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A dependency injection framework.

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Registry as graph

When asked why he went about with a lamp in broad daylight, Diogenes confessed, "I am looking for a [honest] man."

Diogenes helps to use the dependency injection pattern to split your application into reusable and testable components.

Dependency injection

The dependency injection pattern is a widely used design pattern. Simply put, allows to build complicated abstractions composed by simpler abstractions. The composition happens when you "inject" one or more dependency into a function:

var database = getDB(config.db);
var passwordHashing = getPasswordHashing(config.secret);
var users = getUsers(database, passwordHashing);

I call this progressively complex objects "services" as they provide a specific functionality.

While this is a very nice way to build an application, it will leave the developer with a lot of annoying problems:

  • dealing with the boilerplate needed to create your services only when you need to (no need to rebuild a new "users" service in every module you need to use it)
  • some service might return asynchronously
  • you have to figure out and maintain the correct order for resolving the dependencies
  • you have to manage errors step by step

Diogenes lets you design how these components interact between them, in an declarative way.

You declare your "services" and their dependencies:

var Diogenes = require('diogenes');
var registry = Diogenes.getRegistry();


  .dependsOn(["database", "passwordHashing"])

and then get the service you need:

  .run("users", function (err, users) {

Diogenes figures out the execution order, manages error propagation, deals with synchronous and asynchronous functions transparently and much more.

What is a service

A service is a unit of code with a name. It can be a simple value, a synchronous function (returning a value), an asynchronous function using a callback or an asynchronous function returning a promise. As a function, it has a specific interface. Its arguments are:

  • a configuration, common to all services
  • an object containing the dependencies (output of other services)
  • an optional callback (if the function needs it)

A service outputs a "dependency", this is identified with the service name. Services are organized inside a registry. The common interface allows to automate how the dependencies are resolved within the registry.

A step by step example

Importing diogenes

You can import Diogenes using commonjs:

var Diogenes = require('diogenes');

Creating a registry

You can create a registry with:

var registry = Diogenes.getRegistry(); // of new Diogenes()

Defining services

A service is defined by a name (a string) and it can be as simple as a value:

  .returnsValue(["Diogenes became notorious for his philosophical ",
    "stunts such as carrying a lamp in the daytime, claiming to ",
    "be looking for an honest man."].join());

most of the time you will define a service as a function:

registry.service("text").returns(function (config, deps) {
  var text = fs.readFileSync(config.path, {encoding: 'utf8'});
  return text;

The "config" argument is a generic configuration used for all services. The "returns" method can be used for synchronous functions, but it works even if you return promises! You can also define a service using a callback:

  .provides(function (config, deps, next) {
  fs.readFile(config.path, {encoding: 'utf8'}, next);

The callback uses the node.js convention: the first argument is the error instance (or null if there isn't any) and the second is the value returned. For synchronous functions you can throw an exception in case of errors as usual. As you can see, Diogenes allows to mix sync and async (callback and promise based) functions. How cool is that? Let's add other services:

  .returns(function (config, deps) {
  return deps.text.split(' ');

The method "dependsOn" allows to specify a list of dependencies. For example this service depends on the "text" service. The deps argument will contain an attribute for every dependency, in this example: deps.text.

  .returns(function (config, deps) {
  return deps.tokens.length;

  .returns(function (config, deps) {
  var len = config.abstractLen;
  var ellipsis = config.abstractEllipsis;
  return deps.tokens.slice(0, len).join(' ') + ellipsis;

  .dependsOn(['text', 'abstract', 'count'])
  .returns(function (config, deps) {
    return {
      count: deps.count,
      abstract: deps.abstract,
      text: deps.text

This is how services relates each other: Registry as graph

Calling a service

You can call a service using the method "run" on a registry instance. The "instance" method returns a registry instance using a specific configuration.

var registryInstance = registry.instance({abstractLen: 5, abstractEllipsis: "..."});"paragraph", function (err, p){
  if (err){
    console.log("Something went wrong!");
  else {
    console.log("This paragraph is " + p.count + " words long");
    console.log("The abstract is: " + p.anstract);
    console.log("This is the original text:");

p will be the output of the paragraph service. If any service throws, or returns an error, the "err" argument will contain the exception. If you need more than one service, you can pass a list of services:["count", "abstract"], function (err, deps){

In this case the second argument will contain an object with an attribute for each dependency (deps.count, deps.abstract). Using "run", Diogenes calls all services required to satisfy the dependencies tree. You can get the ordering using:

var dependencies = registryInstance.getExecutionOrder("paragraph");

It will return an array: ["text", "tokens", "abstract", "count", "paragraph"] Diogenes does not strictly follow that order: "count", for example doesn't require to wait for "abstract" as it depends on "tokens" only.


