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Clicksend v3 API

  • 3.1.0
  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

Version published
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increased by1.76%
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Getting started

Clicksend v3 API

How to Build

The generated SDK relies on Node Package Manager (NPM) being available to resolve dependencies. If you don't already have NPM installed, please go ahead and follow instructions to install NPM from here. The SDK also requires Node to be installed. If Node isn't already installed, please install it from here

NPM is installed by default when Node is installed

To check if node and npm have been successfully installed, write the following commands in command prompt:

  • node --version
  • npm -version

Version Check

Now use npm to resolve all dependencies by running the following command in the root directory (of the SDK folder):

npm install

Resolve Dependencies

Resolve Dependencies

This will install all dependencies in the node_modules folder.

Once dependencies are resolved, you will need to move the folder ClickSend in to your node_modules folder.

How to Use

The following section explains how to use the library in a new project.

1. Open Project Folder

Open an IDE/Text Editor for JavaScript like Sublime Text. The basic workflow presented here is also applicable if you prefer using a different editor or IDE.

Click on File and select Open Folder.

Open Folder

Select the folder of your SDK and click on Select Folder to open it up in Sublime Text. The folder will become visible in the bar on the left.

Open Project

2. Creating a Test File

Now right click on the folder name and select the New File option to create a new test file. Save it as index.js Now import the generated NodeJS library using the following lines of code:

var lib = require('lib');

Save changes.

Create new file

Save new file

3. Running The Test File

To run the index.js file, open up the command prompt and navigate to the Path where the SDK folder resides. Type the following command to run the file:

node index.js

Run file

How to Test

These tests use Mocha framework for testing, coupled with Chai for assertions. These dependencies need to be installed for tests to run. Tests can be run in a number of ways:

Method 1 (Run all tests)

  1. Navigate to the root directory of the SDK folder from command prompt.
  2. Type mocha --recursive to run all the tests.

Method 2 (Run all tests)

  1. Navigate to the ../test/Controllers/ directory from command prompt.
  2. Type mocha * to run all the tests.

Method 3 (Run specific controller's tests)

  1. Navigate to the ../test/Controllers/ directory from command prompt.
  2. Type mocha ClickSend v3 APIController to run all the tests in that controller file.

To increase mocha's default timeout, you can change the TEST_TIMEOUT parameter's value in TestBootstrap.js.

Run Tests



In order to setup authentication in the API client, you need the following information.

usernameyour username
keyyour api key

API client can be initialized as following:

const lib = require('lib');

// Configuration parameters and credentials
lib.Configuration.username = "username"; // your username
lib.Configuration.key = "key"; // your api key

Class Reference

List of Controllers

Class: CountriesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the CountriesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.CountriesController;

Method: getCountries

Tags: Skips Authentication

Get all countries

function getCountries(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getCountries(function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: SMSController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the SMSController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.SMSController;

Method: sendSms

Send one or more SMS messages

function sendSms(smsMessages, callback)
smsMessagesRequiredSmsMessageCollection model
Example Usage

    var smsMessages = new SmsMessageCollection({"key":"value"});

    controller.sendSms(smsMessages, function(error, response, context) {


Method: calculatePrice

Calculate sms price

function calculatePrice(smsMessages, callback)
smsMessagesRequiredSmsMessageCollection model
Example Usage

    var smsMessages = new SmsMessageCollection({"key":"value"});

    controller.calculatePrice(smsMessages, function(error, response, context) {


Method: exportHistory

Export all sms history

function exportHistory(filename, callback)
filenameRequiredFilename to download history as
Example Usage

    var filename = 'filename';

    controller.exportHistory(filename, function(error, response, context) {


Method: createReceipt

Add a delivery receipt

function createReceipt(url, callback)
urlRequiredYour url
Example Usage

    var url = 'url';

    controller.createReceipt(url, function(error, response, context) {


Method: markReceiptsAsRead

Marked delivery receipts as read

function markReceiptsAsRead(dateBefore, callback)
dateBeforeOptionalMark all as read before this timestamp
Example Usage

    var dateBefore = date_before;

    controller.markReceiptsAsRead(dateBefore, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getInboundSms

Get all inbound sms

function getInboundSms(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getInboundSms(function(error, response, context) {


