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Copy files from one path to another, based on the instructions provided in a configuration file.

  • 3.12.1
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Copy files from one path to another, based on the instructions provided in a configuration file.

Use cases

  • This tool is useful when a few files need to be copied / updated frequently
  • This tool works as a basic alternative for npm / bower when you wish to copy the scripts out of node_modules / bower_components folder
  • You may like to use this tool if you prefer to keep some third-party dependencies (eg: from node_modules) updated and/or committed to your project's repository


$ npm install -g copy-files-from-to

How to use

In your package.json file, add the "copyFiles" and "copyFilesSettings" (optional) instructions as described in this section.

Alternatively, you may create a file, say, copy-files-from-to.json or copy-files-from-to.cjson (JSON with comments) in your project and refer to the following usage examples.

Basic usage

Sample file: package.json

    "name": "my-application",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "dependencies": {
        "jquery": "3.4.0"
    "copyFiles": [
            "from": "node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js",
            "to": "scripts/jquery/jquery.js"
            "from": "",
            "to": "scripts/console-panel/console-panel.js"
            "from": "",
            "to": "scripts/console-panel/console-panel.css"

Sample file: copy-files-from-to.json

    "copyFiles": [
            "from": "node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js",
            "to": "scripts/jquery/jquery.js"
            "from": "",
            "to": "scripts/console-panel/console-panel.js"
            "from": "",
            "to": "scripts/console-panel/console-panel.css"

Command and output

$ copy-files-from-to
Reading copy instructions from file copy-files-from-to.json

Starting copy operation in "default" mode:
 ✓ Copied [ utf8 ] node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js to scripts/jquery/jquery.js
 ✓ Copied [binary] assets/logo.png to build/logo.png
 ✓ Copied [remote] to scripts/console-panel/console-panel.css
 ✓ Copied [remote] to scripts/console-panel/console-panel.js

Advanced usage

Sample file: copy-files-from-to.cjson

// This is a CJSON file (JSON with comments)
    "copyFiles": [
        // In "development" mode, copy from the full version of the library, in all other modes, use the minified version
            "from": {
                "default": "",
                "development": ""
            "to": "scripts/underscore.js"

        // Copy this file only in "pre-production" mode
            "from": "",
            "to": {
                "default": {
                    "skip": true
                "pre-production": "scripts/"

        // Copy this file in "pre-production" and "production" mode only
            "from": {
                "default": {
                    "skip": true
                "pre-production": "node_modules/native-promise-only/npo.js",
                "production": "node_modules/native-promise-only/npo.js"
            "to": "scripts/native-promise-only.js"

        // Copy this file in all modes except "production" mode
            "from": "",
            "to": {
                "default": "scripts/console-panel/console-panel.js",
                "production": {
                    "skip": true

        // Copy the contents of the directory "src/app/images" to "public/assets"
            "from": "src/app/images",
            "to": "public/assets"

        // Copy the file at the mentioned path into the target directory
            "from": "src/app/images/favicon.ico",
            "to": "public/"

        // Copy the files matching the "glob" pattern (matching files, along with the their folder structure go into the "to" directory)
            "from": "assets/**/*.jpg",
            "to": "public/images/"

        // Copy the files matching the "glob" pattern (all of the matching files directly go into the "to" directory) since "toFlat" is set to "true"
            "from": "assets/**/*.jpg",
            "to": "public/copy-all-jpg-files-to-this-directory/",
            "toFlat": true
    "copyFilesSettings": {
        "whenFileExists": "notify-about-available-change",
        "addReferenceToSourceOfOrigin": false,
        "ignoreDotFilesAndFolders": true,
        "removeSourceMappingURL": false,
        "minifyJs": true,          // via
        "minifyJsTerserOptions": { // Reference:
            // Default options if "minifyJsTerserOptions" is not set
            "compress": {
                "sequences": false
            "mangle": false,
            "format": {
                "semicolons": false

Command and output

$ copy-files-from-to

Reading copy instructions from file copy-files-from-to.cjson

Starting copy operation in "default" mode:
 ✓ Copied [remote] to scripts/underscore.js
 ✓ Copied [remote] to scripts/console-panel/console-panel.js

