Easily deploy Elastic Beanstalk applications from the command line using nodejs. eb-deployer-js currently supports the
blue/green deployment strategy, but provides an extensibility point to define custom deployment processes and tasks.
node eb-deployer-js.js --environment dev --package my-app.zip --config my-app.config.js
Check out the examples in the examples folder for more detailed usage.
Configuration files are simply common js modules. Different strategies will expect different configuration formats, but for the currently supported blue/green strategy you can use the following as a starting point.
module.exports = {
ApplicationName : "My Application",
SolutionStackName : "64bit Amazon Linux 2014.09 v1.2.0 running Docker 1.3.3",
Region : "ap-southeast-2",
Bucket : "bernos-app-test-bucket",
Tags : [{
Key : "ApplicationName",
Value : "My Application"
OptionSettings : [{
Namespace : 'aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration',
OptionName : 'InstanceType',
Value : 't1.micro'
Tier : {
Name : "WebServer",
Type : "Standard",
Version : ""
Resources : {
TemplateFile : 'cf_template.json',
Outputs : {
InstanceProfile : {
Namespace : 'aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration',
OptionName : 'IamInstanceProfile'
Capabilities : [
Environments : {
dev : {
Description : "The development environment",
Bucket: 'dev-bucket'
Tags : [{
Key : "Environment",
Value : "Development"
prod : {
Bucket: 'prod-bucket'
OptionSettings : [{
Namespace : 'aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration',
OptionName : 'InstanceType',
Value : 'm1.small'
Blue Green deployment strategy
The currently supported blue/green deployment strategy effectively creates 2 Elastic Beanstalk environments for each of the application environments specified in your config. At any given time, one of these application will be "live", the other "inactive". When deploying your application with this strategy, the process goes as follows
Deploy the Cloud Formation resource stack, if one is configured
Establish the target Elastic Beanstalk environment, using the following logic
If no Elastic Beanstalk envrionments currently exist, then create one, assign it the "active" cname prefix and deploy the application there
If one Elastic Beanstalk environment currently exists, assert that it currently has the "active" cname prefix, then create a new environment, assign it the "inactive" cname prefix and deploy the application there
If two Elastic Beanstalk environments currently exist, assert which one is currently assigned the "inactive" cname prefix, terminate it, create a new environment with the "inactive" cname prefix and deploy the application there
Run smoke tests against the target environment. SmokeTest is configured using the optional SmokeTest function and expects a method signature of function (url, callback). The url parameter will be populated with the url of the new environment prior to cname switching. The callback is used to notify the deployment strategy of any errors and halt the deployment. NOTE: blue/green strategy has a built-in default smoketest should you decide not to provide one. The strategy will test the root of the application for a standard http 200 response.
SmokeTest : function (url, callback){
console.log("SmokeTest: smoke visible at %s", url);
if (err) {
} else {
Assuming the smoke tests pass, execute cname swap, using Elastic Beanstalk's out of the box functionality
Custom deployment strategies
eb-deployer-js is effectively a finite state machine. Custom deployment strategies can easily be developed by writing a custom
state machine configuration, and implementing the necessary states.
TODO: Add detailed guide to building custom deployment strategy. For now, check out src/strategies/blue-green as a guide
All projects love some testing so please write some and
npm test
before commiting please.