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ESLint plugin for linting n8n nodes.


Required: ESLint VSCode extension

  1. Install this plugin:
npm i -D eslint-plugin-n8n-nodes-base
  1. Choose one of the three plugin configs:
  • recommended (all rules)
  • ๐ŸŸข autofixable-safe (does not cause breaking changes)
  • ๐Ÿ”ด autofixable-unsafe (causes breaking changes)
  • ๐Ÿ”ต non-autofixable (to be manually fixed)
  1. Create the ESLint configuration file.

The following example...

  • provides the n8n-nodes-base plugin,
  • enables the rules tagged recommended, and
  • disables a specific rule from the enabled set.
  plugins: [ "eslint-plugin-n8n-nodes-base" ],
  extends: [ "plugin:n8n-nodes-base/recommended" ],
  rules: {
    "n8n-nodes-base/node-param-type-options-missing-from-limit": "off"

Optionally, omit extends and enable rules individually:

  plugins: [ "eslint-plugin-n8n-nodes-base" ],
  rules: {
    "n8n-nodes-base/node-param-type-options-missing-from-limit": "error"
    "n8n-nodes-base/node-param-resource-without-no-data-expression": "error"
    "n8n-nodes-base/node-param-resource-with-plural-option": "error"


Nameย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย DescriptionAutofixable
cred-class-field-display-name-miscaseddisplayName field in credential class must be title cased.๐ŸŸข
cred-class-field-display-name-missing-apidisplayName field in credential class must be end with API.๐ŸŸข
cred-class-field-display-name-missing-oauth2displayName field in credential class must mention OAuth2 if applicable.๐Ÿ”ต
cred-class-field-documentation-url-miscaseddocumentationUrl field in credential class must be camel cased.๐ŸŸข
cred-class-field-documentation-url-missingdocumentationUrl field in credential class must be present.๐ŸŸข
cred-class-field-name-missing-oauth2name field in credential class must mention OAuth2 if applicable.๐Ÿ”ต
cred-class-field-name-unsuffixedname field in credential class must be suffixed with -Api.๐Ÿ”ด
cred-class-field-name-uppercase-first-charFirst char in name in credential class must be lowercase.๐Ÿ”ด
cred-class-field-placeholder-url-missing-egplaceholder for a URL in credential class must be prepended with e.g..๐ŸŸข
cred-class-name-missing-oauth2-suffixCredential class name must mention OAuth2 if applicable.๐Ÿ”ต
cred-class-name-unsuffixedCredential class name must be suffixed with -Api.๐Ÿ”ด
filesystem-wrong-cred-filenameCredentials filename must match credentials class name, excluding the filename suffix. Example: TestApi.credentials.ts matches TestApi in class TestApi implements ICredentialType.๐Ÿ”ต
filesystem-wrong-node-dirnameNode dirname must match node filename, excluding the filename suffix. Example: Test node dirname matches Test.node.ts node filename.๐Ÿ”ต
filesystem-wrong-node-filenameNode filename must match name in node class description, excluding the filename suffix. Example: Test.node.ts matches Test in๐Ÿ”ต
filesystem-wrong-resource-description-filenameResource description file must use singular form. Example: UserDescription.ts, not UsersDescription.ts.๐Ÿ”ต
node-class-description-credentials-name-unsuffixedname under credentials in node class description must be suffixed with -Api.๐ŸŸข
node-class-description-display-name-unsuffixed-trigger-nodedisplayName in node class description for trigger node must be suffixed with -Trigger.๐ŸŸข
node-class-description-empty-stringdescription in node class description must be filled out.๐Ÿ”ต
node-class-description-icon-not-svgicon in node class description should be a non-SVG icon.๐Ÿ”ต
node-class-description-inputs-wrong-regular-nodeThe number of inputs in node class description for regular node should be one, or two for Merge node.๐ŸŸข
node-class-description-inputs-wrong-trigger-nodeThe number of inputs in node class description for trigger node should be zero.๐ŸŸข
node-class-description-missing-subtitlesubtitle in node class description must be present.๐ŸŸข
node-class-description-name-unsuffixed-trigger-nodename in node class description for trigger node must be suffixed with -Trigger.๐ŸŸข
node-class-description-outputs-wrongThe number of outputs in node class description for any node must be one, or two for If node, or four for Switch node.๐ŸŸข
node-execute-block-missing-continue-on-failThe execute() method in a node must implement continueOnFail in a try-catch block.๐Ÿ”ต
node-execute-block-wrong-error-thrownThe execute() method in a node may only throw NodeApiError for failed network requests and NodeOperationError for internal errors, not the built-in Error.๐Ÿ”ต
node-param-array-type-assertionArray of node parameters must be typed, not type-asserted.๐Ÿ”ด
node-param-collection-type-unsorted-itemsItems in collection-type node parameter must be alphabetized by name if more than five.๐ŸŸข