$ copy-files-from-to --mode development

Reading copy instructions from file copy-files-from-to.cjson

Starting copy operation in "development" mode:
 ✓ Copied [remote] to scripts/underscore.js
 ✓ Copied [remote] to scripts/console-panel/console-panel.js

$ copy-files-from-to --mode production

Reading copy instructions from file copy-files-from-to.cjson

Starting copy operation in "production" mode:
 ✓ Copied [ utf8 ] node_modules/native-promise-only/npo.js to scripts/native-promise-only.js
 ✓ Copied [remote] to scripts/underscore.js

$ copy-files-from-to --mode pre-production --config copy-files-from-to.cjson

Reading copy instructions from file copy-files-from-to.cjson

Starting copy operation in "pre-production" mode:
 ✓ Copied [ utf8 ] node_modules/native-promise-only/npo.js to scripts/native-promise-only.js
 ✓ Copied [remote] to scripts/underscore.js
 ✓ Copied [remote] to scripts/
 ✓ Copied [remote] to scripts/console-panel/console-panel.js


Structure of "copyFiles" instruction file

  • You can provide the "copyFiles" instructions in a JSON or CJSON file
  • The file can be structured like:
        // copyFiles (required parameter)
        //     Summary: This is the instruction set for the files to be copied
        //     Data type: array (of objects)
        "copyFiles": [
            // Using "from" and "to", both, as simple strings
                // from (required parameter)
                //     Summary: This contains the path of a file which is either on disk or accessible via "http"/"https" URL
                //     Data type: string, array, or object
                //     Note: When it is set as a string, it would be used for all modes. When it is set as an object, it can be
                //           configured differently for different modes (refer to the next example)
                //           When it is set as an array, it describes an array of glob patterns and settings
                "from": "",
                // to (required parameter)
                //     Data type: string or object
                //     Summary: This instruction set would write a file to this path on the disk
                //     Note: When it is set as a string, it would be used for all modes. When it is set as an object, it can be
                //           configured differently for different modes
                "to": "example-index.html"
            // Using "from" as an array of glob expressions
                // from (required parameter)
                //     Data type: array
                //     Note: When it is set as an array, it describes an array of glob patterns and settings
                //           Any strings in the array are used as glob patterns.
                //           Any objects are used as fast-glob options: (See
                "from": [
                    // The first entry here is also used to figure out the "non-magic parent path" from a glob string
                    // Copy all files from the public folder
                    // A "!" at the beginning of the pattern will ignore any files matching that pattern
                    // This ignores all files in the public/tmp folder
                    // Any objects in the array will be collected together to pass to fast-glob as options
                    // This will copy any files starting with a .*
                    // This will not copy symlinked folders
                    { dot: true, followSymlinkedDirectories: false }
                // to (required parameter)
                //     Data type: string
                //     Summary: This instruction set would write all the files found with the glob patterns and settings
                //     to this folder.
                //     Note: When using glob patterns for the "from" value the target "to" path needs to be a folder
                "to": "build/"
            // Using "from" and "to", both, as objects (and use string based mode entries)
                "from": {
                    // The "from" section should contain details about at least one mode
                    // "default" mode (optional parameter, recommended to have)
                    //     Summary: "default" mode would be used when the command is executed without any mode or when the command
                    //              is executed in a mode which is not described for the given entry
                    //     Data type: string or object
                    "default": "node_modules/example/index.js",
                    // <custom> mode (optional parameter if any other mode exists)
                    "development": "node_modules/example/dev.js",
                    // <custom> mode (optional parameter if any other mode exists)
                    "production": "node_modules/example/production.js"
                    // More <custom> mode entries
                "to": {
                    "default": "example.js"
            // Using "from" and "to", both, as objects (and use object based mode entries)
                "from": {
                    "default": {
                        // src (required parameter)
                        //     Summary: This contains the path of a file which is either on disk or accessible via "http"/"https" URL
                        //     Data type: string
                        "src": "",
                        // latest (optional parameter)
                        //     Summary: This contains the path of a file which is either on disk or accessible via "http"/"https" URL
                        //     Data type: string
                        //     Note: When this tools is executed with "--outdated" parameter, then the file from "latest" would be
                        //           compared with the file from "src", and if there are any differences, it would be notified that
                        //           an update is available
                        "latest": ""
                "to": {
