Converts hex strings to Japanese-like words. This may be a good format to print
for small identifies that need to be pronounciated. For example, if we store
the 0x476ffe
as Base64, it may become something like hS_$
, which is
pronounced as "height uppercase ess underline dollar sign". With desubits, the
same hex becomes "kunizezi", which is much easier to say.
const ds = require("desuhex");
DesuHex simply slices the hex into chunks of 6 bits (4 bits for a consonant, 2 bits for a vowel), pads, and uses the following conversion table:
0000 -> p
0001 -> b
0010 -> t
0011 -> d
0100 -> k
0101 -> g
0110 -> x
0111 -> j
1000 -> f
1001 -> v
1010 -> l
1011 -> r
1100 -> m
1101 -> n
1110 -> s
1111 -> z
00 -> a
01 -> u
10 -> i
11 -> e