Coindeets - Crypto Details Tool
Coindeets is an easy-to-use CLI tool that is used to get simple details about crypto-currencies and digital assets.
The tool can be downloaded from NPM Link
The tool works with an endpoint from the CoinMarket API :link: :
This means that each user would have to get an API key in order to use Coindeets. It is very simple and direct. Kindly follow this link :link: :
- Coindeets provide real time simple details about cryptocurrencies and digital assests: Name, Symbol, Price, Rank
- The tool also provide information about one or more specific cryptocurrencies
- Users can also convert the price of assests to their currency of choice. See here to confirm the currencies accepted and their respective codes.
Coin: BTC (Bitcoin) | Price: $17,188.73 | Rank: 1
coindeets -h
N.B: You can always add -h or --help to any command (including the ones below) to get more details
- #API Key Management Commands
coindeets key set
coindeets key show
coindeets key remove
coindeets check price [options]
The options are optional and can accept two key-value pairs: --coin and --curr. This allows to check details for one or more specific cryptocurrencies and to convert their fiat values to a specific currency, respectively.
For example,
coindeets check price --coin=BTC
coindeets check price --coin=BTC,USDT,BNB
coindeets check price --curr=NGN
coindeets check price --coin=BTC --curr=EUR
Without the options, the application will return the first 10 crypto assests, sorted by the official CoinMarketCap rank as at the time and in USD.
How to use:
- Download the package
npm i coindeets
- Run the tool directly or with the help option to see the full details of the application
coindeets -h
- Follow the commands outlisted above, as required.
Technologies & Platforms used:
- Javascript (Node JS)
- Axios, Colors, Commander JS and Inquirer modules
- CoinMarkertCap API
This project was inspired and done after a follow up study of the Traversy Media's "Node.js CLI For Cryptocurrency Prices" project video on Youtube