Console log colors, boxes, and more for the browser and terminal
Version: 0.0.3
Summary of Utils
Click on each function name for details and examples
Here are some examples of things you can do with console-log-it
Core & Custom Statuses
Change Your Line Style
Interfaces & Types
These are importable if you are using TypeScript. If you're not using TypeScript, you can simply use
these as a reference to the shapes of the objects and the potential values to pass into the functions.
export type Color = 'black' | 'red' | 'green' | 'yellow' | 'blue' | 'magenta' | 'cyan' | 'white';
export type BackgroundColor = 'bgBlack' | 'bgRed' | 'bgGreen' | 'bgYellow' | 'bgBlue' | 'bgMagenta' | 'bgCyan' | 'bgWhite';
export type Style = 'blink' | 'bright' | 'dim' | 'hidden' | 'reverse' | 'reset' | 'underscore';
export type LogBoxConfig = {
color: Color,
indent?: number,
padding?: number,
bufferLines?: boolean,
symbol?: string,
export type LogBoxLine = {
color: Color,
message: string,
export type StatusConfig = {
indent?: number,
tagMessage?: string,
export type CustomStatusConfig = {
indent?: number,
tagColor: Color,
tagMessage: string,
Package Contents
Within the module you'll find the following directories and files:
package.json -- history of changes to the module -- this file
└───index.d.ts - 430 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.48 KB
└───index.d.ts - 1.33 KB
└───index.js - 4.87 KB
└───index.d.ts - 519 Bytes
└───index.js - 806 Bytes
└───index.d.ts - 558 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.12 KB
└───index.d.ts - 560 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.12 KB
└───index.d.ts - 760 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.61 KB
└───index.d.ts - 926 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.63 KB
└───index.d.ts - 548 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.12 KB
└───index.d.ts - 557 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.13 KB
└───index.d.ts - 789 Bytes
└───index.js - 79 Bytes
└───index.d.ts - 398 Bytes
└───index.js - 2.14 KB
└───index.d.ts - 430 Bytes
└───index.js - 324 Bytes
└───index.d.ts - 1.33 KB
└───index.js - 4.73 KB
└───index.d.ts - 519 Bytes
└───index.js - 676 Bytes
└───index.d.ts - 558 Bytes
└───index.js - 1000 Bytes
└───index.d.ts - 560 Bytes
└───index.js - 1002 Bytes
└───index.d.ts - 760 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.47 KB
└───index.d.ts - 926 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.49 KB
└───index.d.ts - 548 Bytes
└───index.js - 994 Bytes
└───index.d.ts - 557 Bytes
└───index.js - 1004 Bytes
└───index.d.ts - 789 Bytes
└───index.js - 12 Bytes
└───index.d.ts - 398 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.91 KB
Michael Paravano