[Work in progress, do not use]
The mighty type checking and validation library. Use it in your code for method guarding or in your test library as an assert library.
Chai is dead
Inspect.js is dead
TypeScript is only static validation, requires compilation, and isn't compatible with all the things yet
The Mental Model
- is* - is a "type" of a thing: isString, isObject, isFunction, isPromise, etc.
- has* - has an "attribute": hasLength, hasProperty, etc.
- does* - is executible and performs some action: doesReturn, doesResolve, doesYield, etc.
- each* - is a collection of things that all have some common type: eachIsString, eachIsObject, etc.
See the docs for a full list of APIs.
Other Stuff
- config
- config.plugin(plugin) - takes a plugin function or the name of module to require()