DynamoDB Document SDK
This SDK abstracts away the typing of attribute values in the low level SDK in order to provide a simpler developing experience.
JS datatypes like string
or number
can be passed directly into DynamoDB requests and the wrapping will be handled for you; similarly for responses, datatypes will be unwrapped.
For those DynamoDB types that do not have direct mappings to JS datatypes, a wrapper Object is provided to handle type ambiguities (i.e. StrSet, NumSet, BinSet).
Lastly, a Condition Object is being introduced to simplify the use of the KeyCondition and Expected portion of the request params.
Note: Condition Object serves to simplify previous api (NOT new expressions)
Getting Started
In order to instantiate the client, you still need the AWS JS SDK to store your region/credentials.
var AWS = require("aws-sdk");
var DOC = require("dynamodb-doc");
AWS.config.update({region: "us-west-1"});
var docClient = new DOC.DynamoDB();
Alternatively if you already have the existing DynamoDB Client, you can pass it in order to instantiate the client.
var awsClient = AWS.DynamoDB();
var docClient = new DOC.DynamoDB(awsClient);
After this, you can make requests and receive responses with JS datatypes!
JS datatypes that can be used in place of DynamoDB Datatypes:
Javascript | DynamoDB |
string | S |
number | N |
boolean | BOOL |
null | NULL |
array | L |
object | M |
For Sets, the client will provide object for you:
docClient.Set(["a", "b", "c"], "S")
Refer to the Basic Usage and Nested DataTypes and More sections down below to see examples of the updated API.
In addition, the SDK also introduces a special kind of Object in order to simplify conditions.
docClient.Condition(key, operator, val1, val2)
Refer to the section down below on Condition Objects to see an example of the usage.
NOTE: To build the node js files for the browser yourself, run
npm install; uglifyjs lib/* | sed 's/\"use strict\";//' > dynamodb-doc.min.js
For each example assume we have these variables available to us.
AWS.config.update({ });
docClient = new DOC.DynamoDB();
var pfunc = function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack);
} else {
Basic Usage:
var params = {};
params.TableName = "Users";
params.Item = {UserId : "John",
Age : 21,
Pic : docClient.StrToBin("someURI")};
docClient.putItem(params, pfunc);
params = {};
params.TableName = "Users";
params.Key = {UserId : "John"}
docClient.getItem(params, pfunc);
NOTE: StrToBin returns either a Buffer
for NodeJS or Uint8Array
for the browser.
Nested DataTypes and More:
var params = {};
params.TableName = "Shopping Cart";
params.Item = {PartId : "CPU1",
OnSale : false,
Discount : null,
Compatible : {Motherboards : ["MB1", "MB2"],
RAM : ["RAM1"]}};
docClient.putItem(params, pfunc);
params = {};
params.Key = {PartId : "CPU1"};
params.TableName = "Shopping Cart";
docClient.getItem(params, pfunc);
Condition Object:
var params = {};
params.TableName = "Houses";
params.KeyConditions = [docClient.Condition("HouseId", "NOT_NULL"),
docClient.Condition("YearBuilt", "GT", 2000)];
params.QueryFilter = docClient.Condition("Price", "BETWEEN", 0, 900000);
docClient.query(params, pfunc);
Expressions (NEW!!):
var params = {};
params.TableName = "SomeTable";
params.Key = {Some : "Key"};
params.UpdateExpression = "set #a = :x + :y";
params.ConditionExpression = "#a < :MAX and Price = :correct";
params.ExpressionAttributeNames = {"#a" : "Description"};
params.ExpressionAttributeValues = {":x" : 20,
":y" : 45,
":MAX" : 100,
":correct" : "is right!!"};
docClient.updateItem(params, pfunc);