ember-cli-pixijs wraps the pixi.js HTML5
2D rendering engine so that it can easily be used in Ember.js applications:
import PIXI from 'pixi';
It also defines a PixiCanvas
component that can be used to display canvases
rendered with pixi.js in Ember.js applications. The component handles creating
a pixi.js renderer, inserting the canvas into the DOM and replacing it when the
dimensions change. Whenever the canvas is (re-)rendered, the component's draw
method is called that handles the actual drawing with pixi.js.
A concrete subclass of the PixiCanvas
component might look sth. like this:
import PIXI from 'pixi';
import PixiCanvas from 'ember-cli-pixijs/components/pixi-canvas';
export default PixiCanvas.extend({
draw() {
const renderer = this.get('pixiRenderer');
const stage = new PIXI.Container();
const graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
graphics.lineStyle(10, 0xffd900, 1);
graphics.moveTo(50, 50);
graphics.lineTo(250, 50);
graphics.lineTo(100, 100);
graphics.lineTo(250, 220);
graphics.lineTo(50, 220);
graphics.lineTo(50, 50);
Installing the addon is as easy as:
ember install ember-cli-pixijs
ember-cli-pixijs is developed by and ©
simplabs GmbH/Marco Otte-Witte and contributors. It is
released under the
MIT License.
ember-cli-pixijs is not an official part of Ember.js and
is not maintained by the Ember.js Core Team.
pixi.js is developed by and © Mathew Groves.