FHIR Quality Measure Execution and Highlighting
Library for executing FHIR-based Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs) written in Clinical Quality Language (CQL)
can be installed into your project with npm:
npm install --save fqm-execution
To install the global command line interface (CLI), use npm global installation:
npm install -g fqm-execution
Import the necessary modules:
import { Calculator, MeasureBundleHelpers } from 'fqm-execution';
The following API functions are defined:
Get raw results from CQL engine for each patient.
const rawResults = await Calculator.calculateRaw(measureBundle, patientBundles, options, valueSetCache);
Get detailed population results for each patient.
const detailedResults = await Calculator.calculate(measureBundle, patientBundles, options, valueSetCache);
Get individual FHIR MeasureReports for each patient.
const measureReports = await Calculator.calculateMeasureReports(measureBundle, patientBundles, options, valueSetCache);
Calculator.calculateMeasureReports() with custom patientSource
Get individual FHIR MeasureReports for each patient given a custom patientSource in the options object.
const measureReports = await Calculator.calculateMeasureReports(measureBundle, [], options, valueSetCache);
Get gaps in care for each patient, if present.
const gapsInCare = await Calculator.calculateGapsInCare(measureBundle, patientBundles, options, valueSetCache);
Get data requirements for a given measure (in a bundle).
const dataRequirements = await Calculator.calculateDataRequirements(measureBundle);
Get detailed query info for all statements in a measure.
const queryInfo = await Calculator.calculateQueryInfo(measureBundle);
Add missing ValueSet resources to a measure bundle.
const valueSets = await MeasureBundleHelpers.addValueSetsToMeasureBundle(measureBundle, options);
: Bundle containing a FHIR Measure and its dependent Libraries. FHIR ValueSets may be included as well.patientBundles
: Array of FHIR Bundles containing patient dataoptions
(optional): Object of calculation options (see below)valueSetCache
(optional): Array of FHIR ValueSet resources to use for calculation
Calculation Options
The options that we support for calculation are as follows:
option | type | optional? | description |
verboseCalculationResults | boolean | yes | Use the detailed results interfaces for calculation. Defaults to true. |
enableDebugOutput | boolean | yes | Enable debug output from function calls. Defaults to false. |
includeClauseResults | boolean | yes | Option to include clause results. Defaults to false. |
measurementPeriodStart | string | yes | Start of measurement period. |
measurementPeriodEnd | string | yes | End of measurement period. |
patientSource | DataProvider | yes | PatientSource to use. If provided, the patientBundles are not required. The PatientSource/DataProvider interface is defined in TypeScript by cql-execution. |
reportType | string | yes | Type of MeasureReport to generate: "summary", "subject-list" (not yet supported), or "individual". |
calculateSDEs | boolean | yes | Include Supplemental Data Elements in calculation. Defaults to true. |
calculateHTML | boolean | yes | Include HTML structure for highlighting. Defaults to true. |
calculateClauseCoverage | boolean | yes | Include HTML structure with coverage highlighting. Defaults to true. |
vsAPIKey | string | yes | API key, to be used to access a ValueSet API for downloading any missing ValueSets |
useValueSetCaching | boolean | yes | Whether to cache ValueSets obtained by an API on the filesystem. Defaults to false. |
useElmJsonsCaching | boolean | yes | Whether to cache the ELM JSONs and associated information from calculation. Defaults to false. |
clearElmJsonsCache | boolean | yes | Whether to clear the ELM JSONs cache before running calculation. Defaults to false. |
profileValidation | boolean | yes | To "trust" the content of meta.profile as a source of truth for what profiles the data that cql-exec-fhir grabs validates against. Defaults to false. |
To run the globally installed CLI (see above), use the global fqm-execution command
Usage: fqm-execution [command] [options]
help [command] display help for command
--debug Enable debug output. (default: false)
--slim Use slimmed-down calculation results interfaces (default: false)
--report-type <report-type> Type of report, "individual", "summary", "subject-list".
-m, --measure-bundle <measure-bundle> Path to measure bundle.
