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A fully featured Contensis command line interface with a shell UI provides simple and intuitive ways to manage or profile your content in any NodeJS terminal.

  • 1.0.0-beta.36
  • Source
  • npm
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Contensis CLI

Use Contensis from your favourite terminal with NodeJS

Install the package via npm as a global module

npm i contensis-cli --global

CLI usage

contensis-cli connect example-dev

The CLI uses the same commands and arguments as the shell. It is recommended you use and familiarise yourself with the cli via the shell and use the contensis-cli command to use the same cli commands in script-based context such as continuous integration.

Pass connection details anywhere

If you need to, you can supply all the necessary options to connect to a Contensis project and perform an operation in a single command

You can supply the following options with any command - although they don't appear in help text:

 -a  --alias
 -p  --project-id
 -u  --user
 -pw --password
 -id --client-id
 -s  --shared-secret

Running headless?

Most lightweight CI environments will likely not ship with the ability to easily load and unlock an encrypted keychain.

In these environments you will see a warning message when using the cli with any credentials

  [WARN] Could not connect to local keystore - your password could be stored unencrypted!

The required credentials to run commands are stored and read from a secret store libsecret. Without the secret store running and unlocked we receive an error Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libsecret-1-0 dbus-x11 gnome-keyring
export $(dbus-launch)
gnome-keyring-daemon --start --daemonize --components=secrets
echo 'neil' | gnome-keyring-daemon -r -d --unlock

Also, if you are running within a docker container, it requires --cap-add=IPC_LOCK option when running the container. Otherwise gnome-keyring-daemon will fail with: gnome-keyring-daemon: Operation not permitted

An executable script is available to test: contensis-cli-headless you will need sudo access to install additional libraries with apt-get

Contensis Shell

The shell is the preferred way to use the cli, if the package is installed to your global node_modules you can start it by opening your terminal and typing contensis.

~$ contensis

   _|_|_|                        _|                                    _|
 _|          _|_|    _|_|_|    _|_|_|_|    _|_|    _|_|_|      _|_|_|        _|_|_|
 _|        _|    _|  _|    _|    _|      _|_|_|_|  _|    _|  _|_|      _|  _|_|
 _|        _|    _|  _|    _|    _|      _|        _|    _|      _|_|  _|      _|_|
   _|_|_|    _|_|    _|    _|      _|_|    _|_|_|  _|    _|  _|_|_|    _|  _|_|_|

© 2001-2022 Zengenti 🇬🇧.
 - Creators of Contensis and purveyors of other fine software

👋 Welcome to the contensis-cli

Press [CTRL]+[C] or type "quit" to return to your system shell
Press [TAB] for suggestions

contensis >

Get started

Press [tab] key at any time to show suggested commands or to attempt to auto-complete the command you are typign

>> Available commands:
connect      list envs    quit

Add --help to any command to show the available options and arguments e.g.

contensis > connect --help
Usage: contensis connect <alias>

  alias       the Contensis Cloud alias to connect with

  -h, --help  display help for command

Example call:
  > connect example-dev

Connect to a Contensis Cloud environment

Use the connect command followed by the cloud alias of your environment

contensis > connect example-dev
[cli] ✅ Current environment set to "example-dev"
[cli] ⚠️  Cannot retrieve projects list
[cli] ⏩ Introduce yourself with "login {username}" or "login {clientId} -s {secret}"

contensis example-dev>

After connecting you will notice the shell prompt will now contain the current "connected" environment - contensis example-dev>

The CMS must be online and available in order to connect to it

contensis > connect exemple-dev
[cli] ❌ Cannot reach

Login to a connected Contensis environment

If you wish to use your normal username and password you will issue the command login {username}

contensis example-dev> login t.durden
? Enter password for t.durden@example-dev: ********
[cli] ✅ User t.durden connected to example-dev successfully

[cli]  ℹ  Saved credentials for contensis-cli_example-dev

contensis t.durden@example-dev>

If you are logging in via a script or service you will likely be using an API key set up in Contensis, you would provide the full credentials with the command login {clientId} -s {sharedSecret}

List projects

Issuing the command list projects will fetch a list of projects from the connected Contensis environment

contensis t.durden@example-dev> list projects
[cli] ✅ Available projects:
  - [en-GB] intranet
  - [en-GB] marketingSite
  - [en-GB] microsite
  - * [en-GB] website

