No-dependencies opinionated micro-library for AWS DynamoDB
to build small efficient RESTful APIs and high-performance command-line utilities with a simple intuitive API.
- Designed to work with existing code. Your legacy code can be gradually improved. No special requirements for database tables or indices!
- Battle-proven. Used in mission-critical applications.
- Provides a flexible way preparing your data objects for storing and reviving them back:
- Supports complex indexing: design your own queries!
- Validate objects before storing.
- Check the consistency of a database before storing objects.
- Rich set of efficient read/write/delete/clone/move operations.
- Various low-level and high-level utilities for DynamoDB.
- Automatically encoding/decoding your beautiful JSON data to and fro DynamoDB internal format.
- Supports vagaries of mass read/write/delete operations correctly handling throughput-related errors using the recommended exponential back-off algorithm.
- Supports transactions and batch requests.
- Implements efficiently on the server:
- Paging (in offset/limit terms) and sorting on an index (ascending and descending) to interface with list/table visual components.
- Subsetting AKA projection: read operations can return a subset required of fields instead of the whole shebang which can be huge especially for mass read operations — think lists and tables.
- Searching AKA filtering: filters results looking for a substring in a predefined set of fields.
- Patching: only necessary fields are transferred to be updated/deleted.
- Cloning: making updated copies in a database.
- Moving: effectively renaming objects.
- Thoroughly asynchronous. No callbacks.
- Working with multiple databases at the same time potentially using different credentials.
Extensively documented: see the wiki.
const Adapter = require('dynamodb-toolkit');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.update({region: 'us-east-2'});
const adapter = new Adapter({
client: new AWS.DynamoDB(),
table: 'test',
keyFields: ['name']
const planet = await adapter.get({name: 'Alderaan'});
await adapter.patch({name: planet.name, diameter: planet.diameter * 2});
await adapter.clone({name: planet.name}, planet => {
const newPlanet = {...planet, name: planet.name + ' Two'};
return newPlanet;
await adapter.delete({name: planet.name});
The full documentation: Adapter. Here is a cheatsheet:
What you have to define yourself
- Data properties:
- keyFields — a required list of keys starting with the partition key.
- Methods:
What you may want to define yourself
- Data properties:
- specialTypes — an optional dictionary, which arrays should be stored as DynamoDB sets.
- projectionFieldMap — an optional dictionary to map top-level properties to different fields.
- Frequently used with hierarchical indices.
- searchable — an optional dictionary of searchable top-level fields.
- searchablePrefix — an optional prefix to create technical searchable fields.
- indirectIndices — an optional dictionary, which sets what indices contain key fields instead of actual items.
- Methods:
What you immediately get
- Standard REST (CRUD):
- Special operations:
- Batch/transaction helpers:
- Mass operations:
- scanAllByParams(params [, fields [, returnRaw [, ignoreIndirection]]])
- getAllByParams(params [, options [, returnRaw [, ignoreIndirection]]])
- getByKeys(keys [, fields [, params [, returnRaw [, ignoreIndirection]]]])
- getAll(options, item [, index [, returnRaw [, ignoreIndirection]]])
- putAll(items)
- deleteAllByParams(params)
- deleteByKeys(keys)
- deleteAll(options, item [, index])
- cloneAllByParams(params, mapFn [, returnRaw])
- cloneByKeys(keys, mapFn [, returnRaw])
- cloneAll(options, mapFn, item [, index [, returnRaw]])
- moveAllByParams(params, mapFn [, returnRaw])
- moveByKeys(keys, mapFn [, returnRaw])
- moveAll(options, mapFn, item [, index [, returnRaw]])
- Alternative generic implementations formulated in terms of other methods:
- genericGetByKeys(keys [, fields [, params [, returnRaw [, ignoreIndirection]]]])
- genericPutAll(items)
- genericDeleteAllByParams(params)
- genericDeleteByKeys(keys)
- genericCloneAllByParams(params, mapFn [, returnRaw])
- genericCloneByKeys(keys, mapFn [, returnRaw])
- genericMoveAllByParams(params, mapFn [, returnRaw])
- genericMoveByKeys(keys, mapFn [, returnRaw])
- Utilities:
- makeParams(options [, project [, params [, skipSelect]]]) — prepares a DynamoDB
. - cloneParams(params) — a shallow copy of
with forcing a table name. - cleanGetParams(params) — removes
from params
. - checkExistence(params [, invert]) — generates an (non-)existence of an item.
- makeListParams(options, project, item [, index]) — prepares
to list items. - addKeyFields(params [, skipSelect]) — adds a projection of key fields to
. - convertFrom(item [, ignoreSpecialTypes]) — converts from the DynamoDB internal format.
- convertTo(item [, ignoreSpecialTypes]) — converts to the DynamoDB internal format.
- fromDynamo(item [, fields [, returnRaw]]) — converts to a given format. Runs user-defined transformations.
- toDynamo(item) — converts any supported format to a given DynamoDB client. Runs user-defined transformations.
- toDynamoKey(key [, index]) — converts an item to a valid DynamoDB key. Runs user-defined transformations.
- fromDynamoRaw(item) — converts from a client-specific format.
- toDynamoRaw(item) — converts to a client-specific format.
- validateItems(items [, isPatch]) — asynchronously validates all items.
Stand-alone utilities
Included utility functions:
- Helping to create clients with all necessary settings.
- Various operations on parameters (
) including adding projections, filtering. - Batching operations for efficiency.
- Transactions.
- Preparing patches.
- Mass operations: reading by keys, list with pagination, copying, deleting, iterating over, getting totals, writing.
- See the wiki for more details.
The library provides a helper for Koa to write HTTP REST servers: KoaAdapter. It takes care of query parameters,
extracts POST/PUT JSON bodies, sends responses encoded as JSON with proper HTTP status codes, and prepares parameters for
mass operations.
