The official nodejs library for ClickSend v3 REST API
This is the official ClickSend SDK. You'll need to create a free account to use the API. You can register here. You can use our API documentation along with the SDK. Our API docs can be found here.
Install typescript
You will need to install typescript to compile the code.
sudo npm install typescript
Compile the TypeScript into JavaScript
Run the following commands to compile typescript into javascript:
sudo npm add request http bluebird @types/node
tsc --target es5 api.ts
Adding SDK into your project
Copy the api.js file along with the node_modules directory into your project to use the library, and include this in your file to use the SDK:
var api = require('./api.js');
Getting Started (sms/send example)
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
var api = require('./api.js');
var smsMessage = new api.SmsMessage();
smsMessage.from = "myNumber"; = "+0451111111";
smsMessage.body = "test message";
var smsApi = new api.SMSApi("username", "api_key");
var smsCollection = new api.SmsMessageCollection();
smsCollection.messages = [smsMessage];
smsApi.smsSendPost(smsCollection).then(function(response) {