Or if you are not logged in you should be given useful tips

contensis example-dev> list projects
[cli]  ℹ  Introduce yourself with "login {username}" or "login {clientId} -s {secret}"

Set current project

Set your current working project with the set project {projectId} command

contensis t.durden@example-dev> set project intranet
[cli] ✅ Current project is "intranet"
intranet t.durden@example-dev> list projects
[cli] ✅ Available projects:
  - * [en-GB] intranet
  - [en-GB] marketingSite
  - [en-GB] microsite
  - [en-GB] website

intranet t.durden@example-dev>

You will notice the contensis prompt has been updated to show your current connected project

List content types, components

contensis t.durden@example-dev> list contenttypes
[cli] ✅ Content types in "website":
  - accessibleVideo [4 fields]
  - blogListing [4 fields]
  - blogPost [12 fields]
  - callToAction [5 fields]
  - category [2 fields]
  - contentPage [11 fields]
  - event [5 fields]
  - externalLink [2 fields]
  - growingConditions [3 fields]
  - homepage [8 fields]
  - landingPage [13 fields]
  - person [2 fields]
  - plant [13 fields]
  - plantType [3 fields]
  - pot [10 fields]
  - productListing [2 fields]
  - review [5 fields]
  - tag [1 field]

Examine a content type or component

contensis t.durden@example-dev> get contenttype pot
[cli] ✅ [website] Content type "pot"
  uuid: adc051ee-d584-4f2a-ba42-5e6190edadb8
  id: pot
  projectId: website
    en-GB: Pot
  entryTitleField: productName
  entryDescriptionField: description
    productName: string
    description: string
    externalPromotion: object
    colour: string
    material: string
    potVariant: objectArray
    primaryImage: object
    photos: objectArray
    externalCardImage: object
    tags: objectArray
  defaultLanguage: en-GB
    0: en-GB
  workflowId: contensisEntryBasic
  dataFormat: entry
  includeInDelivery: true

contensis t.durden@example-dev>

Get entries

Use the get entries command

The simplest usage is get entries {keyword} or get entries "{search phrase}"

website t.durden@example-dev> get entries "good plants"
[24/07 01:48:58] [INFO] Fetching initial entries in project 'website'
 Fetch [website]                                        >> 100% 8 0.0s/0.0s Infinityp/s

Found 8 entries in [website]

 id                                    contentTypeId  entryTitle                      entryDescription
 b7129080-692c-4550-9e2b-28f8ec978651  plant          Chinese evergreen               Easy to care for and air purif
 63b19aac-e5b5-44e5-a6bb-f49e466f2afb  blogPost       The best plants for looking af  Did you know that houseplants
 89bcc566-e9c8-427b-aa56-226c826353f3  blogPost       Why plants are good for your m  There’s plenty of research to
 3fe3cebe-8c09-429e-a1af-b636ffc008a4  review         Great plant – not so great del  null
 a116716b-7249-4d00-8c93-e57861d984a6  blogPost       The best houseplants for your   Houseplants are growing in pop
 f2c98349-28e4-42f3-8677-e6b5c04948c5  landingPage    Register for our new subscript  Leif Club, our new subscriptio
 d931f2d3-d852-49d6-9137-a7d12ae672a6  blogPost       How to look after your plants   It doesn’t matter if you’ve be
 0e79c27b-d1bf-4545-a40d-daa17d8726a4  homepage       Find the perfect plant          null

website t.durden@example-dev>

Get an entry by id

website t.durden@example-dev> get entries --id 7cf921a0-ee4f-4bd6-a3f2-0fb0fe1a2ac8
[24/07 01:54:01] [INFO] Fetching initial entries in project 'website'
 Fetch [website]                            >> 100% 1 0.0s/0.0s 100000p/s

Found 1 entries in [website]

 id                                    contentTypeId  entryTitle  entryDescription
 7cf921a0-ee4f-4bd6-a3f2-0fb0fe1a2ac8  plant          Aloe vera   Every kitchen should have an a

website t.durden@example-dev>

Get an entry with all of its dependents

Add the --dependents or -d flag to your get entries command to also find and fetch all dependent (linked) entries, recursively finding and including any dependent entries found inside those dependents.