                    "default": {
                        // dest (required parameter, when not using "skip" parameter set as true)
                        //     Summary: This instruction set would write a file to this path on the disk
                        //     Data type: string
                        "dest": "scripts/",
                        // removeSourceMappingURL (optional parameter)
                        //     Summary: When set to true, any contents after "//# sourceMappingURL=" would be removed before
                        //              the copy operation
                        //     Data type: boolean
                        //     Default value: false
                        "removeSourceMappingURL": false,
                        // minifyJs (optional parameter)
                        //     Summary: When set to true, this JavaScript file would be minified before the copy operation
                        //              (via
                        //     Data type: boolean
                        //     Default value: undefined
                        "minifyJs": false
                    "production": {
                        // skip (required parameter, when not using "dest" parameter)
                        //     Summary: If you wish to skip a file in some particular mode, add "skip" as true, otherwise a warning
                        //              would be raised when you run this tool for that particular mode
                        //     Data type: boolean
                        //     Default value: false
                        "skip": true
            // Add more object entries with "from" and "to" details, and you can use any of the supported data types to
            // represent the values of "from", "to" and their "default" or <custom> modes
        // copyFilesSettings (optional parameter)
        //     Summary: Settings for the copy files operation
        //     Data type: object
        "copyFilesSettings": {
            // whenFileExists (optional parameter)
            //     Summary: When the file at "to" path already exists, what action should be taken
            //     Data type: string
            //     Supported values: "do-nothing" / "overwrite" / "notify-about-available-change"
            //     Default value: "do-nothing"
            "whenFileExists": "notify-about-available-change",
            // addReferenceToSourceOfOrigin (optional parameter)
            //     Summary: When set to true, the copy operation would create a file "<to-file-path>.source.txt"
            //              which would contain a link to the "from" path
            //     Data type: boolean
            //     Default value: false
            "addReferenceToSourceOfOrigin": false
            // ignoreDotFilesAndFolders (optional parameter)
            //     Summary: When set to true, globbing will ignore files and folders starting with a "." dot.
            //     Data type: boolean
            //     Default value: false
            "ignoreDotFilesAndFolders": true
            // removeSourceMappingURL (optional parameter)
            //     Summary: When set to true, any contents after "//# sourceMappingURL=" would be removed before
            //              the copy operation
            //     Data type: boolean
            //     Default value: false
            "removeSourceMappingURL": false,
            // minifyJs (optional parameter)
            //     Summary: When set to true, the JavaScript files would be uglified before the copy operation
            //              (via
            //     Data type: boolean
            //     Default value: false
            "minifyJs": true,
            // minifyJsTerserOptions (optional parameter)
            //     Summary: Options for the terser minification operation
            //     Data type: object
            //     Default value: <as-specified-below>
            //     Reference:
            "minifyJsTerserOptions": {
                // Default options if "minifyJsTerserOptions" is not set
                // Note: By default, only license information is preserved in "comments" (via a custom function defintion), set `minifyJsTerserOptions.format.comments` to `null` or an appropriate value to override that
                "compress": {
                    "sequences": false
                "mangle": false,
                "format": {
                    "semicolons": false

Command line options

$ copy-files-from-to --help
  copy-files-from-to [--config <config-file>] [--mode <mode-name>] [...]

  copy-files-from-to --config copy-files-from-to.json
  copy-files-from-to --mode production
  copy-files-from-to -h
  copy-files-from-to --version

     --config <config-file-path>     Path to configuration file
                                     When unspecified, it looks for:
                                         1) copy-files-from-to.cjson
                                         2) copy-files-from-to.json
                                         3) package.json
     --mode <mode-name>              Mode to use for copying the files
                                     When unspecified, it uses "default" mode
     --when-file-exists <operation>  Override "whenFileExists" setting specified in configuration file
                                     <operation> can be "notify-about-available-change" or "overwrite" or "do-nothing"
     --outdated                      Notify about outdated parts of the configuration file
                                     (takes cue from "latest" property, wherever specified)
     --verbose                       Verbose logging
     --silent                        Reduced logging (log only warnings and errors)
  -v --version                       Output the version number
  -h --help                          Show help



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Package last updated on 19 Feb 2025

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