A NodeJS API debug utility tool with logging developed for my Deployment of Web Applications class at Full Sail University. This package will allow you to debug your API with success, warn and error messages displayed in your CLI (Command Line Interface) as well as saving timestamped messages to a .log file.
Note: Logging is not working. I will have this fixed soon.
This Debug Utility Tool will run on an API created with NodeJS
In your CLI, ensure that you are in the directory containing your NodeJS API.
Run the following to add debugutil to your node_modules and your package.json file dependencies:
npm install debugutil
After installation, run the following to install the dependencies required to properly run debugutil:
npm install
You will need to require the debugutil package in each file you wish it to run. You can do this by adding the following to the top of each file:
To enable logging, use the following environmental variable:
You will now receive green success and red error messages in your CLI as well as have them logged to the .log file.
To disable logging, use the following environmental variable:
Unit Testing
This package has been Unit Tested using chai and mocha. You will need to install these packages to your devDependencies to run tests.
To run tests, execute the following command in your CLI:
DEBUG=true mocha
Code Coverage
Check out istanbul for more on code coverage.
To run tests with code coverage, execute the following command in your CLI:
istanbul cover src/debug.js
You can change the name and/or path of the folder and the .log file, in src/debug.js. Just edit the following lines:
fs.appendFile('./logs/logFile.log', '\n' + info + '\n', (debugSuccess) => {
fs.appendFile('./logs/logFile.log', '\n' + info + '\n', (debugError) => {
You can change the display color of messages in src/debug.js via chalk by editing the following:
const success =;
const warn = chalk.yellow;
const error =;