cssauron bindings for falafel / esprima JS ASTs.
It shortens the esprima names they're a bit verbose.
It also supports .relation
classes -- for example:
if(x) {
if(x > y) {
if(100) {
If we wanted to select all of the if tests ("x", "x > y", "100"), we could use the
following selectors:
if > *:first-child // lil verbose!
.test // test the relation from the parent, not the node type
if > .test // more specific -- only ".test" relations from "if" statements.
node types
LabeledStatement -> label
BlockStatement -> block
Program -> root
ExpressionStatement -> expr
ConditionalExpression -> ternary
IfStatement -> if
BreakStatement -> break
ContinueStatement -> continue
WithStatement -> with
SwitchStatement -> switch
ReturnStatement -> return
ThrowStatement -> throw
TryStatement -> try
WhileStatement -> while
DoWhileStatement -> do-while
ForStatement -> for
ForInStatement -> for-in
FunctionDeclaration -> function
VariableDeclaration -> variable-decl
VariableDeclarator -> variable
LogicalExpression -> binary
BinaryExpression -> binary
AssignmentExpression -> assign
ArrayExpression -> array
ObjectExpression -> object
ObjectKeyExpression -> key
FunctionExpression -> function
SequenceExpression -> sequence
UpdateExpression -> update
UnaryExpression -> unary
CallExpression -> call
NewExpression -> new
MemberExpression -> lookup
SwitchClause -> case
CatchClause -> catch
DebuggerStatement -> debugger
ThisExpression -> this
Identifier -> id
Literal -> literal