This is a Node.js module for the elasticsearch REST API.
NOTE: node-es
and newer work with ElasticSearch 5 and up. For older versions of ElasticSearch, prior versions of node-es
should be used.

npm install es
Elasticsearch Version Compatibility
When working with Elasticsearch v7.x and up, use v0.8.x
(latest npm install es
). When using previous versions of Elasticsearch, please use v0.7.4
of this module (npm install es@v0.7.4
elasticsearch = require('es'),
config = {
_index : 'kittehs'
es = elasticsearch(config);{
query : {
field : {
animal : 'kitteh'
}, function (err, data) {
Unless otherwise stated, all callback signatures are function (err, data)
, with data
being the parsed JSON response from elasticsearch.
Calling elasticsearch.createClient(config)
is the same as elasticsearch(config)
elasticsearch = require('es'),
es = elasticsearch.createClient(config);
When initializing the library, you may choose to specify an index to work with at the start to save from having to supply this information in the options for each operation request:
var config = {
_index : 'pet'
Additionally, if working with multiple indexes, you may specify them as arrays:
var config = {
_indices : ['pet', 'family'],
Note: When index or indices are supplied via operation options, those settings will take precedent over the base configuration for the library:
elasticsearch = require('es'),
config = {
_index : 'kitteh'
es = elasticsearch.createClient(config);
es.indices.exist({ _index : 'canine' }, function (err, data) {
If omitted from configuration, the server settings default to the following:
var config = {
server : {
host : 'localhost',
port : 9200
Anything specified within the server element of config is passed directly through to each HTTP/HTTPS request. You may configure additional options for connecting to Elasticsearch:
var config = {
server : {
agent : false,
auth : 'user:pass',
host : 'localhost',
port : 9243,
rejectUnauthorized : false,
secure : true
cluster support and failover
Elasticsearch is pretty much rad at clustering. If you want to specify multiple servers to failover to, you may do so by either supplying an array as the value for the property host
, hosts
, hostname
or hostnames
var elasticsearch = require('es');
var config = {
_index : 'bawss',
server : {
hosts : ['', '', '']
secure : true
var es = elasticsearch(config);
If you run on different ports for each server, use the hostnames
var elasticsearch = require('es');
var config = {
_index : 'bawss',
server : {
hostnames : ['localhost:9200', 'localhost:9201', 'localhost:9202']
var es = elasticsearch(config);
operation timeout
The default timeout for any operation against Elasticsearch is set at 30 seconds. You can override this value by specifying a timeout property in the options for the operation:
var options = {
timeout : 60000
es.bulk(options, commands, function (err, data) {
request event
An event named request
with a signature of function (options) { }
is emitted for each API call.
var elasticsearch = require('es');
var config = {
_index : 'bawss',
server : {
hosts : ['localhost:9200', 'localhost:9201', 'localhost:9202']
var es = elasticsearch(config);
es.request.on('request', function (options) {
console.log('request initiated');
es.count(function (err, results) {
options for any operation
For each ES operation, options may be specified as the first argument to the function. In most cases, these are entirely optional, but when supplied, the values specified will take precedent over the config values passed to the library constructor.
Additionally, if there are extra option keys supplied beyond what is required for the operation, they are mapped directly to the querystring.
var options = {
_index : 'bawss',
refresh : true
var doc = {
field1 : 'test value'
es.index(options, doc, function (err, data) {
// this will result in a POST with path /bawss/man?refresh=true
For more specifics and details regarding the core API for ElasticSearch, please refer to the documentation at
Please Note: The default timeout is set at 30 seconds... if you are performing a large bulk insert you may need to increase this limit by specifying a higher value for timeout
in the options parameter.
This method doesn't take into account the underlying config that was used when instantiating the client. It requires index to be specified via the commands array or via the options parameter. Conflict will occur if one specifies a different index in the options than what is specified via the commands parameter.
At a high level, when performing a bulk update, you must supply an array with an action object followed by the object that the action will use during execution. In the following example, the first item in the array specifies the action is index
and the second item represents the data to index:
{ index : { _index : 'dieties' } },
{ name : 'hamish', breed : 'manx', color : 'tortoise' }
In this example, two index
actions will be performed on the 'dieties' index in ElasticSearch:
{ index : { _index : 'dieties' } },
{ name : 'dugald', breed : 'siamese', color : 'white' },
{ index : { _index : 'dieties' } },
{ name : 'keelin', breed : 'domestic long-hair', color : 'russian blue' }
For more information regarding bulk, please see the ElasticSearch documentation at
es.bulk(options, commands, callback)
elasticsearch = require('es'),
es = elasticsearch();
var commands = [
{ index : { _index : 'dieties' } },
{ name : 'hamish', breed : 'manx', color : 'tortoise' },
{ index : { _index : 'dieties' } },
{ name : 'dugald', breed : 'siamese', color : 'white' },
{ index : { _index : 'dieties' } },
{ name : 'keelin', breed : 'domestic long-hair', color : 'russian blue' }
es.bulk(options, commands, function (err, data) {
Bulk Index
This is not a core action for ElasticSearch, but is a convenience method added to this ElasticSearch client to make bulk indexing more straight forward. Simply supply an array of documents you wish to bulk index in ElasticSearch and the method will take of the details for you.
