List and manages all system environment variables.
$ npm install entorn --save
console.log("List all environment variables:" + entorn.list());
console.log("CPUs: ", entorn.cpus);
console.log("Free memory: ", entorn.free);
console.log("Similary: ", entorn.similary("NODE"));
console.log("have java installed? " + entorn.hasJavaHome());
console.log("where java is installed? " + entorn.getJavaHome());
console.log("What is the name of the user of this computer? ", entorn.User());
console.log("You have it set android? ", entorn.hasAndroidHome());
console.log("has axs?", entorn.has("axs"));
console.log("or, has SESSION?", entorn.has("SESSION"));
console.log("get NODE_PATH", entorn.get("NODE_PATH"));
console.log("CPUs: ", entorn.cpus);
console.log("Free memory: ", entorn.free);
console.log("Network Interfaces: ", entorn.networkInterfaces);
console.log("or Network Interfaces: ", entorn.ni);
console.log("Platform: ", entorn.platform);
console.log("Total memory: ", entorn.totalmem);
console.log("Current folder: ", entorn.current);
console.log("Version nodejs: ", entorn.version);
console.log("or Version nodejs: ", entorn.v);
console.log("Detail Nodejs: ", entorn.vdetail);
entorn.listmodules(function (err, list) {
if (err) console.log("ERROR", err);
console.log("Listing nodemodules globals:", list);
entorn.exec("atom .", function (err, stdout) {
if (err) console.log("ERROR", err);
console.log("Result:", stdout);