Encode/decode CBOR

This package provides an extensible CBOR encoder/decoder.
var CBOR = require('cbor-sync');
var encodedBuffer = CBOR.encode({hello: 'world'});
var decodedObject = CBOR.decode(encodedBuffer);
Much like the toJSON()
method, which allows objects to provide a replacement representation for encoding, this package checks for a toCBOR()
Note that this step happens after any semantic-tagging/-replacement step, so a custom semantic encoder will always override an objects built-in toCBOR()
Semantic extensions
CBOR provides a limited set of basic types (similar to JSON), but provides semantic tagging (optional for both encoder/decoder) that lets you annotate parts of the data so they can be decoded appropriately.
Here is an example (from this module) for encoding Date objects as ISO strings:
CBOR.addSemanticEncode(0, function (data) {
if (data instanceof Date) {
return data.toISOString();
CBOR.addSemanticDecode(0, function (dateString) {
return new Date(dateString);
Known issues
- All floats encoded as 64-bit, regardless of whether they strictly need to be