Method: createInboundSms

Create inbound sms

function createInboundSms(url, callback)
urlRequiredYour url
Example Usage

    var url = 'url';

    controller.createInboundSms(url, function(error, response, context) {


Method: cancelScheduledSms

Update scheduled message as cancel

function cancelScheduledSms(messageId, callback)
messageIdRequiredThe message ID you want to cancel
Example Usage

    var messageId = message_id;

    controller.cancelScheduledSms(messageId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: cancelAllScheduledSms

Update all scheduled message as cancelled

function cancelAllScheduledSms(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.cancelAllScheduledSms(function(error, response, context) {


Method: createSmsTemplate

Create sms template

function createSmsTemplate(smsTemplate, callback)
smsTemplateRequiredSmsTemplate model
Example Usage

    var smsTemplate = new SmsTemplate({"key":"value"});

    controller.createSmsTemplate(smsTemplate, function(error, response, context) {


Method: deleteSmsTemplate

Delete sms template

function deleteSmsTemplate(templateId, callback)
templateIdRequiredTemplate id
Example Usage

    var templateId = 145;

    controller.deleteSmsTemplate(templateId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: updateSmsTemplate

Update sms template

function updateSmsTemplate(templateId, smsTemplate, callback)
templateIdRequiredTemplate id
smsTemplateRequiredTemplate item
Example Usage

    var templateId = 145;
    var smsTemplate = new SmsTemplate({"key":"value"});

    controller.updateSmsTemplate(templateId, smsTemplate, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getDeliveryReceipts

Get all delivery receipts

function getDeliveryReceipts(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getDeliveryReceipts(function(error, response, context) {


Method: getSmsTemplates

Get lists of all sms templates

function getSmsTemplates(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getSmsTemplates(function(error, response, context) {


Method: markAllInboundSMSAsRead

Mark all inbound SMS as read optionally before a certain date

function markAllInboundSMSAsRead(dateBefore, callback)
dateBeforeOptionalAn optional timestamp - mark all as read before this timestamp. If not given, all messages will be marked as read.
Example Usage

    var dateBefore = date_before;

    controller.markAllInboundSMSAsRead(dateBefore, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getSpecificDeliveryReceipt

Get a Specific Delivery Receipt

function getSpecificDeliveryReceipt(messageId, callback)
messageIdRequiredMessage ID
Example Usage

    var messageId = message_id;

    controller.getSpecificDeliveryReceipt(messageId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getSmsHistory

Get all sms history

function getSmsHistory(dateFrom, dateTo, callback)
dateFromOptionalStart date
dateToOptionalEnd date
Example Usage

    var dateFrom = 145;
    var dateTo = 145;

    controller.getSmsHistory(dateFrom, dateTo, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: VoiceController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the VoiceController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.VoiceController;

Method: sendVoice

Send a voice call

function sendVoice(voiceMessages, callback)
voiceMessagesRequiredVoiceMessageCollection model
Example Usage

    var voiceMessages = new VoiceMessageCollection({"key":"value"});

    controller.sendVoice(voiceMessages, function(error, response, context) {


Method: calculatePrice

Calculate voice price

function calculatePrice(voiceMessages, callback)
voiceMessagesRequiredVoiceMessageCollection model
Example Usage

    var voiceMessages = new VoiceMessageCollection({"key":"value"});

    controller.calculatePrice(voiceMessages, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getVoiceLanguages

Get all voice languages

function getVoiceLanguages(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getVoiceLanguages(function(error, response, context) {


Method: getVoiceReceipts

Get all voice receipts

function getVoiceReceipts(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getVoiceReceipts(function(error, response, context) {


Method: cancelVoiceMessage

Update voice message status as cancelled

function cancelVoiceMessage(messageId, callback)
messageIdRequiredYour voice message id
Example Usage

    var messageId = message_id;

    controller.cancelVoiceMessage(messageId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: cancelVoiceMessages

Update all voice messages as cancelled

function cancelVoiceMessages(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.cancelVoiceMessages(function(error, response, context) {


Method: exportVoiceHistory

Export voice history

function exportVoiceHistory(filename, callback)
filenameRequiredFilename to export to
Example Usage

    var filename = 'filename';

    controller.exportVoiceHistory(filename, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getVoiceHistory

