A library for correcting fisheye, or barrel distortion, on images in the browser in JavaScript with WebGL.
Adapted from fisheye-correction-webgl by @bluemir.
In the live demo, you can try it out -- use the default image or drag a new one in, and use the sliders to adjust the distortion.
Right click the image to save. Drag a new image in to use the same settings for multiple images.
Lens models
If you can manually correct a particular lens or camera, please file an issue or email to get a preset made; we can save up some presets and add a feature for quick correction of known cameras.
Using it in your code
See main.js
in the examples folder for a working implementation, but the basics are:
var distorter = FisheyeGl({
image: 'path/to/image.jpg',
selector: '#canvas',
lens: {
a: 1,
b: 1,
F: 1,
scale: 1.5
fov: {
x: 1,
y: 1
fragmentSrc: "../shaders/fragment.glfs",
vertexSrc: "../shaders/vertex.glvs"
You will definitely need the two shader files and to provide relative links to them.
Lots of good info here: