
Fastify Plugin to serve webhooks with some useful default settings.
With this plugin, Fastify will have a route configured for /webhook
POST requests.
const fastify = require('fastify')()
In the example folder there are some simple server scripts that uses the plugin (inline but it's the same using it from npm registry).
Fastify ^1.1.0 .
Node.js 8.14.x or later.
By default the plugin map a default handler on the URI /webhook
to be called via POST, otherwise it's possible to change via the setting 'url' in plugin options.
The plugin exposes some handlers, for common base operations (and webhook debug help).
To use one of them, before registering the plugin, you need to get a reference from its src/handlers
source file;
then you can configure the desired one in the setting 'handler' in plugin options.
They are:
(default handler) that simply acknowledge the request, and reply with a simple json responseecho
it dumps the given input data in the (json) responselogger
it dumps some info on the request using Fastify logger
but of course for a real world usage you need to specify your own handler function, with arguments '(req, reply)'.
Otherwise you can use yours, with signature function handler (req, reply)
Other plugin options:
- 'disableDefaultWebhook' (default false) to disable the registration of the route for the webhook
- 'secretKey' (default null) to specify a string as secret key that callers of the webhook must provide, or webhook will reply with an error
- 'beforeHandlers' is a list of functions to be used as beforeHandler in the specific route of the webhook; currently the list contains an internal function to check the secret key (if given); otherwise you can define and use yours, with signature
function beforeHandler (req, reply, done)
Note that there is not a good general way to handle (usually user-specific) token in requests, so this is not managed via the plugin, but in examples and tests you can find some info.
Licensed under Apache-2.0.