EZ Objects v2.4.1
EZ Objects is a Node.js module (that can also be usefully browserify'd) that aims to save you lots of time
writing class objects. All you have to do is create simple configurations for each of your objects and then call
the library function(s). Let's start by showing a basic example:
Basic Example
const ezobjects = require('ezobjects');
className: 'DatabaseRecord',
properties: [
{ name: 'id', type: 'number', setTransform: x => parseInt(x) }
const record = new DatabaseRecord();
In this short snippet, we have effectively created a new class named DatabaseRecord
. The class
has a constructor, an initializer, and a getter/setter method for id
. The constructor calls the
initializer (named init
), which sets the value of id
to the default for type number, being
zero in this case. You could also explicitly pass a default by adding a default
key to the property,
should you so desire. We've also added a transform function that will take any value passed to the id
setter and apply parseInt() to it.
MySQL Example w/ Extended Object
Importing Note: You must have a unique integer property named id
to be able to use the MySQL
functionality of EZ Objects.
const ezobjects = require('./index');
const fs = require('fs');
const moment = require('moment');
const configMySQL = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('mysql-config.json'));
const db = new ezobjects.MySQLConnection(configMySQL);
const configDatabaseRecord = {
className: 'DatabaseRecord',
properties: [
name: 'id',
type: 'number',
mysqlType: 'int',
autoIncrement: true,
primary: true,
setTransform: x => parseInt(x)
const configUser = {
tableName: 'users',
className: 'User',
extends: DatabaseRecord,
extendsConfig: configDatabaseRecord,
stringSearchField: 'username',
properties: [
name: 'username',
type: 'string',
mysqlType: 'varchar',
length: 20
name: 'firstName',
type: 'string',
mysqlType: 'varchar',
length: 20
name: 'lastName',
type: 'string',
mysqlType: 'varchar',
length: 20
name: 'checkingBalance',
type: 'number',
mysqlType: 'double',
setTransform: x => parseFloat(x)
name: 'permissions',
type: 'Array',
mysqlType: 'text',
saveTransform: x => x.join(','),
loadTransform: x => x.split(',').map(x => parseInt(x))
name: 'favoriteDay',
type: 'Date',
mysqlType: 'datetime',
saveTransform: x => moment(x).format('Y-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
loadTransform: x => new Date(x)
indexes: [
{ name: 'lastName', type: 'BTREE', columns: [ 'lastName' ] }
const user = new User({
username: 'richlowe',
firstName: 'Rich',
lastName: 'Lowe',
checkingBalance: 4.32,
permissions: [1, 3, 5],
favoriteDay: new Date('01-01-2018')
(async () => {
await ezobjects.createTable(db, configUser);
await user.insert(db);
Expected Output
User {
_id: 1,
_username: 'richlowe',
_firstName: 'Rich',
_lastName: 'Lowe',
_checkingBalance: 4.32,
_permissions: [ 1, 3, 5 ],
_favoriteDay: 2018-01-01T06:00:00.000Z }
In this snippet, we've created two classes, DatabaseRecord and User. User extends DatabaseRecord and is also associated with
a MySQL table called users
. Each property is given a JavaScript type
and a MySQL mysqlType
. Additional MySQL property
configuration options can be provided, which are outlined in more detail below. A BTREE index is also added on the lastName column
for faster searching by lastName. While not required, the moment library is used to help translate date formats between MySQL
and JavaScript.
Since the User class configuration provided a tableName
property, it will automatically have additional methods created that are
not present in a basic EZ Object. The additional methods are delete(db), insert(db), load(db, id), and update(db). These methods can
be used to delete the MySQL record corresponding to the object, insert the object properties as a new MySQL record, load a MySQL record
into the object properties, or update an existing MySQL record using the object properties. Transforms can be used to validate or
manipulate the property values when they are get or set in the object, or when they are saved or loaded from the database.
