- Easy control FTP or SFTP
- 간단한 설정만으로 편리하게 FTP 혹은 SFTP 의 기능을 이용할 수 있습니다.
- 이 모듈은 ftp 와 ssh2 모듈을 참조하였습니다.
npm install easy-ftp
var EasyFtp = require('easy-ftp');
var ftp = new EasyFTP();
var config = {
host: '',
port: 21,
username: '',
password: ''
ftp.cd("/", function(err, path){});
ftp.rm("/filename", function(err){});
ftp.mkdir("/directory", function(err){});
ftp.mv("/filename", "/newFilename", function(err, newPath){});
ftp.ls("/directory", function(err, list){});
ftp.pwd(function(err, path){});
ftp.upload("C:/test.txt", "/test.txt", function(err){});
ftp.download("/test.txt", "C:/", function(err){});
connect(< object >config)
- host - string - server domain or ip Default: 'localhost'
- port - number - port (default : 21)
- type - string - ftp type. 'ftp' or 'sftp' (default : 'ftp')
- username - string - username for authentication Default: 'anonymous',
- password - string - password for authentication. Default: 'anonymous@'
- privateKey - mixed - sftp only. Buffer or string that contains a private key for either key-based or hostbased user authentication (OpenSSH format) Default: none
cd(< string >path, < function >callback) - Changes the working directory. callback has 1 parameter: < Error >err.
rm(< string >path, < function >callback) - Deletes a file or directory(include child files) path on the server. callback has 1 parameter: < Error >err.
mkdir(< string >path, < function >callback) - Creates a new directory recursive. callback has 1 parameter: < Error >err.
mv(< string >oldPath, < string >newPath, < function >callback) - Renames or Move oldPath to newPath on the server. callback has 2 parameter: < Error >err, < String >newPath.
ls(< string >path, < function >callback) - Retrieves the directory listing of path. callback has 2 parameter: < Error >err, < Array >list.
- name - string - file name
- size - number - file size
- type - string - file type. 'd' => directory, 'f' => file
- date - date - file last modified date
pwd(< function >callback) - Retrieves the current working directory. callback has 2 parameters: < Error >err, < string >cwd.
upload(< string >localPath, < string >remotePath, < function >callback) - Sends data to the server to be stored as remotePath. If direcotry path, include self directory and child files. If you want only child files, localPath is "/directory/**". callback has 1 parameter: < Error >err.
- file - ex) upload("/test.txt", "/a/b/test.txt", ...) => result : /a/b/test.txt
- directory - ex) upload("/directory", "/a/b", ...) => result : /a/b/directory
- only child files - ex) upload("/directory/**", "/a/b", ...) => result : /a/b/child files...
download(< string >remotePath, < function >callback) - Retrieves a file or directory at path from the server. If directory path, include child files. callback has 1 parameter: < Error >err.
close() - Closes the connection to the server after any/all enqueued commands have been executed.
open(< FTPClient >client) - Emitted when connection and authentication were sucessful.
close - Emitted when the connection has fully closed.
error(< Error >err) - Emitted when the connection has fully closed.
upload(< string >uploadedRemotePath) - Emitted when file or directory uploaded.
download(< string >downloadedLocalPath) - Emitted when file or directory downloaded.
var ftp = new EasyFTP();
var config = {
host: 'localhost',
port: 21,
username: 'id',
password: 'password'
var ftp = new EasyFTP();
ftp.upload("/test/test.txt", "/test.txt", function(err){
var ftp = new EasyFTP();
ftp.upload("/test/**", "/", function(err){
var ftp = new EasyFTP();
ftp.upload("/test", "/", function(err){
var ftp = new EasyFTP();
ftp.download("/test/test.txt", "/", function(err){
var ftp = new EasyFTP();
ftp.download("/test", "/", function(err){