DrizzleORM is an ORM framework for
It offers you several levels of Database communication:
- Typesafe Table View approach
- Typesafe Query Builder
- Simple SQL query execution
Drizzle ORM is highly influenced by Exposed and Jetbrains development methodology
Supported Databases
In Progress
npm install drizzle-orm drizzle-kit
In Progress
yarn add drizzle-orm drizzle-kit
bower install drizzle-orm drizzle-kit
Connecting to database
import { DbConnector } from "drizzle-orm";
const db = await new DbConnector()
const db = await new DbConnector()
host: '',
port: 5432,
user: 'user',
password: 'password',
db: 'optional_db_name'
Project structure
- tables folder
- migrations folder
Create tables
Users Table
export const rolesEnum = createEnum({ alias: 'test-enum', values: ['user', 'guest', 'admin'] });
export default class UsersTable extends AbstractTable<UsersTable> {
public id = this.int('id').autoIncrement().primaryKey();
public fullName = this.text('full_name');
public phone = this.varchar('phone', { size: 256 });
public media = this.jsonb<string[]>('media');
public decimalField = this.decimal('test', { notNull: true, precision: 100, scale: 2 });
public bigIntField = this.bigint('test1');
public role = this.type(rolesEnum, 'name_in_table', { notNull: true });
public createdAt = this.timestamp('created_at', { notNull: true });
public updatedAt = this.timestamp('updated_at');
public isArchived = this.bool('is_archived').defaultValue(false);
public phoneFullNameIndex = this.index([this.phone, this.fullName]);
public phoneIndex = this.uniqueIndex(this.phone);
public tableName(): string {
return 'users';
Cities Table
interface CityMeta {
population: number,
connection: string,
export default class CitiesTable extends AbstractTable<CitiesTable> {
public id = this.int('id').autoIncrement().primaryKey();
public foundationDate = this.timestamp('name', { notNull: true });
public location = this.varchar('page', { size: 256 });
public userId = this.int('user_id').foreignKey(UsersTable, (table) => table.id, OnDelete.CASCADE);
public metadata = this.jsonb<CityMeta>('metadata');
public tableName(): string {
return 'cities';
User Groups Table
export default class UserGroupsTable extends AbstractTable<UserGroupsTable> {
public id = this.int('id').autoIncrement().primaryKey();
public name = this.varchar('name');
public description = this.varchar('description');
public tableName(): string {
return 'user_groups';
User to User Groups Table
Many to many connection between Users and User Groups
export default class UsersToUserGroupsTable extends AbstractTable<UsersToUserGroupsTable> {
public groupId = this.int('city_id').foreignKey(UserGroupsTable, (table) => table.id, OnDelete.CASCADE);
public userId = this.int('user_id').foreignKey(UsersTable, (table) => table.id, OnDelete.CASCADE);
public manyToManyIndex = this.index([this.groupId, this.userId]);
public tableName(): string {
return 'users_to_user_groups';
const db = await new DbConnector()
const usersTable = new UsersTable(db);
const allSelect = await usersTable.select().all();
const firstSelect = await usersTable.select().first();
Sorting and Filtering
Select all records from Users
where phone is "hello"
const eqSelect = await usersTable.select().where(
eq(usersTable.phone, 'hello')
Select all records from Users
where both phone is "hello"
and phone is "hello"
const andSelect = await usersTable.select().where(
eq(usersTable.phone, 'hello'),
eq(usersTable.phone, 'hello')
Select all records from Users
where either phone is "hello"
or phone is "hello"
const orSelect = await usersTable.select().where(
or([eq(usersTable.phone, 'hello')]),
Select all records from Users
using LIMIT and OFFSET
const limitOffsetSelect = await usersTable.select({ limit: 10, offset: 10 }).all();
Select all records from Users
where phone
contains "hello"
const likeSelect = await usersTable.select().where(
like(usersTable.phone, '%hello%')
Select all records from Users
where phone
equals to some of values from array
const inArraySelect = usersTable.select().where(
inArray(usersTable.phone, ['hello'])
Select all records from Users
where phone
greater(>) than "hello"
