Saddle is a simple framework for developing Ethereum Smart Contracts. Think of it like a lean and mean version of truffle.
What saddle does
- Allows you to compile and deploy your contracts.
- Add fast, parallelized tests for your contracts.
** What saddle does not**
- Migrations. It's just "deploy".
- Solidity-language tests
- npm-based Solidity plugins
- solcjs
- complex configuration
- bloat
** What saddle wants to do... one day**
- Smart code coverage (via vm trace's)
- Smart revert messages (e.g. backtraces for Solidity errors)
- Verify your contracts on Etherscan
Installing Saddle
To install saddle, simply create a new npm or yarn project and run:
yarn add eth-saddle
# or
npm install eth-saddle --save
Using Saddle
After you've installed saddle, you can compile, test or deploy your contracts. See saddle help
for more information. See configuration
below for configuration help.
Let's assume you define a simple Ethereum contract:
pragma solidity ^0.5.9;
contract MyContract {
function myFunc() pure external returns (uint256) {
return 55;
Now, you can compile your contract with:
npx saddle compile
saddle compile
will compile your contracts and store the built output in ./build/contracts.json
. This is the raw output of solc compile.
After you've compiled, you can deploy your contracts:
npx saddle deploy -n development
This will deploy your comiled contracts to development (for this, you should have ganache running). For more information on configuring your deployment for rinkeby or mainnet, see the configuration section below.
After you have deployed, you will also see the contract address listed in ./build/development.json
, if you want to keep track of your deployments.
Testing Smart Contracts
Note: before testing, you currently have to compile your contracts. To run your tests, then, run:
npx saddle compile && npx saddle test
saddle test
runs your tests. To add tests, create a directory /tests
and add some simple tests, e.g.
describe('View', () => {
test('deploy and read contract', async () => {
let ctx = await deploy('MyContract', []);
expect(await call(ctx.methods.myFunc())).toEqual(55);
Saddle provides a few helper functions for your tests, which are:
- A web3 instance connected to the chosen provideraccount
- The default account for web3accounts
- A list of unlocked accounts for web3deploy(contract: string, args: any[], sendOptions: SendOptions={})
- Deploys a contractcall(callable, callOptions: CallOptions={})
- Call a function on a contractsend(sendable, sendOptions: SendOptions={})
- Send a transaction on a contract
You can really get by without using most of these functions (except maybe deploy), since they are light wrappers around web3 functions, but the wrappers will allow saddle to provide better helpers and diagnostics in the future.
Saddle comes with reasonable default configuration, but you can override it. The core of the configuration is a list of "sources" for any given configuration-item, allowing the framework to look at say an environment variable for a provider, or if that is missing, a file with the provider information, or if that is missing, use a default http endpoint. This would be described as:
provider: [{env: "PROVIDER"}, {file: "~/.ethereum-provider"}, {http: ""}]
To set your own configuration, simply run: saddle init
and this will create a file saddle.config.js
. Make any changes to the configuration you need in that file
Please create an issue for any questions. In the interest of keeping saddle as simple as possible, we will not try to mimic all features of more complex frameworks-- so it's better to discuss first before submitting PRs.
Thanks and enjoy!