This module solves sparse symmetric positive definite linear systems,
by finding the Cholesky decomposition, and then doing forward
substitution and backward substitution. It is basically a Javascript
port of the paper "Algorithm 8xx: a concise sparse Cholesky
factorization package". This kind of solver has many applications in
digital geometry processing.
npm install cholesky-solve
var choleskySolve = require('cholesky-solve')
const n = 10
var M = [
[2, 2, 1.5],
[1, 1, 1.0],
[1, 4, 0.02],
[5, 5, 1.2],
[7, 7, 1.6],
[4, 4, 2.6],
[3, 3, 1.1],
[4, 7, 0.09],
[4, 6, 0.16],
[0, 0, 1.7],
[4, 8, 0.52],
[0, 8, 0.13],
[6, 6, 1.3],
[7, 8, 0.11],
[4, 9, 0.53],
[8, 8, 1.4],
[9, 9, 3.1],
[1, 9, 0.01],
[6, 9, 0.56]
var b = [0.287, 0.22, 0.45, 0.44, 2.486, 0.72, 1.55, 1.424, 1.621, 3.759]
var P = require('cuthill-mckee')(M, n)
console.log(choleskySolve(M, b, n, P))
require("cholesky-solve")(M, b, n, [P])
Solves the equation Mx = b
by using the Cholesky decomposition.
a list of the matrix coefficients of the sparse matrix M
the vector on the right-hand side. A regular array of length n
the dimension of the matrix M
encodes a permutation matrix that preconditions M
before the Cholesky decomposition is solved for. A possible algorithm for finding a good permutation is
Cuthill–McKee. See
the module cuthill-mckee for a
Javascript implementation.
Returns An array encoding the solution to the equation Mx = b