Opinionated config library that allows you to have complex config and behaves according to "Twelve Factor App" rules.
How does it work?
"confme" loads your config and replaces placeholders with environment variables. For environemnt loading it uses "dotenv-defaults", so you can create ".env.defaults" file to set default values of environment variables. If you have placeholders for non set environment variables then "confme" will throw an error.
You can pass a path to a JSON file with LIVR rules as a second argument. In this case, it will use LIVR (with extra rules) to validate the config.
Usage examples
Load config
const confme = require("confme");
const config = confme(__dirname + "/config.json");
Load config with validation
const confme = require("confme");
const config = confme(
__dirname + "/config.json",
__dirname + "/config-schema.json"
Example config
Placeholders are optional
"listenPort": "{{PORT}}",
"apiPath": "https://{{DOMAIN}}:{{PORT}}/api/v1",
"staticUrl": "https://{{DOMAIN}}:{{PORT}}/static",
"mainPage": "https://{{DOMAIN}}:{{PORT}}",
"mail": {
"from": "MyApp",
"transport": "SMTP",
"auth": {
"user": "{{SMTP_USER}}",
"pass": "{{SMTP_PASS}}"
Example LIVR schema
See LIVR for details.
"listenPort": ["required", "positive_integer"],
"apiPath": ["required", "url"],
"staticUrl": ["required", "url"],
"mainPage": ["required", "url"],
"mail": ["required", {"nested_object": {
"from": ["required", "string"],
"transport": ["required", {"one_of": ["SMTP", "SENDMAIL"] }],
"auth": {"nested_object": {
"user": ["required", "string"],
"pass": ["required", "string"]
Full example in examples folder.
Try it with
node app.js PORT=80 node app.js