Exchange Web Service in JavaScript/TypeScript. For ionic/electron/Outlook Add-In (mail apps) and other browser process.
built for ionic, electron and Outlook Add-In (mail apps) from https://github.com/gautamsi/ews-javascript-api
based on ews-javascript-api@0.9.1
installing (for ionic/cordova)
npm install ews-js-api-browser
install typescript globally npm install -g typescript
then run tsc
or npm run build
from command prompt
run npm run build:outlook
(windows only) to build for Outlook Add-in/Mail apps.
use in Ionic/cordova
npm install works, use loaders like webpack. use in ionic/electron/webview, open issues at original repo. if you are using plain js/ts in cordova, see last section for this.
ionic serve
will have CORS issue, You want to test in emulator directly. You can also enable CORS in Chrome (chrome based browsers) by installing plugin from chrome web store Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: *
this may affect other browser based process. electron does not have this issue
webpack uglify hangs and ultimately logs following error for me, probably due to very large file, I will see if I can fix this without making single file, ultimately current implementation loads all file so not much difference.
<--- Last few GCs --->
[107880:000002A361520F20] 16262 ms: Mark-sweep 1393.6 (1448.1) -> 1393.5 (1415.1) MB, 280.1 / 0.0 ms last resort
[107880:000002A361520F20] 16472 ms: Mark-sweep 1393.5 (1415.1) -> 1393.5 (1415.1) MB, 209.9 / 0.0 ms last resort
<--- JS stacktrace --->
==== JS stack trace =========================================
Security context: 000000E5FE6A66A1 <JS Object>
1: RegExpReplace [native regexp.js:~356] [pc=000002C27BC3C9A4](this=000002255C9F2D61 <JS RegExp>,z=000000160878A0C1 <Very long string[3071091]>,ak=000000E5FE6C15A1 <String[1]\: \n>)
2: 000003B7485C9C21 <Symbol: Symbol.replace>(aka [Symbol.replace]) [native regexp.js:1] [pc=000002C27C3AD329](this=000002255C9F2D61 <JS RegExp>,z=000000160878A0C1 <Very long string[3071091]>,ak=000000E5FE6...
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
How to for Outlook Apps
Working with modules
If you are using webpack/requirejs, just install using npm and configure loaders appropriately. dependency needed: base64-js, moment-timezone & uuid. moment is also needed as dependency to moment-timezone.
Follow examples from ews-jsvascript-api
Working without module loaders
see next section
Working with plain js/ts (no module loaders/bundlers)
you have to copy dist/outlook/ExchangeWebService.js
(and dist/outlook/ExchangeWebService.d.ts
if you need typing support in typescript) to your project/scripts directory, include ExchangeWebService.js in html file (<script>
tag). This exposes a global namespace EwsJS
for outlook add-ins/mail apps, configure for outlook by caling call EwsJS.ConfigureForOutlook()
inside Office.initialize
specific example on how to use this way.
Office.initialize = function (reason) {
$(document).ready(function () {
var element = document.querySelector('.ms-MessageBanner');
messageBanner = new fabric.MessageBanner(element);
EwsJS.EwsLogging.DebugLogEnabled = false;
var exch = new EwsJS.ExchangeService(EwsJS.ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013);
exch.Credentials = new EwsJS.WebCredentials("user","password");
exch.Url = new EwsJS.Uri("https://outlook.office365.com/Ews/Exchange.asmx");
EwsJS.Folder.Bind(exch, new EwsJS.FolderId(EwsJS.WellKnownFolderName.MsgFolderRoot))
.then(function (root) {
return root.FindFolders(new EwsJS.FolderView(100));
}).then(function (subfolders) {
subfolders.Folders.forEach(function (f) {
console.log(f.DisplayName + " : " + f.FolderClass + " : " + f.TotalCount);
}).catch(function (err) {
console.log("Error occurred");