath)
const languagesStore = new BunSqliteKeyValue(languagesPath)
settingsStore.set("language", "de")
settingsStore.set("page-size", "A4")
settingsStore.set("screen-position", {top: 100, left: 100})
languagesStore.set("de", "German")
languagesStore.set("en", "English")
languagesStore.set("it", "Italian")
const settingItems = settingsStore.getItems()
const languageValues = languagesStore.getValues()
const languageKey = settingsStore.get("language")
const currentLanguage = languagesStore.get(languageKey)
console.log(`Current language: "${currentLanguage}"`)
Read and Write Binary Files (Images)
SQLite has no problem with images and other binaries.
The maximum size of a binary file in SQLite is 2 GB.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
const sourceFile = Bun.file("<Source File Path>")
store.set("my-image", await sourceFile.arrayBuffer())
const targetArrayBuffer = store.get("my-image")
await Bun.write(Bun.file("<Target File Path>"), targetArrayBuffer)
Cache Values with TTL
You can specify a caching period when you open the database.
This period in milliseconds is then added with each write.
If you read the value within this period, the value is returned.
If the value is read after this period, undefined
is returned.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue(undefined, {ttlMs: 1000})
const KEY = "cache-key"
store.set(KEY, 12345)
await Bun.sleep(500)
await Bun.sleep(1000)
Has (key)
has(key: string): boolean
Checks if key exists. Returns false
if the item is expired.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
store.has("my-key") --> false
Read Keys
getKeys(startsWithOrKeys: string | string[]): string[]
Reads the keys from the database and returns an array.
: Returns an array with the keys that begin with the passed string.
If you plan the names of the keys well, more complex data can be stored.
It is advisable to divide keys into ranges using separators.
For example "language:de"
, "language:en"
, "language:it"
A search for "language:"
would return all languages.
: Array with keys.
Only exact matches with the keys are returned.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
store.set("language:de", "German")
store.set("language:en", "English")
store.set("language:es", "Esperanto")
let keys
keys = store.getKeys()
keys = store.getKeys("language:e")
keys = store.getKeys(["language:de", "language:fr"])
Delete Items
delete(key: string)
delete(keys: string[])
Deletes all items if no parameter was passed.
key: string
: Deletes the entry whose key was passed as a string.
keys: string[]
: Deletes the entries whose keys were passed in an array.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
store.delete(["key1", "key2"])
Delete Old Expiring Items
deleteOldExpiringItems(maxExpiringItemsInDb: number)
If there are more expiring items in the database than maxExpiringItemsInDb
the oldest items are deleted until there are only maxExpiringItemsInDb
items with
an expiration date in the database.
import { BunSqliteKeyValue } from "bun-sqlite-key-value"
const store = new BunSqliteKeyValue()
store.set("static:1", "my-value")
store.set("static:2", "my-value")
store.set("dynamic:1", "my-value", 40)
store.set("dynamic:2", "my-value", 45)
store.set("dynamic:3", "my-value", 50)
All Methods
new BunSqliteKeyValue()
--> Open databaseclose()
--> Close database
Set value
set(key: string, value: any)
setValue(key: string, value: any)
--> alias for set()
Set items
setItems({key: string, value: any}[])
Get value
get(key: string)
getValue(key: string)
--> alias for get()
Get item
getItem(key: string)
--> Object
Get items as Array
--> Array with all itemsgetItems(startsWith: string)
--> ArraygetItems(keys: string[])
--> ArraygetItemsArray()
--> alias for getItems()getItemsArray(startsWith: string)
--> alias for getItems()getItemsArray(keys: string[])
--> alias for getItems()
Get items as Object
--> Object with all itemsgetItemsObject(startsWith: string)
--> ObjectgetItemsObject(keys: string[])
--> Object
Get items as Map()
--> Map with all itemsgetItemsMap(startsWith: string)
--> MapgetItemsMap(keys: string[])
--> Map
Get values as Array
--> Array with all valuesgetValues(startsWith: string)
--> ArraygetValues(keys: string[])
--> ArraygetValuesArray()
--> alias for getValues()getValuesArray(startsWith: string)
--> alias for getValues()getValuesArray(keys: string[])
--> alias for getValues()
Get values as Set()
--> Set with all valuesgetValuesSet(startsWith: string)
--> SetgetValuesSet(keys: string[])
--> Set
--> Delete all itemsdelete(key: string)
--> Delete itemdelete(keys: string[])
--> Delete itemsclear()
--> alias for delete()deleteOldExpiringItems(maxExpiringItemsInDb: number)
--> Delete items
--> Numberlength
--> alias for getCount()
Get keys
has(key: string)
--> BooleangetKeys()
--> Array with all KeysgetKeys(startsWith: string)
--> ArraygetKeys(keys: string[])
--> Array