node-param-color-type-unusedcolor-type must be used for color-related node parameter.๐Ÿ”ด
node-param-default-missingdefault must be present in a node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-default-wrong-for-booleandefault for boolean-type node parameter must be a boolean.๐ŸŸข
node-param-default-wrong-for-collectiondefault for collection-type node parameter must be an object.๐ŸŸข
node-param-default-wrong-for-fixed-collectiondefault for fixed-collection-type node parameter must be an object.๐ŸŸข
node-param-default-wrong-for-limitdefault for a Limit node parameter must be 50๐ŸŸข
node-param-default-wrong-for-multi-optionsdefault for a multi-options-type node parameter must be an array.๐ŸŸข
node-param-default-wrong-for-numberdefault for a number-type node parameter must be a number.๐ŸŸข
node-param-default-wrong-for-optionsdefault for an options-type node parameter must be one of the options.๐ŸŸข
node-param-default-wrong-for-simplifydefault for a Simplify node parameter must be true.๐ŸŸข
node-param-default-wrong-for-stringdefault for a string-type node parameter must be a string.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-boolean-without-whetherdescription in a boolean node parameter must start with Whether.๐Ÿ”ต
node-param-description-empty-stringdescription in node parameter or in option in options-type and multi-options-type param must be filled out or removed. Applicable by extension to description in option in options-type and multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-excess-final-perioddescription in node parameter must end without a final period if a single-sentence description. Applicable by extension to description in option in options-type and multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-excess-inner-whitespacedescription in node parameter must not contain excess inner whitespace. Applicable by extension to description in option in options-type and multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-identical-to-display-namedescription in node parameter must not be identical to displayName.๐Ÿ”ต
node-param-description-line-break-html-tagdescription in node parameter must not contain an HTML line break. Applicable by extension to description in option in options-type and multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-lowercase-first-charFirst char in description in node parameter must be uppercase. Applicable by extension to description in option in options-type and multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-miscased-idID in description in node parameter must be fully uppercased. Applicable by extension to description in option in options-type and multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-missing-final-perioddescription in node parameter must end with a final period if a multiple-sentence description, unless ending with </code>. Applicable by extension to description in option in options-type and multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-missing-for-return-alldescription for Return All node parameter must be present.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-missing-for-simplifydescription for Simplify node parameter must be present.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-missing-from-dynamic-multi-optionsdescription in dynamic-multi-options-type node parameter must be present.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-missing-from-dynamic-optionsdescription in dynamic-options-type node parameter must be present.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-missing-from-limitdescription in Limit node parameter must be present.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-unencoded-angle-bracketsdescription in node parameter must encode angle brackets for them to render. Applicable by extension to description in option in options-type and multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-unneeded-backticksdescription in node parameter must not use unneeded backticks. Applicable by extension to description in option in options-type and multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-untrimmeddescription in node parameter must be trimmed. Applicable by extension to description in option in options-type and multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-url-missing-protocoldescription in node parameter must include protocol when containing a URL. Applicable by extension to description in option in options-type and multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-weakdescription in node parameter must be either useful or omitted. Applicable by extension to description in option in options-type and multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-wrong-for-dynamic-multi-optionsdescription in dynamic-multi-options-type node parameter must be Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-wrong-for-dynamic-optionsdescription in dynamic-options-type node parameter must be Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-wrong-for-limitdescription for Limit node parameter must be Max number of results to return๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-wrong-for-return-alldescription for Return All node parameter must be Whether to return all results or only up to a given limit๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-wrong-for-simplifydescription for Simplify node parameter must be Whether to return a simplified version of the response instead of the raw data๐ŸŸข
node-param-description-wrong-for-upsertdescription for Upsert node parameter must be Create a new record, or update the current one if it already exists (upsert)๐ŸŸข
node-param-display-name-excess-inner-whitespacedisplayName in node parameter or in fixed collection section must not contain excess inner whitespace. Applicable by extension to name in options-type or multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-display-name-lowercase-first-charFirst char in displayName in node parameter or in fixed collection section must be uppercase. Applicable by extension to name in options-type or multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-display-name-miscased-idID in displayName in node parameter must be fully uppercased. Applicable by extension to name in options-type or multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-display-name-miscaseddisplayName in node parameter or in fixed collection section must title cased. Applicable by extension to name in options-type or multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-display-name-nonstandard-for-fixed-collectiondisplayName for top-level fixed collection for create operation must be Additional Fields. displayName for top-level fixed collection for update operation must be Update Fields. displayName for top-level fixed collection for get-all operation must be Options.๐ŸŸข
node-param-display-name-untrimmeddisplayName in node parameter or in fixed collection section must be trimmed. Applicable by extension to name in options-type or multi-options-type node parameter.๐ŸŸข
node-param-display-name-wrong-for-dynamic-multi-optionsdisplayName for dynamic-multi-options-type node parameter must end with Name or ID๐Ÿ”ต
node-param-display-name-wrong-for-dynamic-optionsdisplayName for dynamic-options-type node parameter must end with Name or ID๐Ÿ”ต
node-param-display-name-wrong-for-simplifydisplayName for Simplify node parameter must be Simplify๐ŸŸข
node-param-display-name-wrong-for-update-fieldsdisplayName for Update operation node parameter must be Update Fields๐ŸŸข
node-param-fixed-collection-type-unsorted-itemsItems in a fixed-collection-type node parameter must be alphabetized by displayName if more than five.๐ŸŸข
node-param-min-value-wrong-for-limitminValue for Limit node parameter must be a positive integer.๐ŸŸข
node-param-multi-options-type-unsorted-itemsItems in a multi-options-type node parameter must be alphabetized by name if more than five.๐ŸŸข
node-param-operation-without-no-data-expressionnoDataExpression in an Operation node parameter must be present and enabled.๐ŸŸข
node-param-option-description-identical-to-namedescription in option in options-type node parameter must not be identical to name.๐Ÿ”ต
node-param-option-name-containing-starOption name in options-type node parameter must not contain *. Use [All] instead.๐ŸŸข
node-param-option-name-duplicateOption name in options-type node parameter must not be a duplicate.๐ŸŸข
node-param-option-name-wrong-for-get-allOption name for Get All node parameter must be Get All๐ŸŸข
node-param-option-name-wrong-for-upsertOption name for Upsert node parameter must be Upsert.๐ŸŸข
node-param-option-value-duplicateOption value in options-type node parameter must not be a duplicate.๐ŸŸข
node-param-options-type-unsorted-itemsItems in options-type node parameter must be alphabetized by name if more than five.๐ŸŸข
node-param-required-falserequired: false in node parameter must be removed becaused it is implied.๐ŸŸข
node-param-resource-with-plural-optionOption name for a Resource node parameter must be singular.๐ŸŸข
node-param-resource-without-no-data-expressionnoDataExpression in a Resource node parameter must be present and enabled.๐ŸŸข
node-param-type-options-missing-from-limittypeOptions in Limit node parameter must be present.๐ŸŸข


ยฉ 2022 Ivรกn Ovejero


Distributed under the MIT License.


Package last updated on 07 Apr 2022

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