2.1 is out! Faster and more flexible then ever.
Most advanced Open-source Headless CMS written in Typescript
npx create-burdy-app my-project
cd my-project/
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:4000/admin to view your running app.
When you're ready for production, run npm run build
then npm run start
2.1 Summary
2.0 Summary
New Features
- Backup Management - New way of managing backups of your entire data. Backup, restore, export, import or moving content across environments!
- Preview Editor - Besides Headless Editor we have released new Editor based on IFrame. Now you can manage content and preview your updates live on your websites directly from Burdy!
- Hierarchical Posts - Besides having Hierarchical Pages we have added support for Hierarchical Posts which represent repeatable data such as Blogs, Docs and more organized in a Sites Hierarchy, for example mainsite/en/blogs/
- Improved Authoring Experience - Managing Multiple sites or mobile apps from single Burdy has never been easier. With optimized Sites you can now manage tens of thousands of pages and posts in a single Burdy
- Improved Cloud Provider Support - Besides native support for AWS infrastructure, we are officially announcing native support for DigitalOcean.
- Optimized Editors - Both Headless and Preview Editors are faster then ever.
- Improved Localization Capability - With the unified post/page structure, localization is a second nature of our system.
Migration to 2.1
For migration to take place user will need to run migration scripts, for more details visit https://burdy.io/docs/database under CLI commands section
Breaking Changes
- Burdy 2.0 is not backwards compatible with Burdy 1.0
- Flat Posts have been replaced with Hierarchical Posts inside Sites
Sneak Peek at upcoming features
- Publish content across environments - Deliver your selected content across multiple Burdy systems (from one environment to another), with a few simple clicks.
- Redis Support - We aim to improve content delivery performance by providing native Redis support. You can expect Burdy to be able to serve thousands of requests per second on content API.
- A/B Testing - A/B test any post, page, fragment
Burdy Features
Out of the box Burdy comes with many features
- Any Data Structure - build and manage any data structure, objects, arrays, arrays in objects, arrays in arrays in objects, arrays in object in arrays or what ever you whish!
- Digital Assets Management - inspired by OneDrive and Operating systems, it gives simplicity and organization capabilities,
- Content types - 16 fields types out of the box, and you can easily extend it with your custom,
- Post versioning - every update will create a version that authors will be able to restore,
- Sites hierarchy - authors will be able to organize pages, posts, fragments and multiple websites in a folder like structure,
- Tags - tag pages, posts or assets with ease
- Users management with Groups and Permissions access control
Field types
19 Out of the box field types. Learn how to extend with your custom by visiting Custom Editor Fields docs.
- Text
- Rich Text (enhanced with custom components)
- Ace Editor (json, js, ts, html...)
- Number
- Checkbox
- Choice group
- Assets
- Images
- Dropdown
- Color Picker
- Date Picker
- Relation (deprecated)
- Reference Single (new)
- Reference Multiple (new)
- Custom Component
- Group
- Repeatable
- Tab
- Dynamic Zone
Tech Stack
- Self-hosted - know where your data is stored!
- Backend - Node.js, TypeORM, Express
- Admin - React, Fluent UI
- Databases - TypeORM (SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB), File Storage - file system, AWS S3, DigitalOcean Spaces
- Customizable - You are able to extend any part of Admin or Backend by just using hooks. Furthermore, you can create custom functionalities in a no time!
- Native Cloud Support - AWS, DigitalOcean
For more details visit our Docs