cyclic-router is a Router Driver built for Cycle.js
Using npm:
$ npm install cyclic-router
Then with a module bundler like browserify, use as you would anything else:
import {makeRouterDriver} from 'cyclic-router'
var makeRouterDriver = require('cyclic-router').makeRouterDriver
For API documentation pleave visit this link here
The example found in the repo can be taken for a test-drive here
Getting started
Here is a rundown of the example
provided with this repo in the folder /example
. This should allow a better understanding of how to use cyclic-router, for simplicity the styling has been removed here.
Starting in the file which has Cycle run
, router driver needs to be created here along with the other drivers that you might be using.
import {run} from '@cycle/core'
import {makeDOMDriver} from 'cycle-snabbdom'
import {makeRouterDriver} from 'cyclic-router'
import {createHashHistory} from 'history'
import app from './app'
run(app, {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('#app'),
router: makeRouterDriver(createHashHistory()),
App.js will be used as the place for showing the correct component in reference to current url (what you'd expect from a router!).
When creating your routes
object keep in mind that cyclic-router uses switch-path and it is worth checking out that repo to understand the structure that switch-path
import {div, nav} from 'cycle-snabbdom'
import Sidebar from './components/sidebar'
import Home from './components/home'
import Inbox from './components/inbox'
import Compose from './components/compose'
import NotFound from './components/notfound'
const routes = {
'/': Home,
'/inbox': Inbox,
'/compose': Compose,
'*': NotFound,
function view(sidebar, children) {
return div([
function App(sources) {
const {router} = sources
const match$ = router.define(routes)
const sidebar = Sidebar(sources, match$.pluck('path'))
const childrenDOM$ = match$.map(
({path, value}) => value({...sources, router: router.path(path)}).DOM
return {
DOM: sidebar.DOM.combineLatest(childrenDOM$, view),
export default App
Next, lets look at what triggers these url changes inside the sidebar
import {ul, li, a} from 'cycle-snabbdom'
function Sidebar(sources, path$) {
const {router: {createHref}} = sources
const inboxHref = createHref('/inbox')
const composeHref = createHref('/compose')
const contactHref = createHref('/contact')
const view$ = path$.map(() => {
return ul({style: ulStyle},[
li([a({props: {href: inboxHref}}, 'Inbox')]),
li([a({props: {href: composeHref}}, 'Compose')]),
li([a({props: {href: contactHref}}, 'Contacts')]),
return {DOM: view$}
export default Sidebar
At this point you are at a good stage to be able to make a simple app/site with multiple pages. Next taking a look at nesting these routes directly within children components.
Nested routing becomes very trivial, as you can see below it is as simple as repeating the same steps as above.
import {div, ul, li, a} from 'cycle-snabbdom'
import Why from './why'
import Compose from './compose'
import Built from './built'
const routes = {
'*': () => ({DOM: div({style: {opacity: 0}})}),
'/why': Why,
'/built': Built,
'/compose': Compose,
function view(createHref) {
return (children) =>
div({}, [
a({props: {href: createHref('/why')}}, 'Why Cyclic Router?'),
a({props: {href: createHref('/built')}}, 'Built For Cycle.js'),
a({props: {href: createHref('/compose')}}, 'Compose a Message'),
function Inbox(sources) {
const {router} = sources
const match$ = router.define(routes)
const childrenDOM$ = match$.map(({value}) => value(sources).DOM)
return {DOM: childrenDOM$.map(view(router.createHref))}
export default Inbox
Route Parameters
You can pass route parameters to your component by adding them to the component sources.
const routes = {
'/:id': id => sources => YourComponent({props$: Observable.of({id}), ...sources})