Cache storage inspired by cache in Nette framework.
$ npm install cache-storage
Creating cache
var Cache = require('cache-storage');
var FileStorage = require('cache-storage/Storage/FileStorage');
var cache = new Cache(new FileStorage('./temp'), 'namespace');
You have to set storage which you want to use (now there is only file storage, but other storages like memcache and other
are in plan) and name of namespace for cache, because you can use more than one independent caches.
Loading & saving
var data = cache.load('some_data');
if (data === null) {
// let's save data to cache
data ='some_data', 'some value of some_data');
console.log(data); // output: some value of some_data
There is also other more simple way to save data to cache if they are not in cache already.
var data = cache.load('some_data', function() {
return 'some value of some_data';
When no data were found, then fallback annonymous function is called and data from return statement are used. function always return given data.
if (cache.load('some_data') !== null) {
// other way:'some_data', null);
You can set some conditions and informations for every data which will be used for auto expiration or for your manual
expiration.'some_data', 'some value of some_data', {
files: ['./images.txt', './info.txt'], // expiration by files
tags: ['image', 'article'], // tags for manual expiration
expire: '2015-12-24 18:00', // expire data in given date (other examples below)
items: ['some_other_data'], // expire if other data in cache expires
priority: 50 // example below
Expiration by files
If you set files to save function, then that item will expire when some of given files is changed.
Expiration by tags
tags: ['image']
Now every item in cache with tag image will be removed.
Expiration by date
There are two ways to expire data by date. First way is to set exact date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm format. Second way is to
set literal object with informations about adding date to actual date.'some_data', 'some value of some_data', {
expire: {days: 1}
Now some_data will expire tomorow. You can see full documentation in moment.js documentation.
Items expiration
Every cache item can also depend on other cached items. If some of these other items is invalidated, then also this main
is invalidated.
Expiration by priority
priority: 100
All items with priority 100 or below will expire.
Removing all in namespace
cache.clean(Cache.ALL); // or cache.clean('all');