A service can contain more than one function, and more than one set of dependencies. Let's say for example that you want to use a different way to get the abstract:

var validator = require('occamsrazor-validator');
var useAlternativeClamp = validator().match({abstractClamp: "chars"});

  .dependsOn(useAlternativeClamp, ['text'])
  .provides(useAlternativeClamp, function (config, deps, next) {
    var len = config.abstractLen;
    var ellipsis = config.abstractEllipsis;
    next(undefined, deps.text.slice(0, len) + ellipsis);

"useAlternativeClamp" is an occamsrazor validator. A validator is a function that identifies if a value matches some criteria and assigns a score to the match. This helps to choose what dependencies and what service use. The "dependsOn" method can take one validator. If it matches the config, this different set of dependencies will be used. The "provides", "returns" and "returnsValue" methods can take 2 validators. The first one will match the config, the second the dependencies. So you can change on the fly which function to use depending on the arguments (config and deps).

Registry as graph

var registryInstance = registry.instance({abstractLen: 5, abstractEllipsis: "...", abstractClamp: "chars"});

var dependencies = registryInstance.getExecutionOrder("paragraph");

will output: ["text", "abstract", "tokens", "count", "paragraph"]. You can run the service as usual:"paragraph", function (err, p){
  if (err){
    console.log("Something went wrong!");
  else {
    console.log("This paragraph is " + p.count + " words long");
    console.log("The abstract is: " + p.anstract);
    console.log("This is the original text:");

You have just extended the system without changing the original code!

Caching a service

If the result of a service depends only on the configuration, you can cache it. The "cache" method takes an object as argument with 3 different attributes:

  • key: (a function or a string) it generates the key to use as cache key. It default to a single key (it will store a single value). It can also be a string with the name of a config attribute to use as a cache key
  • maxAge: the time in ms for preserving the cache. Default to infinity.
  • maxLen: the length of the cache. Default to infinity

Note: a cached service, when using the cached value, it will return no dependencies. After all if the service has a defined return value it doesn't need to relay on any other service. So for example:

  key: function (config){
    return config.abstractLen;
  maxAge: 1000

Lastly, using "cache" without options you will cache the first value forever.


If a service returns or throws an exception, this is propagated along the execution graph. Services getting an exception as one of the dependencies, are not executed. They will propagate the exception to the services depending on them.



Create a registry of services:

var registry = Diogenes.getRegistry();


var registry = new Diogenes();

Registry's attributes

Registry's methods


Returns a single service. It creates the service if it doesn't exist.



Returns a an registryInstance object. It is a registry with a configuration and it is used to run services.

registry.instance(config, options);

The config argument will be passed to all services (calling the run method). The only option available is:

  • limit: limit the number of services executed in parallel (defaults to Infinity)


It remove a service from the registry:


It returns the registry.


Helper function. It runs a group of functions with the registry as "this". Useful for initializing the registry.

/*module1 fir example*/
module.exports = function (){
var module1 = require('module1');
var module2 = require('module2');
registry.init([module1, module2]);


It runs a callback for any service registered.

registry.forEach(function (service, name){
  // the service is also "this"

Service's attributes

  • name: the name of the service (cannot be changed)

Service's methods

You can get a service from the registry with the "service" method.

var service = registry.service("service1");

All the service methods returns a service instance so they can be chained.


It adds a function to the service. This function uses a callback following the node.js convention:


service.provides(configValidator, func);

service.provides(configValidator, dependenciesValidator, func);

The function has this signature: (config, deps, next).

  • "config" is a value passed to all services when "run" is invoked
  • "deps" is an object. It has as many properties as the dependencies of this service. The attributes of deps have the same name of the respective dependency.
  • "next" is the function called with the output of this service: next(undefined, output).
  • If something goes wrong you can pass the error as first argument: next(new Error('Something wrong!')). If you use the signature without "next" you can return the value using return, or throw an exception in case of errors. "configValidator" and "dependencyValidator" are occamsrazor validators. You can also pass a value as explained in the "match" validator. They matches respectively the first and second argument of the function. "this" will be the service itself. Optionally is possible to define an array instead of a function. See the section "decorators" above for further explanations.


