Deloitte Digital Asia Pacific's CLI Tool
👷 PLEASE NOTE: This tool is currently still in development
ddapac-cli is designed to create flexibility and automation for our developers nationally.
It's current goal is to provide simple access to multiple internal boilerplates through one global package, but is structured
in such a way that any future utilities can be added with ease.
Getting Started
To get started simply install the package globally
npm install -g @deloittedigitalapac/ddapac-cli
Once installation is complete, run the tool and you will be asked to update the configurations
Configuration Step
Upon first load of the package, or after clearing the config, you will be greeted with the welcome message and prompt
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Welcome to the DDAPAC CLI tool, before we begin lets configure some boilerplate templates:
? What would you like to do? (Use arrow keys)
> Update the config with a local config file
Add a new boilerplate config
Option 1 - Custom Config File
To update the package with a local file, simply create a JSON file in the same location as your current working directory.
Use the following structure and input the content:
"templates": {
"<Insert a key for this boilerplate>": {
"key": "<Same as above>",
"downloadLink": "<Insert a download link if the repo is public>",
"cloneLink": "<Insert an SSH link if the repo is private>",
"extractPath": "<Insert the path from the root to the template>",
"initialiseScript": "<Insert the file name if there is a script that runs when initialised>",
Option 2 - Add a boilerplate
This option is the easiest as you are simply prompted for the necessary inputs to configure a single new boilerplate template
Configuration notes
When adding templates, take note that:
- Download link: this should always end with .zip
- Clone link: make sure your SSH Agent is active and access keys are configured
- Extract Path: This is used to determine which folder to extract after download or cloning has taken place
if you are unsure, simply download -> unzip or clone and see where the folder sits afterwards
- Initialise Script: Most boilerplates will want to do some renaming of files etc. when they are initialised
and as a result have scripts in the root to do this, an common example would be 'initialise.js'
Once you have configured the package, to create a new boilerplate instance, simply run the create script
ddapac create <project-name> <boilerplate-key>
You can always leave out any variable when calling ddapac
and simply follow the prompts to complete the action
The main purpose of this repository is to continue to evolve our custom CLI Tool, making it better and easier to use. Development of ddapac-cli happens on GitHub, and we welcome any contributions, bug fixes and improvements. Please read below to learn how you can take part in improving ddapac-cli.
Code of Conduct
Deloitte Digital has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. Please read the code of conduct so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.
Who is Deloitte Digital?
Part Business. Part Creative. Part Technology. One hundred per cent digital.
Pioneered in Australia, Deloitte Digital is committed to helping clients unlock the business value of emerging technologies. We provide clients with a full suite of digital services, covering digital strategy, user experience, content, creative, engineering and implementation across mobile, web and social media channels.
LICENSE (BSD-3-Clause)
View License