Saves XML and CSV data to a database - based on models
This packages aims on providing a high performance, fast and convenient way to save data obtained via XML or CSV files.
for CSV files and parses XML data according to your models. Everything is created for you.
You can create models with the model creator. The model creator requires redis for convenience,
but currently only saves your databases. Redis uses database 10 by default and for now only creates an entry called
in redis.
npm i data2model --save
What it does
For the sake of this example, it creates this INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
INSERT INTO exampleModel (`col1`,`col2`,`created_at`,`updated_at`) VALUES ('hello','test','2015-09-22T16:48:41.355Z','2015-09-22T16:48:41.355Z'),('hello','test2','2015-09-22T16:48:41.355Z','2015-09-22T16:48:41.355Z'),('hello','test3','2015-09-22T16:48:41.355Z','2015-09-22T16:48:41.355Z') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `col1`=VALUES(`col1`),`col2`=VALUES(`col2`),`updated_at`=VALUES(`updated_at`)
and executes the query, given the exampleModel
found in the models directory.
Very new package, so there might be some bugs and issues.
Feel free to contribute or to post any issues.
Needs node.js version >= 4.0.0.
For now, run node with the --harmony_destructuring flag as it isn't finally implemented.
- Copy (or create a new one) the
file to .env
in your apps root dir and fill in your credentials. You don't need to specify a database here.
1.1. Get the dot notation for your xml file. See dotNotation for how to. - Start redis, create a file with this contents:
var data2model = require('data2model'); new data2model.creator();
run it and follow the instructions. This will launch the model creator and will ask you for some details.
3. Have a look at the generated file inside the /models
directory, you can add valueOptions, defaultValues and whatsoever
4. Once done, saving XML data is as simple as:
'use strict';
const _Parser = require('data2model');
const XmlParser = _Parser.xml;
const CsvParser = _Parser.csv;
let parser = new XmlParser({database: 'databaseToUse'});
parser.parseFile("./examples/example.xml", ['exampleModel']);
Saving CSV data is quite similar:
let model = new CsvParser({
model: 'model',
file: 'file.csv',
database: 'database'
The XML parser uses dotNotation to access the xml nodes. A convenient way to get the dot notation is this:
parser.parseFile("./examples/example.xml", {toDotNotation:true})
.then(val => console.log(val));
I'll add some examples and easier usage later, feel free to ask on or post your issues here.
Check out the example Model in /models
and the example xml/js file in /examples