website t.durden@example-dev> get entries --dependents --id 7cf921a0-ee4f-4bd6-a3f2-0fb0fe1a2ac8
[24/07 01:55:43] [INFO] Fetching initial entries in project 'website'
 Fetch [website]                                     >> 100% 1 0.0s/0.0s Infinityp/s
 Fetch [website]                                     >> 100% 9 0.0s/0.0s Infinityp/s
 Fetch [website]                                     >> 100% 2 0.0s/0.0s Infinityp/s

Found 12 entries in [website]

 id                                    contentTypeId      entryTitle               entryDescription
 7cf921a0-ee4f-4bd6-a3f2-0fb0fe1a2ac8  plant              Aloe vera                Every kitchen should have
 51390024-f193-436f-8552-646cf77ccfdb  image              aloe-vera-closeup        null
 c0d4ec16-6de2-4394-aaf4-03a56d343bff  image              aloe-vera-gold-pot       null
 ccbc4dd0-7bd6-4295-ab8e-da9f529fe5e0  image              succulents-collection    null
 f2022069-7a92-491d-b197-a3564ab9a8ca  pot                Grå small grey pot       Grå is a small grey concr
 452a4ee5-611b-4382-b7c7-06d810b5e698  pot                Vit mid-sized white pot  Vit is a mid-sized white
 70149568-9725-4c39-8ff5-ef69221a0899  plantType          Succulents               Succulent plants store wa
 711251f9-f9c6-473b-8b62-0ec8a0d4978c  growingConditions  Partial shade            This plant likes bright i
 d815819d-61c6-4037-95d3-c503acf52153  growingConditions  Prefers dry conditions   This plant prefers dry co
 3659a333-8d10-4325-9ea6-2f49ae47e7fe  tag                Promoted                 null
 2a62ab2a-6a79-4917-b611-c69f0640760d  image              gra-pot                  null
 43fdab9f-e687-4d1f-a283-3fa25af437fc  image              vit-pot                  null

website t.durden@example-dev>

Get entries with a ZenQL statement

Use a ZenQL statement to find entries with the --zenql or -q option, add your statement inside "double quotes". Refer to ZenQL documentation and test your statement for the right results in the Contensis web UI.

website t.durden@example-dev> get entries --zenql "sys.contentTypeId = plant"
[24/07 01:52:37] [INFO] Fetching initial entries in project 'website'
 Fetch [website]                                      >> 100% 21 0.0s/0.0s Infinityp/s

Found 21 entries in [website]

 id                                    contentTypeId  entryTitle               entryDescription
 7cf921a0-ee4f-4bd6-a3f2-0fb0fe1a2ac8  plant          Aloe vera                Every kitchen should have an a
 0d94dbf2-89f8-45fb-96d5-175ae1f382ce  plant          Areca palm               An easy-to-care for palm that
 43a60005-ea92-4b32-9af3-79560e48ecec  plant          Boston fern              Brighten up your bath time wit
 f0cac96c-39a1-4b85-b14b-e8d7d3d08767  plant          Calathea orbifolia       This beautiful foliage plant h
 d647012b-897e-4b6b-bfb5-b9844ef3d648  plant          Canary Island Date Palm  An easy-to-care for palm that
 b7129080-692c-4550-9e2b-28f8ec978651  plant          Chinese evergreen        Easy to care for and air purif
 6dc1cb96-cee3-4fef-acde-54fb395bcf4b  plant          Chinese money plant      The Chinese money plant’s mini
 8c284599-b615-40a7-9d26-0ddd586fff51  plant          Dracaena fragrans        A great option for beginner pl
 329e3104-332f-48a4-b43a-de852df796b3  plant          Elephant ear             Elephant ear plants are a grea
 504f7b7f-af03-4711-94ca-07edb90fbe00  plant          Heartleaf philodendron   Native to Central America and
 a9a537e8-5508-4166-878c-d5fcd0d9a723  plant          Maidenhair fern          Easily identified by its brigh
 9a3cc767-8fc1-4ee5-83e1-63c14a508c69  plant          Parlour palm             Add a bit of Central America i
 ee488c3b-a3a3-4b9c-a3ad-c5a5bdc7e317  plant          Peace lily               A classic choice for adding a
 6a71a864-6f61-471a-8cdd-f80237408666  plant          Pink moth orchid         Why buy cut flowers when you c
 50868245-3e53-4d9f-86ed-403593da67f6  plant          Ponytail palm            Despite its name, this popular
 4f05979f-d8cf-4568-9045-05731a33f243  plant          Spider plant             Breate easy with help from a s
 76a16c87-5e6d-465b-a343-3f14cf2fea0a  plant          String of nickels        A hanging plant that requires
 61a2af3a-332c-453c-b9f6-1851d9b7d936  plant          Swiss cheese plant       Bring laid-back central Americ
 8174fb53-b955-4e36-8f87-646bf286e396  plant          Variegated snake plant   Snake plants are a great choic
 b8aa31da-f993-4d81-a361-94ecd5e42547  plant          White moth orchid        Why buy cut flowers when you c
 0d707ffe-f42d-44a6-b839-46156ee7f4f3  plant          Yellow moth orchid       Why buy cut flowers when you c