It adds a function to the service. This function returns its output with "return"


service.returns(configValidator, func);

service.returns(configValidator, dependenciesValidator, func);

The function has this signature: (config, deps).

  • "config" is a value passed to all services when "run" is invoked
  • "deps" is an object. It has as many properties as the dependencies of this service. The attributes of deps have the same name of the respective dependency.

"configValidator" and "dependencyValidator" works the same as in the "provides" method.


It works the same as the previous ones but instead of adds a function it adds a value. This will be the dependency returned.


service.returnsValue(configValidator, value);

service.returnsValue(configValidator, dependencyValidator, value);


It defines the dependencies of a service. It may be an array or a function returning an array. The function takes "config" as argument:



service.dependsOn(configValidator, array);

service.dependsOn(configValidator, func);


Set the cache for this service. It takes as argument the cache configuration:


The configuration contains 3 parameters:

  • key: (a string/an array or a function) it generates the key to use as cache key. You can specify an attribute of the configuration (string), or use a custom function running on the configuration. It default to a single key (it will store a single value)
  • maxAge: the time in ms for preserving the cache. Default to infinity.
  • maxLen: the length of the cache. Default to infinity

RegistryInstance's methods

This object is returned with the "instance" registry method.


Returns an array of services that should be executed with those arguments. The services are sorted by dependencies. It is not strictly the execution order as diogenes is able to execute services in parallel if possible. Also it will take into consideration what plugins match and the caching (a cached dependency has no dependency!):



It executes all the dependency tree required by the service and call the function. All the services are called using the configuration used in the method "instance":, func);

The function takes 2 arguments:

  • an error
  • the value of the service required

You can also ask to execute more than one service passing an array of names:, func);

In this case "names" is an array of strings (the dependency you want to be returned). The callback will get as second argument an object with a property for any dependency returned. If you pass a regular expression you will execute every service with the name matching the regexp:, func);

The context (this) of this function is the registry itself.

It returns the registry instance.


This method is equivalent to "run" but it returns a promise instead of using a callback.

Errors in the services graph

The library is currently able to detect and throws exceptions in a few cases:

  • circular dependencies
  • missing dependencies (or incompatible plugin)
  • more than one plug-in matches

These 3 exceptions are thrown by "getExecutionOrder". So it is very useful using this method to check if something is wrong in the graph configuration.

Tricks and tips

Where to apply side effects

Do not mutate the configuration argument! It is not meant to be changed during the execution. Instead you can apply side effects through a dependency. See the example of the expressjs middleware below.

Run a service defined in a closure

If you need to run a service that depends on some variable defined in a closure you can use this trick: define a local registry containing the "local" dependencies, merge together the main and the local registry (a new merged registry will be generated), run the service. This is an example using an expressjs middleware:

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var Diogenes = require('diogenes');
var registry = new Diogenes();

  .dependsOn(['req', 'res'])
  .provides(function (config, deps, next){
    var username = deps.req.query.username;
    deps.res.send('hello ' + username);

app.get('/', function(req, res){
  var localReg = new Diogenes();


Using events for intra service communication

You can use an event bus, such as one generated by occamsrazor to make one service communicate with another:

var c = 0;
var or = require('occamsrazor');


  .service('counter-button').provides(function (config, deps, next){
  document.getElementById('inc').addEventListener("click", function (){
  events.on("reset-event", function (){
    c = 0;

  .service('reset-button').provides(function (config, deps, next){
  document.getElementById('reset').addEventListener("click", function (){
});['counter-button', 'reset-button']);

Another example: a service requires to do some clean up after its execution. In this case you can leverage the event system:

var or = require('occamsrazor');


var registry = new Diogenes();
  .service('database-connection').provides(function (config, deps){
  var connection = ..... I get the connection here

  events.on('done', function (){
});['main-service', 'events'], function (err, dep){


Diogenes won't be possible without the work of many others. The inspiration came from many different patterns/libraries. In particular I want to thank you:

  • the great explanation of the Depth First Search (DFS) in the Stanford algorithm online course on Coursera.
  • the zope component architecture for showing how to build an extensible system
  • architect for introducing the idea of initialising a system using the dependency injection pattern
  • electrician that explored a way to wrap the code in "components" having a common interface, that is a prerequisite of having them working together.



Package last updated on 27 Sep 2016

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