-p, --patient-bundles <patient-bundles...> Paths to patient bundles. Required unless output type is one of the following: dataRequirements, queryInfo, valueSets.
--as-patient-source Load bundles by creating cql-exec-fhir PatientSource to pass into library calls.
-s, --measurement-period-start <date> Start date for the measurement period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (defaults to the start date defined in the Measure, or 2019-01-01 if not set there).
-e, --measurement-period-end <date> End date for the measurement period, in YYYY-MM-DD format (defaults to the end date defined in the Measure, or 2019-12-31 if not set there).
--vs-api-key <key> API key, to authenticate against the ValueSet service to be used for resolving missing ValueSets.
--cache-valuesets Whether or not to cache ValueSets retrieved from the ValueSet service. (default: false)
--profile-validation To "trust" the content of meta.profile as a source of truth for what profiles the data that cql-exec-fhir grabs validates against. (default: false)
-o, --out-file [file-path] Path to a file that fqm-execution will write the calculation results to (default: output.json)
-h, --help display help for command
fqm-execution reports -m /path/to/measure/bundle.json -p /path/to/patient/bundle.json -o reports.json
fqm-execution reports -m /path/to/measure/bundle.json -p /path/to/patient1/bundle.json /path/to/patient2/bundle.json -o reports.json
If the Measure bundle provided doesn't contain all the required ValueSet
resources (with expansions or composes) to calculate the measure, an API key can be provided to resolve the ValueSets from their provided URLs. Currently only tested with ValueSets from The NLM FHIR ValueSet API.
To find your VSAC API key, sign into the UTS homepage, click on My Profile
in the top right, and copy the API KEY
value from the UMLS Licensee Profile
exports custom-defined TypeScript interfaces used within the code to allow for easy integration into other TypeScript projects. The TypeScript files defining these interfaces can be found here.
The TypeScript interfaces can be imported into another project like so:
import { CalculatorTypes } from 'fqm-execution'
const options: CalculatorTypes.CalculationOptions = { }
Local Development
Local Installation/Usage
Clone the source code:
git clone https://github.com/projecttacoma/fqm-execution.git
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the CLI with ts-node:
npm run cli -- [command] [options]
Or using the built JavaScript:
npm run build
node build/cli.js [command] [options]
Optionally, you can install the ts-node
utility globally to execute the TypeScript files directly instead of running the build script:
npm install -g ts-node
ts-node --files src/cli.ts [command] [options]
Debug Option
The CLI comes built with a debug option (-d/--debug
) which will include a debugOutput
property on the results object containing any CQL, ELM, ValueSets, and engine results processed during execution.
Debugging in VS Code
To attach a debugger to the TypeScript files for deeper inspection of the tool's functionality, we recommend using the VS Code text editor to be able to provide easy debugger configuration.
Add the following contents to .vscode/launch.json
in the root of the project directory:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Program",
"skipFiles": [
"preLaunchTask": "npm: build",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/src/cli.ts",
"outFiles": [
"internalConsoleOptions": "openOnSessionStart",
"args": ["<reports | detailed | raw | gaps | dataRequirements | queryInfo | valueSets>", "-m", "${workspaceFolder}/relative/path/to/measure/bundle.json", "-p", "${workspaceFolder}/relative/path/to/patient/bundle.json", "-o"]
This will allow you to run the CLI from the Run
tab in VS Code, and will halt execution of the program at any breakpoints or debugger
statements in the code, to allow for debugging of the functionality.
(Note: the dataRequirements
, queryInfo
, and valueSets
commands do not require patient bundle(s) to be specified in the args
We use Jest for unit-testing fqm-execution
. Tests can be running using the test
script in package.json:
npm test
When contributing new code, ensure that all tests, lint, and prettier checks pass with the following command:
npm run check
Architecture Overview

A visual representation of the calculate sequence of the application can be seen below:

For suggestions or contributions, please use GitHub Issues or open a Pull Request.
Copyright 2020-2022 The MITRE Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.