This is a WIP. However it does work as stands for uploading your /dist directory to specified bucket. Still -use at your own risk :)
npm install ember-cli-s3-sync --save-dev
npm install
Using with your AWS creds
This addon uses aws-sdk
so you get some pretty stable behavior when making requests to S3. AWS credentials can be provided in several ways, hopefully satisfying most development environments. Listed below is the order of preference for AWS credentials
Anything included as a command line argument is king of the hill:
ember deploy:s3 --awsSecret=my-secret --awsKey=my-cool-key
- shared credentials file at ~/.aws/credentials file.
- these shell environment variables:
- deploy/config.js
"options": { "accessKeyId": "mycoolkey", "secretAccessKey": "secretsarecool" }
note if key & secret aren't found at any of the checks above then you will be prompted for credentials -blocking the deploy (keep this in mind if using with automated/continuous deployment systems).
How to use
ember deploy:s3 --environment=development --aws-key=12345 --aws-secret=asdfasdf --aws-bucket=buckets-o-fun
- this builds a development version of your app and deploys all files in the
directory to the S3 bucket "buckets-o-fun"
ember deploy:s3
- this will build development version of your app and prompt you for awsKey, awsSecret, and awsBucket
possible cli arguments:
(optional) uses app's defaultoutputPath
(optional) uses app's default /dist
(required. will prompt if not provided as cli arg)awsSecret
(required. will prompt if not provided as cli arg)awsBucket
(required. will prompt if not provided as cli arg)awsRegion
(optional. will verify the specified region with aws)
Configuring deployment