What is cypress-plugin-tab?
The cypress-plugin-tab package is a Cypress plugin that allows you to simulate tab key events in your Cypress tests. This is particularly useful for testing keyboard navigation and accessibility features in web applications.
What are cypress-plugin-tab's main functionalities?
Simulate Tab Key Press
This feature allows you to simulate a tab key press to move focus from one input element to the next. The code sample demonstrates how to focus on the first input element and then simulate a tab key press to move to the next focusable element.
Simulate Shift+Tab Key Press
This feature allows you to simulate a Shift+Tab key press to move focus backward to the previous input element. The code sample demonstrates how to focus on the last input element and then simulate a Shift+Tab key press to move to the previous focusable element.
cy.get('input').last().focus().tab({ shift: true });
Other packages similar to cypress-plugin-tab
The cypress-real-events package allows you to simulate real user interactions like key presses, mouse clicks, and more. It provides more comprehensive interaction capabilities compared to cypress-plugin-tab, which is focused specifically on tab key events.
The cypress-commands package extends Cypress with additional commands for various user interactions, including keyboard events. While it offers a broader range of commands, it may not be as specialized in handling tab key events as cypress-plugin-tab.
:warning: this module is in beta, and might cause some strange failures. Please report bugs in the issues of this repo.
Note: please refer to this issue for updates about official cypress tab support
Add the plugin to devDependencies
npm install -D cypress-plugin-tab
At the top of cypress/support/index.js
must be chained off of a tabbable(focusable) subject, or the body
changes the subject to the newly focused element after pressing tab
.tab({ shift: true })
sends a shift-tab to the element
.type('bar').tab({ shift: true })