Get all voice history

function getVoiceHistory(dateFrom, dateTo, callback)
dateFromOptionalTimestamp (from) used to show records by date.
dateToOptionalTimestamp (to) used to show records by date
Example Usage

    var dateFrom = 145;
    var dateTo = 145;

    controller.getVoiceHistory(dateFrom, dateTo, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: AccountController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the AccountController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.AccountController;

Method: getAccount

Get account details

function getAccount(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getAccount(function(error, response, context) {


Method: createAccount

Create An Account

function createAccount(account, callback)
accountRequiredAccount model
Example Usage

    var account = new Account({"key":"value"});

    controller.createAccount(account, function(error, response, context) {


Method: accountVerifySend

Send account activation token

function accountVerifySend(accountVerify, callback)
accountVerifyRequiredAccount details
Example Usage

    var accountVerify = new AccountVerify({"key":"value"});

    controller.accountVerifySend(accountVerify, function(error, response, context) {


Method: accountVerify

Verify new account

function accountVerify(activationToken, callback)
activationTokenRequiredTODO: Add a parameter description
Example Usage

    var activationToken = 145;

    controller.accountVerify(activationToken, function(error, response, context) {


Method: forgotUsername

Tags: Skips Authentication

Forgot username

function forgotUsername(email, callback)
emailRequiredEmail belonging to account
Example Usage

    var email = 'email';

    controller.forgotUsername(email, function(error, response, context) {


Method: forgotPassword

Forgot password

function forgotPassword(username, callback)
usernameRequiredUsername belonging to account
Example Usage

    var username = 'username';

    controller.forgotPassword(username, function(error, response, context) {


Method: verifyForgotPassword

Verify forgot password

function verifyForgotPassword(verifyPassword, callback)
verifyPasswordRequiredverifyPassword data
Example Usage

    var verifyPassword = new AccountForgotPasswordVerify({"key":"value"});

    controller.verifyForgotPassword(verifyPassword, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: SubaccountController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the SubaccountController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.SubaccountController;

Method: getSubaccounts

Get all subaccounts

function getSubaccounts(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getSubaccounts(function(error, response, context) {


Method: createSubaccount

Create new subaccount

function createSubaccount(subaccount, callback)
subaccountRequiredSubaccount model
Example Usage

    var subaccount = new Subaccount({"key":"value"});

    controller.createSubaccount(subaccount, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getSubaccount

Get specific subaccount

function getSubaccount(subaccountId, callback)
subaccountIdRequiredID of subaccount to get
Example Usage

    var subaccountId = 103;

    controller.getSubaccount(subaccountId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: deleteSubaccount

Delete a subaccount

function deleteSubaccount(subaccountId, callback)
subaccountIdRequiredID of subaccount to delete
Example Usage

    var subaccountId = 103;

    controller.deleteSubaccount(subaccountId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: regenerateApiKey

Regenerate an API Key

function regenerateApiKey(subaccountId, callback)
subaccountIdRequiredID of subaccount to regenerate API key for
Example Usage

    var subaccountId = 103;

    controller.regenerateApiKey(subaccountId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: updateSubaccount

Update subaccount

function updateSubaccount(subaccountId, subaccount, callback)
subaccountIdRequiredID of subaccount to update
subaccountRequiredSubaccount model
Example Usage

    var subaccountId = 103;
    var subaccount = new Subaccount({"key":"value"});

    controller.updateSubaccount(subaccountId, subaccount, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: ContactListController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ContactListController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.ContactListController;

Method: getContactLists

Get all contact lists

function getContactLists(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getContactLists(function(error, response, context) {


Method: createContactList

Create new contact list

function createContactList(listName, callback)
listNameRequiredYour contact list name
Example Usage

    var listName = list_name;

    controller.createContactList(listName, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getContactList

Get specific contact list

function getContactList(listId, callback)
listIdRequiredList ID
Example Usage

    var listId = 103;

    controller.getContactList(listId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: deleteContactList

Delete a specific contact list

function deleteContactList(listId, callback)
listIdRequiredList ID
Example Usage

    var listId = 103;

    controller.deleteContactList(listId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: removeDuplicateContacts