website t.durden@example-dev>

Choose entry fields to output

Add the --fields or -f option to your get entries command to limit and order the entry fields that are returned, add the api key of each field to be returned separated by a space

website t.durden@example-dev> get entries --fields productName colour material externalPromotion --zenql "sys.contentTypeId = pot"
[24/07 02:05:42] [INFO] Fetching initial entries in project 'website'
 Fetch [website]                                        >> 100% 12 0.0s/0.0s Infinityp/s

Found 12 entries in [website]

 productName                     colour         material    externalPromotion
 Barro decorated terracotta pot  Brown          Clay        {externalTitle:Buy a Barro decorated terracott
 Bianco white pot                White          Porcelain   {externalTitle:Buy a Bianco small white pot fr
 Canasta mid-sized pot           Cream          Clay        {externalTitle:Buy a Canasta mid-sized clay po
 Geo mid-sized pot               Grey           Concrete    {externalTitle:Buy a Geo mid-sized concrete po
 Grå small grey pot              Grey           Concrete    {externalTitle:Buy a Grå small grey pot from L
 Luna round pot                  White          Ceramic     {externalTitle:Buy a Luna round pot from Leif,
 Marmo terrazzo-style pot        White          Concrete    {externalTitle:Buy a Marmo terrazzo-style pot
 Milano dipped pot               Multicoloured  Ceramic     {externalTitle:Buy a Milano dipped pot from Le
 Roja red pot                    Red            Fibrestone  {externalTitle:Buy a medium or large Rosa red
 Rosa pot                        Pink           Clay        {externalTitle:Buy a Rosa coral pink pot from
 Terra large terracotta pot      Brown          Clay        {externalTitle:Buy a Terra large terracotta po
 Vit mid-sized white pot         White          Ceramic     {externalTitle:Buy a Vit mid-sized white pot f

website t.durden@example-dev>

Output results to a file

Use the --output or -o option followed by the file name you wish for command output to be written to

website t.durden@example-dev> get entries --zenql "sys.contentTypeId = pot" --output products-pot.json
[24/07 02:12:27] [INFO] Fetching initial entries in project 'website'
 Fetch [website]                        >> 100% 12 0.0s/0.0s 100000p/s
[cli] ✅ Output file: C:\dev\contensis-cli\products-pot.json
website t.durden@example-dev>

Combine other options and mobilise your data to consume elsewhere

get entries -d -o aloe-complete-entry.json -id 7cf921a0-ee4f-4bd6-a3f2-0fb0fe1a2ac8
[24/07 02:16:04] [INFO] Fetching initial entries in project 'website'
 Fetch [website]                         >> 100% 1 0.0s/0.0s 100000p/s
 Fetch [website]                       >> 100% 9 0.0s/0.0s Infinityp/s
 Fetch [website]                       >> 100% 2 0.0s/0.0s Infinityp/s
[cli] ✅ Output file: C:\dev\contensis-cli\aloe-complete-entry.json
website t.durden@example-dev>

Format output

Override the output format with the --format or -f option.

Available options are: json, xml or csv

The --format and --output options are available with most commands (check command --help)

Output will normally default to JSON when saved with the --output flag.