const greaterSelect = usersTable.select().where(
greater(usersTable.phone, 'hello')
Select all records from Users
where phone
less(<) than "hello"
const lessSelect = usersTable.select().where(
less(usersTable.phone, 'hello')
Select all records from Users
where phone
greater or equals(>=) than "hello"
const greaterEqSelect = usersTable.select().where(
greaterEq(usersTable.phone, 'hello')
Select all records from Users
where phone
less or equals(<=)
const lessEqSelect = usersTable.select().where(
lessEq(usersTable.phone, 'hello')
Select all records from Users
where phone
const isNullSelect = usersTable.select().where(
Select all records from Users
where phone
not equals to "hello"
const notEqSelect = usersTable.select().where(
notEq(usersTable.phone, 'hello')
Select all records from Users
ordered by phone
in ascending order
const ordered = await usersTable.select().orderBy((table) => table.phone, Order.ASC).all();
Update fullName
to newName
in Users
where phone is "hello"
await usersTable.update()
.where(eq(usersTable.phone, 'hello'))
.set({ fullName: 'newName' })
Update fullName
to newName
in Users
where phone is "hello"
returning updated User
await usersTable.update()
.where(eq(usersTable.phone, 'hello'))
.set({ fullName: 'newName' })
Update fullName
to newName
in Users
where phone is "hello"
returning updated User
await usersTable.update()
.where(eq(usersTable.phone, 'hello'))
.set({ fullName: 'newName' })
Delete user
where phone is "hello"
await usersTable.delete()
.where(eq(usersTable.phone, 'hello'))
Delete user
where phone is "hello"
returning updated User
await usersTable.delete()
.where(eq(usersTable.phone, 'hello'))
Delete user
where phone is "hello"
returning updated User
await usersTable.delete()
.where(eq(usersTable.phone, 'hello'))
Insert user
with required fields
await usersTable.insert({
test: 1,
createdAt: new Date(),
Insert user
with required fields and get all rows as array
const user = await usersTable.insert({
test: 1,
createdAt: new Date(),
Insert user
with required fields and get inserted entity
const user = await usersTable.insert({
test: 1,
createdAt: new Date(),
Insert many users
with required fields and get all inserted entities
const users = await usersTable.insertMany([{
test: 1,
createdAt: new Date(),
}, {
test: 2,
createdAt: new Date(),
Insert many users
with required fields and get all inserted entities. If such user already exists - update phone
await usersTable.insertMany([{
test: 1,
createdAt: new Date(),
}, {
test: 2,
createdAt: new Date(),
(table) => table.phoneIndex,
{ phone: 'confilctUpdate' },
Join One-To-Many Tables
Join Cities with Users and map to city object with full user
const usersTable = new UsersTable(db);
const citiesTable = new CitiesTable(db);
const userWithCities = await citiesTable.select()
.where(eq(citiesTable.id, 1))
(city) => city.userId,
(users) => users.id)
const citiesWithUserObject = userWithCities.map((city, user) => ({ ...city, user }));
Join Many-To-Many Tables
Join User Groups with Users, using many-to-many table and map response to get user object with groups array
const usersWithUserGroups = await usersToUserGroupsTable.select()
.where(eq(userGroupsTable.id, 1))
(userToGroup) => userToGroup.userId,
(users) => users.id)
(userToGroup) => userToGroup.groupId,
(users) => users.id)
const userGroupWithUsers = usersWithUserGroups.group({
one: (_, dbUser, dbUserGroup) => dbUser!,
many: (_, dbUser, dbUserGroup) => dbUserGroup!,
const userWithGroups: ExtractModel<UsersTable> & { groups: ExtractModel<UserGroupsTable>[] } = {
groups: userGroupWithUsers.many,
Join User Groups with Users, using many-to-many table and map response to get user group object with users array
const usersWithUserGroups = await usersToUserGroupsTable.select()
.where(eq(userGroupsTable.id, 1))
(userToGroup) => userToGroup.userId,
(users) => users.id)
(userToGroup) => userToGroup.groupId,
(users) => users.id)
const userGroupWithUsers = usersWithUserGroups.group({
one: (_, dbUser, dbUserGroup) => dbUserGroup!,
many: (_, dbUser, dbUserGroup) => dbUser!,
const userWithGroups: ExtractModel<UserGroupsTable> & { users: ExtractModel<UsersTable>[] } = {
users: userGroupWithUsers.many,