Remove duplicate contacts

function removeDuplicateContacts(listId, callback)
listIdRequiredYour list id
Example Usage

    var listId = 103;

    controller.removeDuplicateContacts(listId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: updateContactList

Update specific contact list

function updateContactList(listId, listName, callback)
listIdRequiredYour list id
listNameRequiredYour new list name
Example Usage

    var listId = 103;
    var listName = list_name;

    controller.updateContactList(listId, listName, function(error, response, context) {


Method: importContactsToList

Import contacts to list

function importContactsToList(listId, file, callback)
listIdRequiredYour contact list id you want to access.
fileRequiredContactListImport model
Example Usage

    var listId = 103;
    var file = new ContactListImport({"key":"value"});

    controller.importContactsToList(listId, file, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: ContactController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ContactController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.ContactController;

Method: getContacts

Get all contacts in a list

function getContacts(listId, callback)
listIdRequiredContact list ID
Example Usage

    var listId = 103;

    controller.getContacts(listId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: createContact

Create new contact

function createContact(contact, listId, callback)
contactRequiredContact model
listIdRequiredList id
Example Usage

    var contact = new Contact({"key":"value"});
    var listId = 103;

    controller.createContact(contact, listId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getContact

Get a specific contact

function getContact(listId, contactId, callback)
listIdRequiredYour contact list id you want to access.
contactIdRequiredYour contact id you want to access.
Example Usage

    var listId = 103;
    var contactId = 103;

    controller.getContact(listId, contactId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: updateContact

Update contact

function updateContact(listId, contactId, contact, callback)
listIdRequiredContact list id
contactIdRequiredContact ID
contactRequiredContact model
Example Usage

    var listId = 103;
    var contactId = 103;
    var contact = new Contact({"key":"value"});

    controller.updateContact(listId, contactId, contact, function(error, response, context) {


Method: removeOptedOutContacts

Remove all opted out contacts

function removeOptedOutContacts(listId, optOutListId, callback)
listIdRequiredYour list id
optOutListIdRequiredYour opt out list id
Example Usage

    var listId = 103;
    var optOutListId = 103;

    controller.removeOptedOutContacts(listId, optOutListId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: deleteContact

Delete a contact

function deleteContact(listId, contactId, callback)
listIdRequiredList ID
contactIdRequiredContact ID
Example Usage

    var listId = 103;
    var contactId = 103;

    controller.deleteContact(listId, contactId, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: NumberController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the NumberController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.NumberController;

Method: getDedicatedNumbers

Get all dedicated numbers

function getDedicatedNumbers(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getDedicatedNumbers(function(error, response, context) {


Method: purchaseDedicatedNumber

Buy dedicated number

function purchaseDedicatedNumber(dedicatedNumber, callback)
dedicatedNumberRequiredPhone number to purchase
Example Usage

    var dedicatedNumber = dedicated_number;

    controller.purchaseDedicatedNumber(dedicatedNumber, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getDedicatedNumbersByCountry

Get all dedicated numbers by country

function getDedicatedNumbersByCountry(country, search, searchType, callback)
countryRequiredCountry code to search
searchOptionalYour search pattern or query.
searchTypeOptionalYour strategy for searching, 0 = starts with, 1 = anywhere, 2 = ends with.
Example Usage

    var country = 'country';
    var search = 'search';
    var searchType = 103;

    controller.getDedicatedNumbersByCountry(country, search, searchType, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: StatisticsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the StatisticsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.StatisticsController;

Method: getVoiceStatistics

Get voice statistics

function getVoiceStatistics(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getVoiceStatistics(function(error, response, context) {


Method: getSmsStatistics

Get sms statistics

function getSmsStatistics(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getSmsStatistics(function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: EmailToSmsController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the EmailToSmsController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.EmailToSmsController;

Method: createAllowedAddress

Create email to sms allowed address

function createAllowedAddress(emailSmsAddress, callback)
emailSmsAddressRequiredEmailSMSAddress model
Example Usage

    var emailSmsAddress = new EmailSMSAddress({"key":"value"});

    controller.createAllowedAddress(emailSmsAddress, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getAllowedAddress