Manage API keys

You can use the cli or shell to manage API keys that are used to provide access to external application integrations

List keys

website t.durden@example-dev> list keys
[cli] ✅ [example-dev] API keys:
  - Slack webhooks [2021-09-22 zengenti]
  - Contensis blocks [2021-10-26 zengenti]
  - Content migration API [2022-03-01 t.durden]

website t.durden@example-dev>

Create key

website t.durden@example-dev> create key "Test key" "Key to demonstrate cli"
[cli] ✅ [example-dev] Created API key "Test key"
  - Test key (Key to demonstrate cli) [2022-07-27 t.durden]
  - id: af645b8b-fa3b-4196-a1b7-ac035f7598a3
  - sharedSecret: 1ff8b259423c4be08589a63f180c1bdc-63bd3a4f421c44c2afd0ba61e837d671-6aa9532442f149e6a9a837326a9a98e9

website t.durden@example-dev>

Run list keys again and you will see your new API key added to the returned list of keys

Remove key

website t.durden@example-dev> remove key af645b8b-fa3b-4196-a1b7-ac035f7598a3
[cli] ✅ [example-dev] Deleted API key "af645b8b-fa3b-4196-a1b7-ac035f7598a3"

website t.durden@example-dev>

Run list keys again and you will see your new API key has been removed from the list of keys

Manage Content Blocks

You can manage blocks for any Contensis project using the following commands

List blocks

website t.durden@example-dev> list blocks
[cli] ✅ [example-dev] Blocks in project website:
  - cli-test-block
      [master]: running
  - simple-block +9
      [feature-test-feature-branch]: running
      [master]: running

website t.durden@example-dev>

Get block

website t.durden@example-dev> get block simple-block master
[cli] ✅ [example-dev:website] Block versions:
  v15 simple-block
    state: available
    released: [03/11/2022 17:06] zengenti
      commit: 16b04ecb
      message: Update index.html
      committed: [03/11/2022 17:03]
      pushed: [03/11/2022 17:04] Gitlab CI block push
    staging url:

  v14 simple-block
    state: stopped
    released: [03/11/2022 17:01] zengenti
      commit: fbad8514
      message: Added v16 to demo homepage
      committed: [03/11/2022 16:57]
      pushed: [03/11/2022 16:58] Gitlab CI block push

website t.durden@example-dev>

Get block logs

website t.durden@example-dev> get block logs contensis-website master

[cli] ✅ [example-dev] Blocks in project website:

  - contensis-website master latest [hq]
2022-11-04T14:36:28.137625120Z [launcher] startup file: ./ - exists?: true
2022-11-04T14:36:28.138080818Z [launcher set default] /usr/src/app/dist/server/
2022-11-04T14:36:28.725610953Z Serving static assets from: "/dist/static/"
2022-11-04T14:36:28.732830052Z HTTP server is listening @ port 3001

website t.durden@example-dev>

Push block

website t.durden@example-dev> push block cli-test-block master --release --commit-id 9ee20333 --commit-message "chore: sample commit message" --commit-datetime 2022-11-03T22:34 --author-email --committer-email --repository-url --provider GitlabSelfHosted
[cli] ✅ [example-dev] Created block "cli-test-block" in project website

website t.durden@example-dev>

Use in Docker

Running the container with the -it docker options will launch a shell session

docker pull
docker run --rm -it

Run cli commands

Add the cli command and any options after the container image in the docker run command e.g.

docker run --rm get entries "test"

Persist connections to a local file

To use the cli container for multiple commands or to save connections for future sessions, map a volume to the docker container

⚠️ Ensure a file called `environments.json` exists before mapping the volume to the docker container. If it doesn’t exist, create this empty file first.


touch environments.json
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/environments.json:/usr/src/app/environments.json -it


echo {} > environments.json
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/environments.json:/usr/src/app/environments.json -it

Use in GitLab CI

  stage: push-to-contensis
    - master
    # - contensis connect zenhub-dev --project-id migratortron --client-id 02c8fae0-1aa6-46d3-a0a4-9674fa7f10f1 --shared-secret 47a52c7755324debbcc984865e87200b-35b17f3d39ae40ee9b118358c4dd1666-a516b7c30ebb449ca26e93157588cd26
    - contensis push block example-website-block $APP_IMAGE:latest --release -a example-dev -p website -id 02c8fae0-1aa6-46d3-a0a4-9674fa7f10f1 -s 47a52c7755324debbcc984865e87200b-35b17f3d39ae40ee9b118358c4dd1666-a516b7c30ebb449ca26e93157588cd26

Use in GitHub CI

- name: Push block to Contensis
  uses: contensis/cli-action@v1
    block-id: example-website-block
    # auto-release: true
    alias: zenhub-dev
    project-id: contensis
    client-id: ${{ secrets.CONTENSIS_CLIENT_ID }}
    shared-secret: ${{ secrets.CONTENSIS_SHARED_SECRET }}


Package last updated on 19 Nov 2022

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Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.


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