Define a Koa adapter:
const koaAdapter = new KoaAdapter(adapter, {
sortableIndices: {name: '-t-name-index'},
augmentItemFromContext(item, ctx) {
if (ctx.params.planet) {
item.name = ctx.params.planet;
return item;
augmentCloneFromContext(ctx) {
return item => ({...item, name: item.name + ' COPY'});
async getAll(ctx) {
let index, descending;
if (ctx.query.sort) {
let sortName = ctx.query.sort;
descending = ctx.query.sort[0] == '-';
if (descending) {
sortName = sortName.substr(1);
index = this.sortableIndices[sortName];
const options = this.makeOptions(ctx);
options.descending = !!descending;
ctx.body = await this.adapter.getAll(options, null, index);
async load(ctx) {
const data = JSON.parse(zlib.gunzipSync(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'data.json.gz'))));
await this.adapter.putAll(data);
ctx.body = {processed: data.length};
Most operations were trivial. Some operations take more than a couple of lines for flexibility's sake.
Define the routing table:
const router = new Router();
.get('/', async ctx => koaAdapter.getAll(ctx))
.delete('/', async ctx => koaAdapter.deleteAll(ctx))
.put('/-load', async ctx => koaAdapter.load(ctx))
.put('/-clone', async ctx => koaAdapter.cloneAll(ctx))
.put('/-clone-by-names', async ctx => koaAdapter.cloneByNames(ctx))
.put('/-move', async ctx => koaAdapter.moveAll(ctx))
.put('/-move-by-names', async ctx => koaAdapter.moveByNames(ctx))
.get('/-by-names', async ctx => koaAdapter.getByNames(ctx))
.delete('/-by-names', async ctx => koaAdapter.deleteByNames(ctx))
.post('/', async ctx => koaAdapter.post(ctx))
.get('/:planet', async ctx => koaAdapter.get(ctx))
.put('/:planet', async ctx => koaAdapter.put(ctx))
.patch('/:planet', async ctx => koaAdapter.patch(ctx))
.delete('/:planet', async ctx => koaAdapter.delete(ctx))
.put('/:planet/-clone', async ctx => koaAdapter.clone(ctx))
.put('/:planet/-move', async ctx => koaAdapter.move(ctx));
module.exports = router;
It cannot be simpler than that!
See wiki for the full documentation.
- 2.3.0 Added
to a patch object. - 2.2.0 Added
and indirection to Adapter's GET-like methods. - 2.1.1 Bugfix in
to avoid duplicates. - 2.1.0 Added
operations, some minor implementation improvements. - 2.0.1 Bugfix in the default implementation of
. - 2.0.0 Minor API change, better support for paths, support for
, and so on. - 1.16.0 Switched conversion to
, added getPath()
and setPath()
utilities. - 1.15.1 Added
for sequential asynchronous operations. - 1.15.0 Updated API to work with "db-raw" objects from a database.
- 1.14.0 Updated API to work with "raw" objects from a database.
- 1.13.9 Added an overridable clone function.
- 1.13.8 Serialized generic mass operations. Slower but less resource consumption.
- 1.13.7 Better work with boolean results in mass operations.
- 1.13.6 Bugfix to return a number of processed records from generic mass operations.
- 1.13.5 Bugfix to unbreak generic ops.
- 1.13.4 Bugfix in generic operations.
- 1.13.3 Added
, simplified getAllByParams()
, fixed genericDeleteAllByParams()
. - 1.13.2 Bugfix in pagination with filtering.
- 1.13.1 Added an alternative way to go over database records:
. - 1.13.0 Refactored
functions to use getBatch()
and applyBatch()
. - 1.12.0 Updated
API and added a no-limit version of paginateList()
. - 1.11.2 Typo fix in
. - 1.11.1 Bugfix in
related to transactions. - 1.11.0 New style of batches, support for transactional consistency checks.
- 1.10.6 Bugfix in
. - 1.10.5 Added generic implementations of compound operations.
- 1.10.4 Added
helper. - 1.10.3 Minor improvements, added batch makers working on raw keys and items.
- 1.10.2 Restructured names to keys methods of
. - 1.10.1 Added
methods to KoaAdapter
. - 1.10.0 Added support for multi-table batches and transactions. Minor overall improvements.
- 1.9.2 Added profile-related utilities.
- 1.9.1 Bugfix: added missing normalization for
, updated dev deps. - 1.9.0 Added: projecting sub-objects, new way to clone objects, and unit tests.
- 1.8.2 Bugfix in
. - 1.8.1 Added
and scanAllByParams()
. - 1.8.0 New signature for
, added streamable reading. - 1.7.2 Technical release.
- 1.7.1 Minor performance tweaks, bugfixes in the test case.
- 1.7.0 Added
and cloneByNames()
, renamed getAllByKeys()
to getByKeys()
. - 1.6.3 Added
to add writing conditions. - 1.6.2 Bugfix in
's mass methods: augmenting instead of copying. - 1.6.1 Return of
and cloneAll()
as default methods. - 1.6.0 Added
. - 1.5.0 Refactored, simplified, added more canned list-based operations.
- 1.4.1 Added ability to return
for mapping functions. - 1.4.0 Added helper methods:
, toDynamoKey()
, fromDynamo()
. - 1.3.0
added to KoaAdapter
. A related bug was fixed. - 1.2.0 Major refactoring of internals. Some API changes.
- 1.1.1 Bugfix: added the missing index file.
- 1.1.0 Made a search prefix a parameter.
- 1.0.0 The initial public release
The 3-Clause BSD License
The test JSON file containing planets of the Star Wars universe is extracted from SWAPI and used under BSD license.