Dash SDK

Dash library for JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem (Wallet, DAPI, Primitives, BLS, ...)
Dash library allows you to connect to DAPI and receive or broadcast payments on the Dash Network, manage identifies, register data contracts, retrieve or submit documents on the Dash Platform, all within a single library.
Table of Contents
ES5/ES6 via NPM
In order to use this library, you will need to add it to your project as a dependency.
Having NodeJS installed, just type : npm install dash
in your terminal.
npm install dash
CDN Standalone
For browser usage, you can also directly rely on unpkg :
<script src="https://unpkg.com/dash"></script>
const Dash = require("dash");
const client = new Dash.Client({
network: "testnet",
wallet: {
mnemonic: "arena light cheap control apple buffalo indicate rare motor valid accident isolate",
client.getWalletAccount().then(async (account) => {
console.log("Funding address", account.getUnusedAddress().address);
const balance = account.getConfirmedBalance();
console.log("Confirmed Balance", balance);
if(balance > 0){
const identity = await client.platform.identities.register()
const document = await platform.documents.create(
{ message: 'Hello World' },
await platform.documents.broadcast({create:[document]}, identity);
The Dash SDK works using multiple dependencies that might interest you:
- Wallet-Lib - Wallet management for handling, signing and broadcasting transactions (BIP-44 HD).
- Dashcore-Lib - Provides the main L1 blockchain primitives (Block, Transaction,...).
- DAPI-Client - Client library for accessing DAPI endpoints.
- DPP - Implementation (JS) of Dash Platform Protocol.
Some features might be more extensive in those libs, as Dash SDK only wraps around them to provide a single interface that is easy to use (and thus has less features).
More extensive documentation available at https://dashevo.github.io/js-dash-sdk/.
Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.
MIT © Dash Core Group, Inc.