Get list of email to sms allowed addresses

function getAllowedAddress(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getAllowedAddress(function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: SearchController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the SearchController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.SearchController;

Method: searchContactList

Get list of searched contact list

function searchContactList(q, callback)
qRequiredYour keyword or query.
Example Usage

    var q = 'q';

    controller.searchContactList(q, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: ReferralAccountController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ReferralAccountController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.ReferralAccountController;

Method: getReferralAccounts

Get all referral accounts

function getReferralAccounts(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getReferralAccounts(function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: ResellerAccountController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ResellerAccountController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.ResellerAccountController;

Method: getResellerAccounts

Get list of reseller accounts

function getResellerAccounts(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getResellerAccounts(function(error, response, context) {


Method: createResellerAccount

Create reseller account

function createResellerAccount(resellerAccount, callback)
resellerAccountRequiredResellerAccount model
Example Usage

    var resellerAccount = new ResellerAccount({"key":"value"});

    controller.createResellerAccount(resellerAccount, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getResellerAccount

Get Reseller Account

function getResellerAccount(clientUserId, callback)
clientUserIdRequiredUser ID of client
Example Usage

    var clientUserId = 103;

    controller.getResellerAccount(clientUserId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: updateResellerAccount

Reseller Account

function updateResellerAccount(clientUserId, resellerAccount, callback)
clientUserIdRequiredUser ID of client
resellerAccountRequiredResellerAccount model
Example Usage

    var clientUserId = 103;
    var resellerAccount = new ResellerAccount({"key":"value"});

    controller.updateResellerAccount(clientUserId, resellerAccount, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: TransferCreditController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the TransferCreditController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.TransferCreditController;

Method: transferCredit

Transfer Credit

function transferCredit(resellerAccountTransferCredit, callback)
resellerAccountTransferCreditRequiredResellerAccountTransferCredit model
Example Usage

    var resellerAccountTransferCredit = new ResellerAccountTransferCredit({"key":"value"});

    controller.transferCredit(resellerAccountTransferCredit, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: AccountRechargeController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the AccountRechargeController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.AccountRechargeController;

Method: getCreditCardInfo

Get Credit Card info

function getCreditCardInfo(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getCreditCardInfo(function(error, response, context) {


Method: updateCreditCardInfo

Update credit card info

function updateCreditCardInfo(creditCard, callback)
creditCardRequiredCreditCard model
Example Usage

    var creditCard = new CreditCard({"key":"value"});

    controller.updateCreditCardInfo(creditCard, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getPackagesList

Get list of all packages

function getPackagesList(country, callback)
countryOptionalCountry code
Example Usage

    var country = 'country';

    controller.getPackagesList(country, function(error, response, context) {


Method: purchasePackage

Purchase a package

function purchasePackage(packageId, callback)
packageIdRequiredID of package to purchase
Example Usage

    var packageId = 103;

    controller.purchasePackage(packageId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getTransactions

Get all transactions

function getTransactions(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getTransactions(function(error, response, context) {


Method: getTransaction

Get specific Transaction

function getTransaction(transactionId, callback)
transactionIdRequiredID of transaction to retrieve
Example Usage

    var transactionId = transaction_id;

    controller.getTransaction(transactionId, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: SmsCampaignController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the SmsCampaignController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.SmsCampaignController;

Method: createSmsCampaign

Create sms campaign

function createSmsCampaign(campaign, callback)
campaignRequiredSmsCampaign model
Example Usage

    var campaign = new SmsCampaign({"key":"value"});

    controller.createSmsCampaign(campaign, function(error, response, context) {


Method: calculatePrice

Calculate price for sms campaign

function calculatePrice(campaign, callback)
campaignRequiredSmsCampaign model
Example Usage

    var campaign = new SmsCampaign({"key":"value"});

    controller.calculatePrice(campaign, function(error, response, context) {


Method: updateSmsCampaign

Update sms campaign

function updateSmsCampaign(smsCampaignId, campaign, callback)
smsCampaignIdRequiredID of SMS campaign to update
campaignRequiredSmsCampaign model
Example Usage

    var smsCampaignId = 103;
    var campaign = new SmsCampaign({"key":"value"});

    controller.updateSmsCampaign(smsCampaignId, campaign, function(error, response, context) {


