I love standardjs and semistandard. But I really want trailing comma.
Trailing Comma is not allowed in old JavaScript implementations.
But for a long list with tailing comma is easier to maintain.
It's easier to modify a list since every element are in the same format.
Reduce the chance produces bug when copy element from old code.
Also, minifier can strip trailing commas, so don't worry about old browsers.
After several monthes later, I start to add my lint rules
The first one is eslint-plugin-no-parameter-e.
And I am planing to add a more powerfule empty line linter.
Because deps are based on peerDependency. We need to install all eslin config ourself.
npm install --save-dev eslint-config-othree-style eslint-config-standard eslint-plugin-standard eslint-plugin-promise eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-node eslint-plugin-no-parameter-e
Add this to esling config:
"extends": "othree-style"