es.bulkIndex(options, documents, callback)
elasticsearch = require('es'),
es = elasticsearch();
var documents = [
{ name : 'hamish', breed : 'manx', color : 'tortoise' },
{ name : 'dugald', breed : 'siamese', color : 'white' },
{ name : 'keelin', breed : 'domestic long-hair', color : 'russian blue' }
var options = {
_index : 'dieties'
es.bulkIndex(options, documents, function (err, data) {
es.count(options, query, callback)
elasticsearch = require('es');
es = elasticsearch();
es.count(function (err, data) {
var options = {
_index : 'bawss'
es.count(options, function (err, data) {
var query = {
query : {
term : {
breed : 'manx'
es.count(options, query, function (err, data) {
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config (as shown below) or via options when calling the operation.
es.delete(options, callback)
elasticsearch = require('es'),
es = elasticsearch();
core.delete({ _id : 'mbQZc_XhQDWmNCQX5KwPeA' }, function (err, data) {
Delete By Query
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config (as shown below) or via options when calling the operation.
es.deleteByQuery(options, query, callback)
elasticsearch = require('es'),
es = elasticsearch({ _index : 'kitteh' });
var query = {
query : {
field : { breed : 'siamese' }
es.deleteByQuery(query, function (err, data) {
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
es.exists(options, callback)
elasticsearch = require('es'),
es = elasticsearch();
es.exists({ _index : 'kitteh' }, function (err, data) {
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
Also requires _id
, but this must be specified via options.
es.explain(options, query, callback)
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
Also requires _id
, but this must be specified via options.
es.get(options, callback)
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
es.index(options, doc, callback)
More Like This
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
Also requires _id
, but this must be specified via options.
es.moreLikeThis(options, callback)
Multi Get
If _index
is supplied via options (or lib config), the will applied to the doc that is transmitted for the operation.
es.multiGet(options, docs, callback)
Multi Search
es.multiSearch(options, queries, callback)
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation., query, callback)
Requires scroll
be specified via options when calling the method. The following code snippet shows how to perform a search with a subsequent scroll.
elasticsearch = require('es'),
config = {
_index : 'kittehs'
es = elasticsearch(config);{
scroll : '10m'
}, {
query : {
match_all : {}
}, function (err, data) {
es.scroll({ scroll : '10m' }, data['_scroll_id'], callback);
es.suggest(options, query, callback)
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
Also requires _id
, but this must be specified via options.
es.update(options, doc, callback)
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
es.validate(options, query, callback)
All operations here interact with the indices segment of the Elasticsearch API.
es.indices.alias(options, data, callback)
Requires alias
, but this must be specified via options.
es.indices.aliases(options, callback)
es.indices.analyze(options, data, callback)
Clear Cache
es.indices.clearCache(options, callback)
Close Index
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
es.indices.closeIndex(options, callback)
Create Index
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
es.indices.createIndex(options, data, callback)
Create Template
Requires name
, but this must be specified via options.
es.indices.createTemplate(options, template, callback)
Delete Alias
Requires _index
and _alias
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
es.indices.deleteAlias(opitons, callback)
Delete Index
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
es.indices.deleteIndex(options, callback)
Delete Mapping
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
es.indices.deleteMapping(options, callback)
Delete Template
Requires name
, but this must be specified via options.
es.indices.deleteTemplate(options, callback)
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
es.indices.exists(options, callback)
es.indices.flush(options, callback)
es.indices.mappings(options, callback)
Open Index
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
es.indices.openIndex(options, callback)
Put Mapping
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
es.indices.putMapping(options, mapping, callback)
es.indices.refresh(options, callback)
es.indices.segments(options, callback)
Requires _index
be specified either via lib config or via options when calling the operation.
es.indices.settings(options, callback)
es.indices.snapshot(options, callback)
es.indices.stats(options, callback)
Requires name
, but this must be specified via options.
es.indices.templates(options, callback)
Update Settings
es.indices.updateSettings(options, settings, callback)
All operations here interact with the Cluster portion of the Elasticsearch API.
Delete River
Requires name
, but this must be specified via options.
es.cluster.deleteRiver(options, callback)
Field Stats
Requires field
or fields
, but this must be specified via options.
es.cluster.fieldStats(options, callback)
Health, callback)
Hot Threads
es.cluster.hotThreads(options, callback)
Nodes Info
es.cluster.nodesInfo(options, callback)
Nodes Stats
es.cluster.nodesStats(options, callback)
Put River
Requires name
, but this must be specified via options.
es.cluster.putRiver(options, meta, callback)
es.cluster.reroute(options, commands, callback)
Requires name
, but this must be specified via options.
es.cluster.rivers(options, callback)
es.cluster.settings(options, callback)
es.cluster.shutdown(options, callback)
es.cluster.state(options, callback)
Update Settings
es.cluster.updateSettings(options, updates, callback)
Code coverage data generated from npm test is located in ./lib-cov
and is not included in the git repo.
npm install
npm test
To run code coverage and generate local report at ./reports/coverage.html
npm run-script coverage
- Node.js
- elasticsearch
- The need for search