Finds all roots of a polynomial by computing the eigenvalues of its companion matrix. In other words, it factorizes the polynomial over the complex numbers.
Install using npm:
npm install companion-roots
var findRoots = require("companion-roots")
var roots = findRoots([1, 1, -1])
for(var i=0; i<roots.length; ++i) {
console.log(roots[0][i] + "+" + roots[1][i] + "i")
require("companion-roots")(real_coeffs[, imag_coeffs])
Computes the roots of a polynomial
the real coefficients of the polynomial arranged in order of increasing degreeimag_coeffs
(optional) the imaginary coefficients of the polynomial. If not specified, assumed to be zero
Returns: A pair of vectors representing the real and imaginary parts of the roots of the polynomial
Time Complexity: O(real_coeffs.length^3)
(c) 2013 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License