Use the cherrytree router in your React applications. This project provides a React component that you should put at the root of your render tree. The component handles hot reloading.
$ npm install --save cherrytree cherrytree-for-react
import React from 'react'
import createCherrytree from 'cherrytree'
import { Router, Link } from 'cherrytree-for-react'
import * as components from './components'
import { Provider } from 'redux/react'
import { createDispatcher, createRedux, composeStores } from 'redux'
import * as stores from './stores'
const {
} = components
const redux = createRedux(createDispatcher(composeStores(stores)))
const cherrytree = createCherrytree()
.use(function redirect (transition) { => {
if (route.options.redirect)
cherrytree.replaceWith.apply(cherrytree, route.options.redirect)
.use(function error (transition) {
transition.catch(err => console.error(err.stack))
export default class App extends React.Component {
render () {
return (
<Provider redux={redux}>
{() => <Router router={cherrytree} />}
function routes (route) {
route('app', { path: '/', component: Application }, () => {
route('about', { path: 'about', component: About })
route('stargazers', { path: 'stargazers', component: GithubStargazers }, () => {
route('repo', { path: ':username/:repo', component: GithubRepo })
route('user', { path: ':username', component: GithubUser })
route('index', { path: '', redirect: [ 'user', { username: 'KidkArolis' }] })
Note: this example demonstrates how you'd use cherrytree-for-react
with redux
. If you don't use redux
, simply use Router
component at the top level, instead of the Provider
The router will be injected into the context of the render tree. You can use it to generate links or initiate transitions, e.g.
let transition = this.context.router.transitionTo('repo', {username: 'facebook', repo: 'react'})
let url = this.context.router.generate('repo', {username: 'facebook', repo: 'react'})
Browse cherrytree repo for more docs and examples.
Generating Links
components are used to create an <a>
element that links to a route.
Import first
import { Link } from 'cherrytree-for-react'
For example, assuming you have the following route:
route('showPost', {path: '/posts/:postID', component: Post})
You could use the following component to link to that route:
<Link to='showPost' params={{ postId: }} query={{ show: true }} />
To create a link with full (external or local) url, use the href
attribute instead
<Link href={`/posts/${}`} />
Server Side Usage
This component can also be used in the server side, in that case, an already started cherrytree
instance needs to be passed in, e.g.
cherrytree.listen(new cherrytree.MemoryLocation('/foo/bar')).then(function () {
React.renderToString(<Router router={cherrytree} />)
In this case, the <Router>
component will detect that the router has already been started and will
not call the asynchronous listen function.
For a full, working server side example, see the cherrytree/examples/server-side-example.
There are currently two examples: