©Nobuyori Takahashi < >
A cluster process management module for node.js application.
This module's intention is not to replace the built-in cluster
module, but to extend it for usability and functionality.
How To Install
npm install cluster-mode
How To Use
var cluster = require('cluster-mode');
var config = {
max: 8
logger: require('bunyan').createLogger({ name: 'myClusterApp' })
Avialable functions of this module.
.addShutdownTask(task [Function], runOnMaster [*Boolean])
Adds a function to be executed before your application process exits.
Task function will recieve 1 argument, a callback function.
It is useful when you need to clean up your application before terminating the prrocess.
If runOnMaster
is set to false
, the shutdown task function will NOT be executed on master process.
The default value of runOnMaster
is true
NOTE: The function returns a boolean. When the function succeeds in adding a new shutdown task function, it returns true
var cluster = require('cluster-mode');
var success = cluster.addShutdownTask(function (cb) {
}, false);
.onExit(task [Function])
Assigns a function to be executed at the moment of exitting of the application process.
The difference from .addShutdownTask()
is that .onExit()
will be executed after all shutdown tasks.
.start(config [*Object])
You must invoke this function in order to start your application process.
If you do not pass config
, cluster-mode
will fall back to its default settings:
max: <number of CPU available>,
log: null,
autoSpawn: false,
sync: true
Config Object
max: <number> // max number of worker processes to spawn
log: <object> // logging module object. cluster-mode supports bunyan, winston, log4js, and gracelog
autoSpawn: <boolean> // automatically re-spawn dead worker processes
sync: <boolean> // synchronize worker map: default is true
max (Required)
This property manages the number of worker processes you want to start with.
NOTE: Set this value to 0
to start your application in non-cluster mode (no workers).
log (Optional)
module supports, bunyan
, winston
, log4js
and gracelog
autoSpawn (Optional)
If set to true
, cluster-mode
will automatically re-spawn a new worker to take place of the dead worker.
If workers die in less than 10 seconds, however, it will consider, there is something wrong with the application and will NOT re-spawn a new worker.
sync (Optional)
A boolean flag to turn on/off auto-synchronization of worker map among all worker processes.
The default is true
.stop(error [*Error Object])
You must invoke this function to stop the process.
In cluster, you MUST call this in the master process.
NOTE: If an error object is passed, cluster-module will log an error log and terminates the process with FATAL ERROR
Returns true
if your process is in cluster-mode
(with workers) and a master process.
Returns true
if your process is running with workers.
If sync
option in configuration object for .start()
is true
, It will return the worker map, but if it is false
, it will return an empty object.
Returns a map of all available workers.
The keys of the map are worker IDs.
NOTE: The map is synchronized from master process asynchronously.
.send(workerId [number], message [object])
Sends a message object to a specific worker process.
The sent message can be caught by message
event in the targeted worker process.
.getWorkerIdByPid(pid [number])
Returns the pid of a worker by the pid(process ID) given.
If invalid pid is given, the function will return null
NOTE: If sync
of the configuration is false
, the function returns null
.getWorkerPidById(workerId [number])
Returns the pid (process ID) of a worker by the ID (worker ID) given.
If invalid ID is given, the function will return null
NOTE: If sync
of the configuration is false
, the function returns null
module is also an event emitter.
Emitted when your application process starts.
This event will be called when: master process is ready, worker process is ready or non-cluster process is ready.
When master process is ready, the callback will recieve two arguments: "master.ready"
and pid
When worker process is ready, the callback will recieve two arguments: "worker.ready"
and pid
When non-cluster process is ready, the callback will recieve one argument: "non.ready"
Emitted when your cluster master process is ready.
The callback will be passed the PID of the process.
Emitted when your cluster worker process is ready.
The callback will be passed the PID of the process.
Emitted when your non-cluster process is ready.
Emitted when worker map is synced.
The callback will be passed the worker map (Same map as .getWorkers() would return).
NOTE: If sync
option is set to false
in the configuration object for .start()
, the event will NOT be emitted.
Emitted when a worker is auto re-spawned.
Emitted when your cluster application is reloading.
When each worker process is reloaded: the callback function will recieve three arguments: "reloading"
, pid
, and worker id
When reload is complete: the callback function will recieve one argument: '"complete"'.
Emitted when your cluster application is reloading.
The event is emitted on each worker process reload.
Your callback function recieves two arguments: pid
and worker id
Emitted when your cluster process has completed realoding.
The event is emitted when the process recieves a message object from another cluster process by .send()
The callback will be passed the message object.
Message Object Structure:
from: <worker ID>/<string "master">
msg: <message data>
Example Code:
var cluster = require('cluster-mode');
cluster.on('message', function (data) {
console.log('message was sent from', data.from);
console.log('sent message is', data.msg);
Emitted when your process is about to exit.
The callback of this event will recieve two arguments: code
and signal
: 0 for expected exit and 1 for exiting with an error.
: If the process is exiting by a signal such as SIGINT
NOTE: Catching this event does NOT prevent the process from exiting.