Who said caching and serving cached files should be a chore?
With Cachelicious it's easier than baking a pie, and almost as delicious as eating it. Mmmmm, pie.... drool
node install cachelicious
FS Cache Usage
var CacheliciousFs = require('cachelicious').fs;
var fsCache = new CacheliciousFs(20971520);
fsCache.createReadStream(filepath, options).pipe(destination1);
fsCache.createReadStream(filepath, {start: 2, end: 100}).pipe(destination2);
HTTP Server Usage
var CacheliciousHttp = require('cachelicious').http;
(new CacheliciousHttp(function (request) {
var filepath = '/var/www/foo/';
if ('/' === request.url) {
return filepath + 'index.html';
} else if ('/teapot' === request.url) {
return 418;
} else {
filepath += request.url;
return filepath;
}, 209715200)).start();
Some test assets are included in the test/assets directory.
You can also try streaming video (and you should :D), like the Big Buck Bunny -
New BSD License
Pull requests are welcome! I'll try to merge all valuable contributions and credit the author when I do so.