This project owns three core features, each simplifying working with fragment shaders in the browser.
A tiny, highly-performant WebGL fragment shader renderer.
import Shader from './classes/Shader';
new Shader({
shader: `
void main () {
gl_FragColor = vec4(.8, .2, .6, 1.);
Small footprint (3.53kb
Phenomenal performance characteristics, both in rendering speed and memory consumption.
Zero-configuration instantiation.
Control with pure CSS; uses a ResizeObserver to automatically size itself according to its parent container.
type ShaderConfig = {
parent?: HTMLElement | string | undefined;
dpr?: number;
onResize?: ({ width, height, dpr }: Artboard) => unknown;
debug?: boolean;
vertexShader?: string;
fragmentShader?: string;
shader?: string;
animate?: boolean;
shaderpad?: boolean;
uniforms?: Uniform[];
A uniform is structured as [name, type, value]
, where type is mapped as:
const MAP = {
0: 'float'
1: 'bool'
2: 'vec2'
3: 'vec3'
4: 'vec4'
type FloatUniform = [string, 0, number];
type BooleanUniform = [string, 1, boolean];
type Vec2Uniform = [string, 2, [number, number]];
type Vec3Uniform = [string, 3, [number, number, number]];
type Vec4Uniform = [string, 4, [number, number, number, number]];
type Uniform =
| FloatUniform
| BooleanUniform
| Vec2Uniform
| Vec3Uniform
| Vec4Uniform;
An in-browser GLSL editor implemented with Codemirror.
import Editor from './classes/Editor';
new Editor({
doc: `
void main () {
gl_FragColor = vec4(.8, .2, .6, 1.);
- Smart syntax highlighting.
- Language and uniform-aware autocomplete.
- Automatic bracket closing, bracket matching highlighting.
- Supports both
A Shader
and Editor
instance, synced – a live-rendered editor environment.
import SandBox from './classes/SandBox';
new SandBox({
shader: `
void main () {
gl_FragColor = vec4(.8, .2, .6, 1.);
- Re-renders on every keystroke.
- Mobile-friendly.