Method: cancelSmsCampaign

Cancel sms campaign

function cancelSmsCampaign(smsCampaignId, callback)
smsCampaignIdRequiredID of SMS Campaign to cancel
Example Usage

    var smsCampaignId = 103;

    controller.cancelSmsCampaign(smsCampaignId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getSmsCampaigns

Get list of sms campaigns

function getSmsCampaigns(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getSmsCampaigns(function(error, response, context) {


Method: getSmsCampaign

Get specific sms campaign

function getSmsCampaign(smsCampaignId, callback)
smsCampaignIdRequiredID of SMS campaign to retrieve
Example Usage

    var smsCampaignId = 103;

    controller.getSmsCampaign(smsCampaignId, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: PostLetterController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the PostLetterController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.PostLetterController;

Method: sendPostLetter

Send post letter

function sendPostLetter(postLetter, callback)
postLetterRequiredPostLetter model
Example Usage

    var postLetter = new PostLetter({"key":"value"});

    controller.sendPostLetter(postLetter, function(error, response, context) {


Method: calculatePrice

Calculate post letter price

function calculatePrice(postLetter, callback)
postLetterRequiredPostLetter model
Example Usage

    var postLetter = new PostLetter({"key":"value"});

    controller.calculatePrice(postLetter, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getPostLetterHistory

Get all post letter history

function getPostLetterHistory(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getPostLetterHistory(function(error, response, context) {


Method: exportPostLetterHistory

export post letter history

function exportPostLetterHistory(filename, callback)
filenameRequiredFilename to export to
Example Usage

    var filename = 'filename';

    controller.exportPostLetterHistory(filename, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: PostReturnAddressController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the PostReturnAddressController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.PostReturnAddressController;

Method: createPostReturnAddress

Create post return address

function createPostReturnAddress(returnAddress, callback)
returnAddressRequiredAddress model
Example Usage

    var returnAddress = new Address({"key":"value"});

    controller.createPostReturnAddress(returnAddress, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getPostReturnAddresses

Get list of post return addresses

function getPostReturnAddresses(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getPostReturnAddresses(function(error, response, context) {


Method: getPostReturnAddress

Get specific post return address

function getPostReturnAddress(returnAddressId, callback)
returnAddressIdRequiredReturn address ID
Example Usage

    var returnAddressId = 103;

    controller.getPostReturnAddress(returnAddressId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: updatePostReturnAddress

Update post return address

function updatePostReturnAddress(returnAddressId, returnAddress, callback)
returnAddressIdRequiredReturn address ID
returnAddressRequiredAddress model
Example Usage

    var returnAddressId = 103;
    var returnAddress = new Address({"key":"value"});

    controller.updatePostReturnAddress(returnAddressId, returnAddress, function(error, response, context) {


Method: deletePostReturnAddress

Delete specific post return address

function deletePostReturnAddress(returnAddressId, callback)
returnAddressIdRequiredReturn address ID
Example Usage

    var returnAddressId = 103;

    controller.deletePostReturnAddress(returnAddressId, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: FaxController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the FaxController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.FaxController;

Method: faxReceiptList

Get List of Fax Receipts

function faxReceiptList(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.faxReceiptList(function(error, response, context) {


Method: getFaxReceipt

Get a single fax receipt based on message id.

function getFaxReceipt(messageId, callback)
messageIdRequiredID of the message receipt to retrieve
Example Usage

    var messageId = message_id;

    controller.getFaxReceipt(messageId, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getFaxHistory

Get a list of Fax History.

function getFaxHistory(dateFrom, dateTo, q, order, callback)
dateFromOptionalCustomize result by setting from date (timestsamp) Example: 1457572619.
dateToOptionalCustomize result by setting to date (timestamp) Example: 1457573000.
qOptionalCustom query Example: status:Sent,status_code:201.
orderOptionalOrder result by Example: date_added:desc,list_id:desc.
Example Usage

    var dateFrom = 103;
    var dateTo = 103;
    var q = 'q';
    var order = 'order';

    controller.getFaxHistory(dateFrom, dateTo, q, order, function(error, response, context) {


