An ember-cli add-on to render inline scripts and styles directly into your index.html file.
npm install --save-dev ember-cli-inline-content
Note: compatible with ember-cli >= v0.0.47 (introduced content-for addons)
In your app's Brocfile.js, define a manifest of files you want to inline (name : filepath)
var app = new EmberApp({
inlineContent: {
'google-analytics' : 'ext/google-analytics.js',
'fast-style' : 'ext/red.css'
In your index.html file, use the 'content-for' helper with a reference to the name in the manifest
{{content-for 'fast-style'}}
<p>some other stuff</p>
{{content-for 'google-analytics'}}
During the build preocess, this will render the contents of those files directly inline with <script>
or <style>
tags, based on the filetype. In production, the contents of the inline blocks will be minified (will obey application's minifyJS & minifyCSS options in Brocfile).
The above example will output in index.html:
body { color: red; }
<p>some other stuff</p>
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
Advanced Examples
Adding attributes to the generated tags:
var app = new EmberApp({
inlineContent: {
'olark' : {
file: 'ext/olark.js',
attrs: { 'data-cfasync' : 'true' }
Will output:
<script data-cfasync="true">
...ext/olark.js content here...
Enviroment specifc content:
In the Brocfile.js
var app = new EmberApp({
if (app.env === 'production') {
app.options.inlineContent = {
'some-script' : 'ext/some-script.js'
Rendering any kind of file:
You are not restricted to just js/css files. It will inline the literal contents of any UTF-8 string file.
var app = new EmberApp({
inlineContent: {
'facebook-html-block' : 'ext/facebook.html'
Rendering a string of content instead of a file:
var app = new EmberApp({
inlineContent: {
'env-heading' : {
content: '<h1>Environment: ' + process.env.EMBER_ENV + '</h1>'
- You want some code to start executing before your whole app downloads
- You don't want that code to require a separate request
<script async>
is not widely supported, or incompatible with some 3rd party code- Some 3rd party code recommends, or requires you to inline their code
- You need to place various inline content but want to keep your index.html clean
- You want minified inline content, but keep full source in separate files for dev and testing