⎛ℹ️⎞ About
Fast-mod Package it's a unique package made by Jeotique that allows you to be more faster with the basic moderation functions...
⎜📥⎟ Installation
To install fast-mod package you need:
You need to install Node.js.
You need a package called discord.js.
You need a package called ms to use the bin function.
You need a package called pretty-ms to use the bin function.
You need a package called quick.db to use the bin function.
Then you can open your application's terminal and type:
$ npm install discord.js
$ npm install ms
$ npm install pretty-ms
$ npm install quick.db
$ npm install fast-mod
⎜➡️⎟ Usage
The available functions are:
- Create or assign a mute role faster (auto permission).Mute
- Fast mute function.Tempmute
- Fast tempmute function.Unmute
- Fast unmute function.Kick
- Fast kick function.Ban
- Fast ban function.
SetupMute is a fast function to create or assign a muted role with permission.
const mod = require('fast-mod')
const db = require('quick.db')
module.export.run => (client, message) {
if(!message.member.hasPermission('ADMINISTRATOR')) return message.reply("Permission missing \`ADMINISTRATOR\`")
let role = db.fetch(`mute_${message.guild.id}`)
if(!args[0] && !role) return mod.SetupMute(client, message, 'create')
if(!role && args[0]=='create') return mod.SetupMute(client, message, 'create')
if(role && !args[0]) return mod.SetupMute(client, message, role)
if(role && args[0]) return mod.SetupMute(client, message, args[0])
Mute is a fast function to mute a member, work only if the mute role is set on the server.
const mod = require('fast-mod')
module.export.run => (client, message, args) {
if(!message.member.hasPermission('ADMINISTRATOR')) return message.reply("Permission missing \`ADMINISTRATOR\`")
mod.Mute(client, message, args)
Tempmute is a fast function to mute a member during a specific time, work only if the mute role is set on the server.
const mod = require('fast-mod')
module.export.run => (client, message, args) {
if(!message.member.hasPermission('ADMINISTRATOR')) return message.reply("Permission missing \`ADMINISTRATOR\`")
mod.Tempmute(client, message, args)
Unmute is a fast function to unmute a member, work only if the mute role is set on the server.
const mod = require('fast-mod')
module.export.run => (client, message, args) {
if(!message.member.hasPermission('ADMINISTRATOR')) return message.reply("Permission missing \`ADMINISTRATOR\`")
mod.Unmute(client, message, args)
Kick is a fast function to kick a member.
const mod = require('fast-mod')
module.export.run => (client, message, args) {
if(!message.member.hasPermission('KICK_MEMBERS')) return message.reply("Permission missing \`KICK MEMBERS\`")
mod.Kick(client, message)
Ban is a fast function to ban a member.
const mod = require('fast-mod')
module.export.run => (client, message, args) {
if(!message.member.hasPermission('BAN_MEMBERS')) return message.reply("Permission missing \`BAN MEMBERS\`")
mod.Ban(client, message)
Unban is a fast function to ban a member.
const mod = require('fast-mod')
module.export.run => (client, message, args) {
if (!message.member.hasPermission('BAN_MEMBERS')) return message.reply("Permission missing \`BAN MEMBERS\`")
mod.Unban(client, message, args)
⎝🔶⎠ Contact us
In case you have idea's to improve the package, or maybe you found some bugs or you need help, you can contact us from our discord server!
Discord support server