Apple Watch Plugin for Apache Cordova
Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin for the Apple Watch (WatchKit) to allow in memory and lightweight json object message passing over named queues from a Cordova app to Apple Watch (and vice versa).
Live demo
See this plugin working in a live app:
Simplified overarching diagram:
You will need to write your own WatchKit Extension and WatchKit App with native code. It will not be possible to run a Cordova app directly on the Watch, as there is no support for a WebView and your WatchKit code must reside in the WatchKit Extension. This plugin provides a message passing interface between your Cordova iPhone app and the WatchKit Extension / App.
Latest published version on npm (with Cordova CLI >= 5.0.0)
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-apple-watch
Latest version from GitHub
cordova plugin add
You do not need to reference any JavaScript, the Cordova plugin architecture will add a applewatch
object to your root automatically when you build.
Message passing
Generally speaking, some success and error handlers may be omitted. This is catered for in the interface function argument orders.
Initialises the Apple Watch two way messaging interface. This must be called and the success handler fired before sendMessage
can be used.
applewatch.init(function successHandler(appGroupId) {}, errorHandler);
The successHandler
is called with one arg appGroupId
that was used in initialisation. The app bundleId will be used for identification by default, prefixed by "group.".
You can supply your own Application Group Id with the optional appGroupId
argument, this should be in the format "":
applewatch.init(successHandler, errorHandler, appGroupId);
Sends a message object to a specific queue (must be called after successful init).
Used to send strings or json objects to the Apple Watch extension. Json objects are automatically stringified.
applewatch.sendMessage(message, queueName, successHandler, errorHandler);
Adds a listener to handle a message object received on a specific queue (must be called after successful init).
Used to handle strings or json objects received from the Apple Watch extension. Json objects are automatically parsed.
applewatch.addListener(queueName, messageHandler);
Removes a listener for a specific queue.
applewatch.removeListener(queueName, successHandler, errorHandler);
Use with caution: removes all messages on a queue.
applewatch.purgeQueue(queueName, successHandler, errorHandler);
Use with extreme caution: removes all messages on all queues.
applewatch.purgeAllQueues(successHandler, errorHandler);
Requests permission for local notifications if you want to utilise the short-look / long-look notification interface. This must be called and the success handler fired before sendNotification
will work correctly.
applewatch.registerNotifications(successHandler, errorHandler);
- successHandler is called with true if the permission was accepted
- errorHandler is called with false if the permission was rejected
Sends a local notification directly to the apple watch (should be called after successful registerNotifications).
Used to display the apple watch short-look / long-look notification interface, using UILocalNotification. If the user continues to look at the notification, the system transitions quickly from the short-look interface to the long-look interface.
var payload = {
"title": "Short!",
"body": "Shown in the long-look interface to provide more detail",
"badge": 1
applewatch.sendNotification(successHandler, errorHandler, payload);
- title - shown in the short-look interface as a brief indication of the intent of the notification
- body - shown in the long-look interface to provide more detail
- badge - app icon badge number
NB: This notification will also appear on the iPhone if the app is running in a background mode.
User defaults
Allows persistence of user default data (single property key/value object) that can be retrieved by the WatchKit extension.
errorHandler, { "myKey": "myValue" }, appGroupId);
The app bundleId will be used for identification by default, prefixed by "group." if appGroupId
is not supplied.
For completeness, here's how you could retrieve the value in your WatchKit extension (swift):
let userDefaults = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: "")
var myValue: String? {
return userDefaults?.stringForKey("myKey")
Basic message passing example
Basic example to send a message "test" to the "myqueue" queue and get handled.
This example is iPhone -> iPhone.
applewatch.init(function (appGroupId) {
applewatch.addListener("myqueue", function(message) {
alert("Message received: " + message);
applewatch.sendMessage("test", "myqueue");
iOS 8.2+ only.
MIT License