Method: calculatePrice

Calculate Total Price for Fax Messages sent

function calculatePrice(faxMessage, callback)
faxMessageRequiredFaxMessageCollection model
Example Usage

    var faxMessage = new FaxMessageCollection({"key":"value"});

    controller.calculatePrice(faxMessage, function(error, response, context) {


Method: sendFax

Send a fax using supplied supported file-types.

function sendFax(faxMessage, callback)
faxMessageRequiredFaxMessageCollection model
Example Usage

    var faxMessage = new FaxMessageCollection({"key":"value"});

    controller.sendFax(faxMessage, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: MMSController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the MMSController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.MMSController;

Method: sendMMS

TODO: Add a method description

function sendMMS(mmsMessages, callback)
mmsMessagesRequiredMmsMessageCollection model
Example Usage

    var mmsMessages = new MmsMessageCollection({"key":"value"});

    controller.sendMMS(mmsMessages, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getPrice

Get Price for MMS sent

function getPrice(mmsMessages, callback)
mmsMessagesRequiredMmsMessageCollection model
Example Usage

    var mmsMessages = new MmsMessageCollection({"key":"value"});

    controller.getPrice(mmsMessages, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: PostPostcardController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the PostPostcardController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.PostPostcardController;

Method: sendPostcard

Send one or more postcards

function sendPostcard(postPostcards, callback)
postPostcardsRequiredPostPostcard model
Example Usage

    var postPostcards = new PostPostcard({"key":"value"});

    controller.sendPostcard(postPostcards, function(error, response, context) {


Method: calculatePrice

Calculate price for sending one or more postcards

function calculatePrice(postPostcards, callback)
postPostcardsRequiredPostPostcard model
Example Usage

    var postPostcards = new PostPostcard({"key":"value"});

    controller.calculatePrice(postPostcards, function(error, response, context) {


Method: getPostcardHistory

Retrieve the history of postcards sent or scheduled

function getPostcardHistory(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.getPostcardHistory(function(error, response, context) {


Method: exportPostcardHistory

Export postcard history to a CSV file

function exportPostcardHistory(filename, callback)
filenameRequiredFilename to export to
Example Usage

    var filename = 'filename';

    controller.exportPostcardHistory(filename, function(error, response, context) {


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Class: UploadController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the UploadController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.UploadController;

Method: uploadFile

Upload a file

function uploadFile(file, convert, callback)
fileRequiredThe file to be uploaded
convertRequiredThe product that this file will be used with e.g. 'fax', 'mms', 'csv' or 'post'
Example Usage

    TestHelper.getFilePath('url', function(data) {
        var file = data;
    var convert = 'convert';

        controller.uploadFile(file, convert, function(error, response, context) {


Method: uploadFile1

TODO: Add a method description

function uploadFile1(content, convert, callback)
contentRequiredBase64-encoded file contents
convertRequiredTODO: Add a parameter description
Example Usage

    var content = 'content';
    var convert = 'convert';

    controller.uploadFile1(content, convert, function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers

Class: PostDirectMailController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the PostDirectMailController class can be accessed from the API Client.

var controller = lib.PostDirectMailController;

Method: locationSearch

Search for a location

function locationSearch(country, q, callback)
countryRequiredCountry Code to search
qRequiredSearch term (e.g. post code, city name)
Example Usage

    var country = 'country';
    var q = 'q';

    controller.locationSearch(country, q, function(error, response, context) {


Method: sendCampaign

TODO: Add a method description

function sendCampaign(postDirectMail, callback)
postDirectMailRequiredPostDirectMail model
Example Usage

    var postDirectMail = new PostDirectMail({"key":"value"});

    controller.sendCampaign(postDirectMail, function(error, response, context) {


Method: calculatePrice

Calculate direct mail campaign price

function calculatePrice(postDirectMail, callback)
postDirectMailRequiredPostDirectMail model
Example Usage

    var postDirectMail = new PostDirectMail({"key":"value"});

    controller.calculatePrice(postDirectMail, function(error, response, context) {


Method: campaigns

Get direct mail campaigns

function campaigns(callback)
Example Usage

    controller.campaigns(function(error, response, context) {


Back to List of Controllers


Package last updated on 19 Oct 2017

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