A tool like Alfred on Mac
This is a core library,NOT a client with user interface.
Do not download this. GUI is building.
- Windows management
- System utils
- Process management
- Launch applications (by name)
- Extendible
- Alias
- Pipe
- Namespace
How does it work
Big Picture
User gives a input to copilot ,copilot gives a list (called IResult
list) back to user, then user select an item from the list to execute a action related to this item.
If ignore how user interactive with copilot,it's GUI's business,let's use user>
and copilot>
to represent the communication between user and copilot
For example:
user> a google
1. google chrome
2. google earth
user> exec 1
copilot> Active google chrome
Translate it to humans' language:
User: Active a window which has a title looks like google
Copilot: Fine, there are too windows that looks satisfied your requirement.Here there are.
User: OK, active the first.
a is an alias that means active
A function which takes option
and IResult
list to generate a new IResult
A mechanism to do something ,such as copy
, run cmd
and so on, according to an IResult
Copilot puts a processor's output to the next processors's input to make processors work together.
For example:
buildin.apps.list | buildin.filter.grep -i chrome | buildin.apps.launch
processor buildin.apps.list
generates a list of application installed in system,it is an IResult
list, and buildin.filter.grep -i
filter all matched items out, the last one add launch action to items.
buildin.apps.list's output buildin.filter.grep's output buildin.apps.launch's output
(buildin.filter.grep's input) (buildin.apps.launch's input)
+----------------------+ +-------------------+ +-------------------------+
| google chrome | | google chrome | | Active google chrome |
| firefox | | google earth | | Active google earth |
+----------------------+ +-------------------+ +-------------------------+
| leafpad |
| google earth |
Of cause it is to long to type in order to make chrome
run. So I added an useful feature to copilot that is alias
An alias of run a matched application
run: buildin.apps.list | buildin.filter.grep -i __arg__ | buildin.apps.launch
Some processors are dependent on some external command,if those command are missing processors will give hint text on it's output IResult
User Interface
Here is an javafx
A CLI user interface is coming.
name | description |
buildin.apps.list | list all applications |
buildin.apps.launch | add run to app items |
buildin.dict.iciba | A dictionary |
buildin.dict.oxford | oxford dictionary |
buildin.file.open | Open a file |
buildin.filter.grep | filter by regexp |
buildin.filter.search | use fuse.js search |
buildin.process.list | list all process |
buildin.process.kill | kill process |
buildin.sys.suspend | Suspend system |
buildin.sys.reboot | Reboot system |
buildin.sys.wifi | toggle WiFi on/off |
buildin.sys.ip | list ip address |
buildin.tldr.list | list cmds ,integrate tldr |
buildin.tldr.show | show short usage info |
buildin.tools.head | output first n items |
buildin.tools.tail | output last n items |
buildin.tools.count | count |
buildin.tools.now | show time |
buildin.tools.toPipe | convert cmd arguments to IResult |
buildin.tools.calc | A math express calculator |
buildin.tools.echo | Cmd to IResult |
buildin.tools.timeout | To do something after specified time out |
buildin.tools.notify | Send a notification |
buildin.tools.copy | change IResult's field to copy |
buildin.tools.cmd | Excutate cmd by shell |
buildin.win.list | list all windows |
buildin.win.active | active window |
buildin.win.close | close window |
buildin.win.move | move window |
oxford API has a limitation related to query times per month. You'd better to register a new account to get a key to replace to default one.
Oxford link