What is discord-api-types?
The discord-api-types npm package provides TypeScript type definitions for the Discord API. It helps developers ensure type safety and autocompletion when interacting with the Discord API, making it easier to build bots and other applications that integrate with Discord.
What are discord-api-types's main functionalities?
Type Definitions for Discord API
Provides type definitions for various Discord API objects, such as users, channels, guilds, etc. This ensures that the data structures used in your application match the expected format of the Discord API.
import { APIUser } from 'discord-api-types/v10';
const user: APIUser = {
id: '1234567890',
username: 'exampleUser',
discriminator: '0001',
avatar: null,
bot: false,
system: false,
mfa_enabled: false,
banner: null,
accent_color: null,
locale: 'en-US',
verified: true,
email: 'example@example.com',
flags: 0,
premium_type: 1,
public_flags: 0
Enum Definitions
Includes enums for various constants used in the Discord API, such as channel types, message types, and more. This helps in avoiding magic strings and makes the code more readable and maintainable.
import { ChannelType } from 'discord-api-types/v10';
const channelType: ChannelType = ChannelType.GuildText;
API Interaction Types
Defines types for various interactions that can occur in Discord, such as commands, button clicks, and more. This helps in handling different types of interactions in a type-safe manner.
import { APIInteraction, InteractionType } from 'discord-api-types/v10';
const interaction: APIInteraction = {
id: '1234567890',
application_id: '0987654321',
type: InteractionType.Ping,
data: null,
guild_id: '1122334455',
channel_id: '5566778899',
member: null,
user: null,
token: 'aW50ZXJhY3Rpb25fdG9rZW4=',
version: 1
Other packages similar to discord-api-types
discord.js is a powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API. It provides a higher-level abstraction over the raw API, making it easier to build bots and other applications. Unlike discord-api-types, which focuses on type definitions, discord.js provides a full-featured library with methods and classes for interacting with Discord.
Eris is another JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API. It is known for being lightweight and efficient, making it suitable for large-scale bot applications. Like discord.js, Eris provides a higher-level abstraction over the raw API, whereas discord-api-types focuses solely on type definitions.
discord-api is a lower-level library that provides direct access to the Discord API endpoints. It is more similar to discord-api-types in that it focuses on providing a direct interface to the API, but it does not provide type definitions. Instead, it focuses on making HTTP requests to the API.