Various Uses of EZ Objects
Constructor Default
const a = new User();
Expected Output
User {
_id: 0,
_firstName: '',
_lastName: '',
_checkingBalance: 0,
_permissions: [],
_favoriteDay: null }
Using Initializer Object
const b = new User({
id: 1,
firstName: 'Rich',
lastName: 'Lowe',
checkingBalance: 4.32,
permissions: [1, 3, 5],
favoriteDay: new Date('01-01-2018')
Expected Output
User {
_id: 1,
_firstName: 'Rich',
_lastName: 'Lowe',
_checkingBalance: 4.32,
_permissions: [ 1, 3, 5 ],
_favoriteDay: 2018-01-01T06:00:00.000Z }
Using Auto-generated Setters
const c = new User();
c.permissions([1, 4]);
c.favoriteDay(new Date('06-01-2017'));
Expected Output
User {
_id: 2,
_firstName: 'Bert',
_lastName: 'Reynolds',
_checkingBalance: 91425518.32,
_permissions: [ 1, 4 ],
_favoriteDay: 2017-06-01T05:00:00.000Z }
Using Auto-generated Getters
console.log(`ID: ${c.id()}`);
console.log(`First Name: ${c.firstName()}`);
console.log(`Last Name: ${c.lastName()}`);
console.log(`Checking Balance: $${c.checkingBalance()}`);
console.log(`Permissions: ${c.permissions().join(`, `)}`);
console.log(`Favorite Day: ${c.favoriteDay().toString()}`);
Expected Output
ID: 2
First Name: Bert
Last Name: Reynolds
Checking Balance: $91425518.32
Permissions: 1, 4
Favorite Day: Thu Jun 01 2017 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (CDT)
See example.js and example-mysql.js for more!
Module Specification
The module has three exports:
ezobjects.createTable(db, obj)
- Creates a MySQL table corresponding to the configuration outlined in
, if it doesn't already exist
- Creates an ES6 class corresponding to the configuration outlined in
, with constructor, initializer, getters, setters, and also delete, insert, load, and update if tableName
is configured
- A MySQL database connection wrapper that uses the standard mysql package and wraps it with async/await and transaction helpers
An object configuration can have the following:
- tableName - string - (optional) Provide if object should be linked with MySQL database table
- className - string - (required) Name of the class
- extends - object - (optional) The object that the new object should be extended from [required to extend object]
- extendsConfig - object - (optional) The EZ Object configuration for the object that is being extended from [required to extend object]
- stringSearchField - string (optional) The name of a unique property of type
that you want to be able to load with as an alternative to id
- properties - Array - (required) An array of properties that the object (and MySQL table, if applicable) should contain
- indexes - Array - (optional) An array of indexes that should be created in the MySQL table, if applicable
A property configuration can have the following:
- name - string - (required) Name of the property, must conform to both JavaScript and MySQL rules
- type - string - (required) JavaScript data type for the property
- mysqlType - string - (optional) MySQL data type for the property [required for MySQL table association]
- length - number - (optional) MySQL data length for the property [required for MySQL table association on some data types like VARCHAR]
- decimals - number - (optional) Number of decimals that should be provided for certain data types when SELECT'ed from the MySQL table
- primary - boolean - (optional) Indicates the property is a PRIMARY KEY in the MySQL table [required for MySQL table association on at least one property in the table]
- unique - boolean - (optional) Indicates the property is a UNIQUE KEY in the MySQL table
- null - boolean - (optional) Indicates the property can be NULL [default is properties must be NOT NULL]
- default - mixed - (optional) Sets the default value for the property in the class object
- mysqlDefault - mixed - (optional) Sets the default value for the property in the MySQL table, assuming its of the correct type
- unsigned - boolean - (optional) Indicates the property should be unsigned in the MySQL table
- zerofill - boolean - (optional) Indicates the property should be zero-filled in the MySQL table
- comment - string - (optional) Indicates the property should note the provided comment in the MySQL table
- charsetName - string - (optional) Indicates the property should use the provided charset in the MySQL table
- collationName - string - (optional) Indicates the property should use the provided collation in the MySQL table
- autoIncrement - boolean - (optional) Indicates the property should be auto-incremented in the MySQL table
- getTransform - function - (optional) Function that transforms and returns the property value prior to getting
- setTransform - function - (optional) Function that transforms and returns the property value prior to setting
- saveTransform - function - (optional) Function that transforms and returns the property value prior to saving in the database
- loadTransform - function - (optional) Function that transforms and returns the property value after loading from the database
An index configuration can have the following (for MySQL table association only):
- name - string - (required) Name of the index, can be arbitrary, but must be unique and not PRIMARY
- type - string - (optional) Index type, can be BTREE or HASH, defaults to BTREE
- keyBlockSize - number - (optional) Indicates the index should use the provided key block size
- withParser - string - (optional) Indicates the index should use the provided parser
- visible - boolean - (optional) Indicates the index should be visible
- invisible - boolean - (optional) Indicates the index should be invisible
Default intiailizations for different JavaScript types
- number - 0
- string - ''
- boolean - false
- Array - []
- anything else - null